Nevus of sebaceous glands of Jadassona: photo, symptoms, causes, complications, diagnosis and treatment

Nevus Yadassona is a tumor that occurs when there is a deviation in the formation and development of sebaceous glands and other skin elements. The disease was first described in 1985.

It was proved that this variant and the warty nevus are closely related, but more often they do not bear negative consequences. Therefore, many of them consider the options of the norm.

This ailment occurs with equal frequency in both sexes of all races. In neonates, it occurs in 0.3% of cases.

The nevus of the sebaceous gland is often regarded as an isolated lesion that occurs at birth or at an early age, while individual symptoms do not develop until puberty.

Clinic of nevus of sebaceous glands of Jadassona

Nevus of sebaceous glands is mainly manifested on the scalp. In fact, this is a hematoma, that is, the nodal formation that arose due to a disruption in the development of tissues in the process of embryonic development.

More often is a single, limited oval, linear zones of alopecia, which are covered with waxy plaques.

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Photo of a nevus of sebaceous glands on the face

Seborrheic nevi have several stages of development:

  • first develops on the skin of babies, while there is no hair on the site, and the skin has papillae;
  • the second appears in adolescents, when globular papules begin to appear, closely adjacent to each other;
  • the third appears in the youthful period and can lead to serious consequences.

The third stage is dangerous, as the body grows the possibility of transformation of the tumor into a malignant one.

The causes of the appearance of the disease to this day remain unclear. Depending on the location of the nevus, a person can be disfigured. Neoplastic changes often occur in adulthood.

Risk Factors

Despite the fact that the etiology of the disease has not yet been detected, doctors and scientists have identified factors that contribute to the appearance of a benign or malignant tumor.

One of the most common is degeneration into malignant formation due to hyperplasia.

This is due to the merger of several nevi. This phenomenon can reach up to 10 cm, but always affects the surface limited.

Another reason was genetics. The altered gene is transmitted from the mother or father, and in some circumstances leads to the appearance of a nevus, which turns into a malignant tumor.

Also to factors include:

  • appearance of acne,
  • chronic ailments,
  • adverse ecology.

Complications of

formation The sebaceous nevus can be asymptomatic, but due to complications it requires the control of an oncologist, dermatologist and timely treatment.

Sometimes a large nevus can cause a person inconvenience, especially if located in a place of contact with hats or clothes.

Danger may occur if damage has been noted in the area of ​​the affected area. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


When collecting an anamnesis, attention is paid to when the education appeared, whether there were similar relatives.

At general examination the doctor can put the preliminary diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnostics makes it possible to differentiate diseases from skin cancer, dermal aplasia, solidarity mastocytoma, papillary nevus.

The latter is characterized by an intense pink color, the mastocytoma has a completely different structure.

Histology is used to clarify the diagnosis. It allows you to determine the depth, features of the education that has arisen. A check for atypical cells can prevent the development of a malignant tumor.

If necessary, a smear is taken, which determines the risk of degeneration, but this type of examination also causes trauma to the nevus.

Treatment of seborrheic nevus

The removal of a nevus is most often suggested. Doing this is better before the onset of puberty. Excision also allows you to solve cosmetic problems.

For manipulation three techniques are used:

  • surgical removal,
  • destruction by liquid nitrogen,
  • excision with an electron-knife.

If atypical cells are found in the process, then repeated diagnosis is performed, which allows to detect metastases on the face and in other organs.

Removal of nevus of sebaceous glands of Jadassona, in this video:

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