How is conjunctivitis treated in adults?

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1 Medication therapy

If you want to cure the disease yourself, you should diagnose it. Help in this will be the possession of information about the basic symptoms. These include swollen eyelids, constant lacrimation, sometimes there is a high fever, lethargy, burning. In rare cases, there is a fainting of the eye.

Before the treatment of the disease and the use of special drops should be recorded with a doctor for advice.

The most popular drops:

  1. Zipromed. This drug works best against bacterial conjunctivitis in adults.
  2. Lecrolin. Used to treat allergic conjunctivitis, has antihistaminic properties.
  3. Albucid. A combined agent that can treat conjunctivitis in adults with various types of disease.
  4. Levomycetin. Antibiotic, which is great for bacterial conjunctivitis.
  5. Ophthalmoferon. A remedy for viral and bacterial disease.
  6. Furacilin. This remedy treats the eyes. You will need to buy a sterile solution of furacilin or make it yourself. The latter consists in placing 0.02 grams of tablets in 200 ml of warm water. After they are completely dissolved, you need to pass through the three-layer gauze cloth mixture, so that the particles do not hit the shell.
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We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

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  • Treatment of conjunctivitis in the home
  • Symptoms and treatment for viral conjunctivitis
  • Contemporary preparations from Pressure!

Wash your hands with soap before washing. Make sure that the temperature of the drug does not exceed 37 ° C.It is important to treat both eyes, despite the fact that only one is struck. During washing, use thick cotton wool or specially designed cups from the pharmacy.

2 Diagnosis and folk methods

Folk methods are an excellent means of treating conjunctivitis in an adult effectively and without negative consequences. All this is true only if the disease is diagnosed correctly. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who explains how to treat conjunctivitis.

To determine the methods of treatment of conjunctivitis and choose the right scheme of recovery, you need to remember the time of the disease, the number of repetitions of the disease, not to miss a single symptom. It is also necessary to correctly establish the appearance of conjunctivitis.

During the whole treatment it is worth remembering the hygienic rules. Only individual towels and handkerchiefs should be used. Before each procedure, you should wash your hands and treat inflamed eyes with furacilin or fresh strong tea.

Will help to determine the scheme of recovery from illness ophthalmologist. After determining the type of inflammatory process, he will prescribe medicines.

The main thing in improving the eyes of people's ways is to cleanse the eyes, eliminate edema and reduce the level of pain.

3 Duration of treatment

Most often, the time taken to treat conjunctivitis, depends on the type of eye disease. The disease of a bacterial nature in adults is cured in 7 days. Sometimes complications cause the patient to continue the procedure for 3 weeks.

Viral conjunctivitis is cured within up to 10 days.

Complicated diseases require a twenty-day treatment.

Procedures for treating an allergic disease will take up to two weeks.

With strict adherence to dosages of preparations, hygiene and the use of an integrated approach in the treatment, applying ointments, drops and folk methods, you will achieve a healing effect very quickly.

4 How to cure different types of pathology

If the causes of bacterial conjunctivitis are chlamydia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, prescribe gentamicin drops, Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin 0.5%, Lomefloxacin. Drops are used after a complete cure for the infection.

During the appearance of an allergic disease it is necessary to establish the source of the allergy. Cosmetic, which served as an allergen, must be replaced immediately with another. Nevertheless, in all cases, allergic drugs, cold compresses and antihistamines are prescribed.


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The disease that occurs with complications requires hormonal treatment. In order to avoid confusion, you can buy combination drugs, including interferon, dimedrol and metacel.

In case of a purulent conjunctivitis of one eye, in either case, both should be treated.

Each procedure for instillation into the eye should be accompanied by a preliminary treatment of the affected organ with a decoction of chamomile, a solution of furacilin or tea brew. Treatment is possible only with drops or ointments that have antibacterial action. Such drugs include Ofloxacin, Albutide and Ciprofloxacin. Do not forget about hand hygiene and timely replacement of shawls for contamination.

In case of chronic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to establish the stimuli that caused the disease. Early treatment to a doctor is a guarantee for the recovery of an adult in a short period of time.

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Stages of the healing process:

  1. Astringent compresses using oak bark and strong tea.
  2. Eye drops in the form of a solution of resorcinol and zinc sulfate.
  3. Drops during complications( synthomycin solution).

Use the drops every 3 hours with the pipette replaced. For an early effect, you can additionally use a folk remedy - lotions with pre-dried rose petals.

How to treat conjunctivitis, obtained by viral infection? This disease can pass on its own within 10 days. Nevertheless, such a disease also requires treatment, since there is a possibility of complications and an increase in the duration of the disease to 20 days.

Antiviral drugs are used for therapy. As a rule, they include Bonofotton and Tebrofen ointments, Ophthalmoferon drops.

If the eyes are attacked by the herpes virus, the patient is prescribed drugs with acyclovir.

5 Recipes from the people

Medicinal daisy. This method of treatment is very harmless and is like for pregnant and toddlers. The decoction of this flower excellently removes inflammation and redness. For lotions you need 10 grams of chamomile, which must be poured with boiling water. After this, wait until the solution has cooled to room temperature and use a decoction.

Natural tea. To treat green or black tea is brewed. After this, the resulting broth should be cooled. Prepared welding will help to forget about conjunctivitis for a long time. It is worth remembering that tea must necessarily be leafy and natural.

Fresh dill. Treatment with this method involves the use of plant juice. Before using dill, it is necessary to rinse well and squeeze out the juice from it. The resulting liquid is used to wet the discs of cotton wool. To inflamed organs should be applied cotton swabs for about a quarter of an hour.

This method will be more effective when using chicory and horsetail. To 1 tbsp.l.dill is added 2 chicory and 1 tbsp.l.spoon of horsetail. It is useful to add 1 st.l.althea and 2 petals.

Then mix 2 tablespoons of the mixed consistency in boiling water. It will be enough for one mug. The solution must be boiled and cooled. The resulting agent is used instead of drops for the eyes. For treatment, it is necessary to drip 3 drops every 3 times in the affected eye 3 times a day.

To overcome purulent conjunctivitis will help the seeds of dill. To prepare the medicine you need to pour steep boiling water 1 tsp.such seeds. Cooled solution to make lotions.

Rosehip. For the preparation of medicinal potions, ground rose hips are used. At 1 tbsp.l.200 g of water is required. Stir the solution and let it boil over a slow fire for 5 minutes. Then the resulting broth should be cooled, then we treat the eyes, washing them several times a day.

Bee honey. Honey is used to make drops for the eyes. The recipe for preparing the remedy is simple enough.1 tsp.goodies should be mixed with water. In this case, it will take only 1 tbsp.l. Eye drops are cooked. They can be used to instill a drop every day. Also, the resulting mixture is suitable for lotions.

Fresh juices. The disease of an allergic nature is treated with the juice of Kalanchoe and Aloe. In this case, you do not have to prepare the medicine, it is enough to break the leaf and spread the sap of the plant to inflame the inflamed eyelids. It is useful to take inside a mixture consisting of juice of parsley, carrots, celery and lettuce. The basis of the cocktail is carrot juice. In its 4 parts should take one share of other juices.

An effective remedy for conjunctivitis will be carrot juice mixed with parsley juice. The mixture should be prepared at the rate of 3: 1.

For wellness purposes, you can use cucumber juice mixed with soda. This solution must be diluted with some water. The received medicine is applied to the eyelids to eliminate the edema.

Laurel sheets. It takes a couple of dried laurel leaves, which must be poured with boiling water. Chilled broth is used to make lotions. To children this broth is recommended only to wash out eyes.

When using these therapies, remember that they are suitable for cases without complications. A serious form of the disease should be treated with medications.

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