Sympatho-adrenal crisis - symptoms, causes, emergency and treatment

Sympathetic-adrenal crista is a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia hypertensive type. This condition is also called a panic attack. It develops more often in the afternoon and at night. Sympatho-adrenal crisis is not a disease, but a syndrome that appears sharply in the form of an acute sudden attack and is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Causes of sympatho-adrenal crisis

The causes of the crisis are diverse, but the main one is a panic attack, which first appears not according to human will, but as a result of psychotrauma and experiences.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of the sympatho-adrenal crisis:

  • Harmful habits;
  • Psycho-emotional loads;
  • Postponed neuroinfection;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Cardiovascular disorders;
  • Cholesterolemia and obesity;
  • Personal features;
  • Craniocerebral injury;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

At the time of the crises there is a sharp jump in blood pressure, which accompanies tachycardia, increased sweating and frequent urge to urinate.

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This condition occurs most often at the initial stage of the development of hypertension and in young people with weak willpower.

Occasionally, there may be a sympathetic adrenal crisis in persons suffering from endocrine abnormalities of the adrenal medulla and brain diseases.

To find out more about the symptoms of the vegetative crisis, read the article.

Any crises are very often accompanied by headaches. How to treat one of its types, namely - a migraine with an aura, is written here.

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FOR MURDERING from vegetative-vascular dystonia Elena Malysheva recommends a new method on the basis of the Monastery collection of Father George.

It consists of 16 useful medicinal plants, which have extremely high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of VSD, arrhythmia, hypertension, migraines and many other diseases. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemistry and hormones! Read about Malysheva's technique »

Symptoms of

Symptoms of this condition usually develop after severe stress, after physical and mental fatigue, and also as a female premenstrual syndrome.

During the crisis there is a delay in the release of urine.

The main symptoms are:

  • Sensations of pain in the chest and heart;
  • Occasionally elevated body temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Drought in the mouth;
  • Examination of limbs;
  • Bulge of eyeballs;
  • Rapid heart rate( arrhythmia);
  • Chills;
  • Headaches;
  • Sensation of chest compressions;
  • Fear of death and horror;
  • Increased sweating;

Duration of crisis

The crisis lasts no more than 1-2 hours, but the shortest seizures are possible, which are more difficult to bear. At the time of an attack a person can experience horror, as well as fear of approaching death.

After the end of the attack, there is profuse urination. It occurs due to the increased activity of the kidneys, as a result of increased pressure. Also, after a crash, a person feels exhausted.

For some time my head hurts and a slight tremor runs through my body. During this period, you need to distract yourself and switch to something pleasant, in order to avoid the next attack that may occur, because of the fear again feel like that.


Diagnosing the causes of sympatho-adrenal crisis is a fairly long process, which in some cases takes years.

During this period, doctors often take measures to normalize blood pressure, treating patients as hypertensive patients.

In order to determine the predisposition to sympatho-adrenal crisis and strengthen your body by preventing the occurrence of seizures, or to find out what is the reason for the panic attack that has already occurred, you should undergo the following examinations:

  • Cardiogram and ultrasound of the heart;
  • Tomography of the brain;
  • Spinal cord examination;
  • ultrasound of the thyroid and adrenal glands;
  • Examination from a neurologist.

For the appointment of an effective treatment the doctor studies the history of the crisis, specifying the presence of hereditary predisposition and bad habits.

The way of life of the patient, the nature of nutrition and the psychological situation in which he is located are considered.

If no pathological processes are detected during the passage of recommended examinations, then the patient is obligated to consult a therapist.


At the beginning of treatment it is recommended to regulate the rest regime, mental and physical loads, and also eliminate negative psychological effects.

It is prescribed a vitaminized strict diet, eliminating fatty foods and food that excites the nervous system.

Before the main treatment, the existing concomitant diseases are eliminated and all bad habits are eliminated. Physical exercise classes are welcome, and if possible, it is recommended to visit the swimming pool.

If these recommendations are followed, drug therapy is not mandatory in all cases, since such measures can solve the problem by protecting a person from the occurrence of seizures.

If preventive measures are not sufficient, psychotherapy or drug therapy is prescribed, depending on the cause of the disease.

With the recurrence of the crisis, a complex treatment is appointed, the action of which is aimed at eradicating psychological causes, which is combined with drug therapy aimed at reducing adrenaline in the blood.

Drug therapy

The following groups of medicines are prescribed for the treatment of sympathoadrenal crises:

  • Herbal medicines ( St. John's wort, valerian, sage, motherwort and hawthorn) - moderate sedative effect of herbs allows to avoid taking serious medications. With a positive effect, herbal preparations are taken for a long period of time, which ranges from six months to a year;
  • Antagonists ( Anaprilin, Corvitol and Atenolol);- appointed as a preventive therapy or to eliminate the crisis that has already happened;
  • Tranquilizers ( Adaptol, Gidazepam and Phenazepam) - are used both for cupping and for the prevention of crisis conditions. Accepted only during the first time, because they have similar side effects, such as reducing the ability to think and the development of psychological dependence.

Non-pharmacologic therapy

Non-drug therapy is used in the search for the causes of the pathological condition and their resolution. In this case, several effective methods are used, each of which is selected individually, which depends on the causes of the crisis, personality and temperament of the patient.

Selective antidepressants( Paxil and Cipralex) - are prescribed as psychotherapy and can be used for a long time, until the psychoemotional imbalance is completely eliminated.

Myofascial syndrome is a very unpleasant manifestation of overexertion, which can affect various muscle groups. Here you will read how to avoid it.

Do you know anything about mild vestibulo-atactic syndrome? If not, then you are here.

The main signs of cerebral vasospasm can be found by clicking on the link http: // bolezni-nevrologii / sosudistye-zabolevanija-mozga / spazm-sosudov-golovnogo-mozga.html.

When urgent medical attention is needed

At the time of the appearance of the sympatho-adrenal crisis, urgent medical care is not required, as a person can take control of himself and prevent the peak of this condition.

You can use sedatives, which after half an hour will remove the symptoms of the crisis.

The sympathetic adrenal crisis varies in severity:

  • A mild crisis lasts 15 minutes, during which symptomatology is almost not manifested. Asthenia does not accompany this condition, which suggests that a person alone, without medical help, can cope with the panic that has arisen;
  • attacks of medium severity last for an hour, accompanied by a large number of symptoms characteristic of this condition. Asthenia after this degree of severity continues for 24-36 hours;
  • Severe crisis - lasts about an hour, the symptoms are very pronounced, asthenia lasts for several days.

With mild severity, a person can cope with a panic attack on his own, and an average and severe degree of crisis requires medical attention. This is mainly necessary for strong blood pressure jumps, faintness and increased heart rate.

As an emergency, Relium injections are used, which are administered intravenously and quickly relieve panic attack in sympatho-adenal crisis.

Once a person comes back to normal, he feels strong dizziness, and slows down for some time.

Prevention measures

As a preventive measure of the sympatho-adrenal crisis, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Healthy and full-fledged sleep;
  • Daily walks in the fresh air;
  • Food intake should be frequent, but in small portions;
  • Sufficient physical activity;
  • Reducing the use of stimulants( large doses of B vitamins, alcoholic and energy drinks);
  • Refusal to watch movies and programs containing scenes of violence.

Complications of

Sympatho-adrenal crisis, although not a disease, can cause serious consequences for untimely treatment of this condition and the diseases that caused it.

Complications of sympatho-adrenal crisis:

  • Acute cerebral infarction;
  • Intracerebral haemorrhage;
  • Hypertensive acute encephalopathy;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Unstable angina;
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Acute congestive heart failure.

In order to prevent the appearance of the sympathoadrenal crisis, the first symptoms of this condition should be consulted by a doctor who prescribes the necessary examinations, as well as preventive or, if necessary, treatment, appropriate for each individual case.

In the video Д.м.н.Mikhail Viktorovich Golubev reveals the topic of increased anxiety and panic attacks:

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