Wet hemorrhoids, symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, than to treat?

Hemorrhoids are quite specific diseases. That is why the clinical picture can differ in each case. Symptomatology depends on the stage and location of cavernous formations. To one of these varieties of ailment is the soaking hemorrhoids.

It is best not to resort to treatment on your own. This can be done only after diagnosis and agreement with the doctor. Wet hemorrhoids are characterized by such a symptom as colorless discharge from the rectum. Sometimes such discharges can be abundant.

In most cases, when the hemorrhoids become wet:

  • Involuntary gas separation;
  • Fecal incontinence;
  • Dermatitis appears.

Unlike other forms, soaking hemorrhoids flow without pain. With defecation, bleeding may occur. This is due to the fact that high humidity contributes to damage to blood vessels located in the rectum. In some cases, thrombosis of cavernous sacs is possible.

High humidity can cause an infectious disease. If the infection is not stopped in time, necrosis of the hemorrhoids can occur.

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Treatment of a dying hemorrhoids

Patients should be aware that dying hemorrhoids become only at the last stage, and is also a consequence of ineffective treatment. It should be noted that conservative therapy will not give the proper effect.

The quality of life deteriorates, as an adult should wear diapers. Do not rely on enemas, hygiene and diet. Without proper therapy, all this will not work.

The situation can only worsen with each passing day. The enema can provoke a constant separation of feces that can not be controlled. It is best to resort to minimally invasive methods when wetting hemorrhoids:

  • Latex rings;
  • Infrared photocoagulation;
  • Sclerotherapy.

Unfortunately, in most cases, even minimally invasive methods can not cope with a wetting hemorrhoids. In this case, the only effective way out of the current situation is the operation.

Even knowing about the consequences, many patients are afraid to lie down on the operating table. The consequences of surgical intervention are insignificant in comparison with inaction. Without surgery, a patient may experience severe bleeding. There may also be an infringement of cavernous formations.

Surgical intervention, completely relieve the patient of a dying hemorrhoids, but do not forget that a relapse may occur. To prevent this from happening, the treatment of a dying hemorrhoids after an operation must be done with folk remedies.

Interim Measures to Relieve Wet Hemorrhoids

Most operations take several days to prepare. All this time the patient, somehow must fight the disease. Excellent with a similar task cure healing and drying drugs. You can use ointments:

  1. Drapolen;
  2. Desithin;

Before using one of the ointments, the perianal area should be moistened with cold water, and then with a soft cloth, dry the anus.

Unfortunately, such medications can only remove the symptoms of a dying hemorrhoids for a while. As soon as it becomes possible to operate, you need to take advantage of this opportunity. If this is not done, serious complications may appear.

Postoperative treatment of the wetting hemorrhoids

To avoid relapse, patients should know what to treat with a wetting hemorrhoids. After returning from the hospital, you do not need to give up restorative therapy. It is necessary to resort to the help of traditional medicine.

Perfectly help baths and lotions. To perform the procedure, you must perform the following actions:

  • In a small basin, collect cold water;
  • After the container has been filled with water, the patient must immerse the perianal area in the tub;
  • The procedure should not last more than 5 minutes.

For quick recovery instead of regular water, you can use a decoction of onion husks, as well as manganese. Many doctors advise using chamomile infusion.

Everyone can prepare medicinal infusion independently. To prepare it you will need:

  • Chamomile or burdock root;
  • In case if both plants are used, it is necessary to mix them in equal proportions. For 1 liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of herbal mixture;
  • The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and placed on a water bath;
  • The medicine should boil for about 15 minutes, then steep for a while;
  • After the medicine is infused, it must be poured into the basin to take a sitting bath.

Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is possible to quickly eliminate the effects of soaking hemorrhoids. Sitting baths restore the skin, heal cracks that arise in the rectum, and dry the skin.

Gadgets, as well as baths, will help the patient recover quickly. For the lotions, the following components are recommended:

  • Propolis;
  • Birch resin;
  • Sea buckthorn oil.

All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts, after which it is applied to the perianal area with the help of tissue. If, wetting hemorrhoids is located inside the rectum, it is necessary to use a gauze swab. Before inserting a tampon into the anal opening, it must be moistened with a medicinal mixture.

As a lotion, you can use rowan, beet and onion juice. These components can be used individually or together.

For quick recovery, propolis or bee honey is best used. Such ingredients contain vitamins and nutrients. They quickly get rid of inflammation, as well as repair damaged tissue. Honey is able to:

  • Healing;
  • Fight with bacteria;
  • Decrease itching.

Treating wet hemorrhoids with the help of folk remedies can be carried out only under the close supervision of a doctor. Before using these or other components, it is necessary to consult a proctologist or other specialist who conducted the operation.

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