Medicines used in the treatment of constipation in adults, powder and capsules, the best, herbal, medical, effective, new, which ones will help?

People, at least once in their life, faced with such a delicate problem as constipation, they know how difficult it is to find a suitable method of treatment. The shelves of modern pharmacies are overcrowded with drugs used to restore stools in adult patients. But do not hurry with the choice. Not all products offered in pharmaceuticals, tablets, powders or capsules will solve the problem. All medications for constipation are combined according to the mechanism of action into several groups, each of which has certain advantages, as well as contraindications. That is why the agent for a particular patient should be selected by a doctor. Only in this case it will act quickly, and the treatment will be most effective. Many are interested in the question of what exactly drugs against constipation exist and what is their mechanism of action. Experts in the field of gastroenterology note the following groups:

  • Means that have an irritating effect. With their help, rapid stimulation of the receptors of the mucous membrane of the large intestine occurs. This leads to an increase in peristalsis and acceleration of the movement of stool masses, so that their stagnation is prevented. Representatives of this species are such herbal remedies as senna herb and root of the buckthorn, as well as capsules from Dulcolax constipation;
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  • Also widely used are constipation drugs in adults that have a rapid osmotic effect. This group of medicines includes magnesia, produced in the form of a powder. With its help, excessive absorption of water into the blood is blocked. As a result, the stool masses remain soft and move freely along the digestive organ;
  • Probiotics in the treatment of constipation are used both for normalization of microflora and for softening of feces due to increased osmotic pressure. The best and fastest action was observed in such drugs as Exportall powder and Dufalac syrup.

In therapeutic activities, such herbal preparations are also required from constipation, which are considered to be excipients. They contribute to the improvement of the intestine by softening and increasing the volume of feces. For these purposes, flaxseed and wheat bran are usually used.

Preparations for the normalization of the intestines with constipation

The choice of medical devices for chronic stool delays should first of all be aimed at restoring the functions of the digestive organ. Only after it is regulated its functional activity, a person can get rid of manifestations of unpleasant symptoms, and restore the habitual quality of life. All patients, without exception, are interested in the question of what drugs will help with constipation. In order not to get confused when choosing medications that normalize the intestinal function in adults, a brief review should be conducted:

  • Constipation powder Export( Lactiol) is the safest laxative. Promotes an increase in the volume and softening of stool. Contraindication to use are rectal bleedings of unknown origin;
  • Mukofalk, a vegetative preparation from constipations, prepared from shells of seeds of a plantain. It normalizes the work of the mucosa of the large intestine, without exerting any irritating effect. The drug is completely safe and is allowed to pregnant women;
  • Linaclotype, a new selective enterokinetic, has virtually no side effects. Due to its high efficiency and safety, this constipation drug may soon become the undisputed leader among the medical devices used to treat abnormal pathological dysfunction.

Many patients are interested in Forgett, a new drug for constipation. This powder is used in symptomatic therapy of pathology in adults and children. But it will help only in the event that the organic cause that provoked the onset of the disease is excluded. Also this new remedy should be prescribed individually, since he has certain contraindications.

All described constipation drugs represent only a small part of the funds intended for the restoration of the functioning of the digestive system. They deserved many positive reviews and repeatedly proved their effectiveness during the therapy of the disease. But due to the fact that all drugs for the treatment of constipation in adults have side effects, they can be applied only after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, instead of the expected positive result, it is possible to achieve only aggravation of symptoms or provoke the development of severe complications.

Preparations for intestinal microflora with constipation

Restoration of the quantitative and qualitative composition of beneficial bacteria in this disease is also given considerable importance. The reason for this lies in the fact that during prolonged stagnation of stool in the digestive organs, they begin to decompose, provoking the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. Useful microflora in this situation is dying. Therefore, all patients suffering from prolonged constipation need to take medications such as probiotics. They contribute to improving the motor-evacuation functions of the digestive organs, increasing the volume of feces and softening its consistency, and restoring useful microflora. In addition, these medical products have antibacterial action, due to which the rapid death of pathogenic bacteria occurs. What constipation drugs are used for this purpose:

  • Lactofiltrum. This drug is used in complex therapy. Due to it, the intensity of toxic conditions decreases and the microflora is restored. It is contraindicated only with obstruction and internal bleeding of the digestive tract.
  • Hilak forte is prescribed for symptomatic treatment of constipation. The preparation contains the main products necessary for the exchange of normal microflora. Thanks to it, epithelial cells are regenerated and the synthesis of vitamins is restored;
  • Bifiform, available in capsules, tablets and powders, is considered one of the best tools in this group. Its unique action is based on the fact that the biologically active bacteria contained in it very quickly multiply in the digestive organs. Also, powders and capsules from constipation are very convenient for patients of any age.

But these above described constipation medications, in spite of the fact that they practically do not cause side effects, should also be prescribed by a specialist. The thing is that the body of each patient is individual. That is why what helps one, can cause irreparable harm to others. The choice of medical devices and therapeutic techniques for dysfunctional disorders of the digestive organs should be the prerogative of the doctor.

Allergies from constipation

All drugs produced by the modern pharmacological industry and designed to treat long delays in acts of defecation have side effects, so their use in some cases can be harmful. In this regard, most patients turn to the age-old recipes of traditional medicine for help. In order to get rid of disorders of the stool, they use teas and decoctions of medicinal herbs. But in these preparations from constipation there is a big minus - duration of preparation. Therefore, lately industrial laxatives have been set up on the basis of plant raw materials.

The advantage of these constipation products is that they are manufactured in a convenient factory form and do not require tiring homemade cooking. Also, the variety of natural remedies enables any patient, despite age and concomitant diseases, to find the most suitable for himself. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that any laxative drug intended to relieve a patient of constipation is a means of episodic help. It should be used only in emergency cases. It is best to solve the problem with stool delay by changing the lifestyle, avoiding bad habits and adjusting the diet.

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