Superficial bulbitis: symptoms and treatment

What is a surface bulbite? This is the easiest stage of inflammation of the mucous bulb, which is located on the border of the connection of the stomach and intestines. All diseases of both organs are projected here. In addition, the ducts of the pancreas and gall bladder exit into the bulb. With the development of this or that pathology, the edema of the mucosa of the organ described develops. As a result, difficulties arise in the secretion, which causes the stagnation of bile and enzymes necessary for digestion and assimilation of food.

In this case, there are characteristic symptoms that indicate the development of superficial bulbitta of the stomach. This constant rumbling in the stomach, the formation of a feeling of hunger even after a meal, a general malaise, a tendency to constipation, sometimes nausea. An empty stomach often causes pain, which is of an uncertain nature.

Intestinal motility is disturbed, and its contents are often thrown back into the stomach. Therefore, there is a belching and vomiting with bitter aftertaste.

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Surface bulbitis of the stomach is diagnosed by the method of fibrogastroduodenoscopy. When she holds the doctor sees a change in the color of the mucosa. It becomes slightly brighter than normal, the capillaries slightly widened. Observing such manifestations of pathology, the doctor in the diagnosis writes "superficial gastritis bulbit".

What can provoke such a clinical picture?

Many factors can lead to the development of focal surface bulbitis. We list only the most basic of them. This is:

  1. Infection caused by a microbe Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Giardiasis, helminthic infestations.
  3. Crohn's disease( chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract).
  4. Incorrect food, constant overeating, abuse of acute, fatty, fried foods, improperly chosen diets.
  5. Continuous intake of alcohol, smoking.
  6. Decreased body immunity.
  7. Injury of the bulb caused by ingress of foreign objects into the intestine.
  8. Hereditary predisposition.

Provoking inflammation of the bulb mucosa can also soaking too hot liquid and eating too hot food. At the beginning of the development of the disease, characteristic symptoms are rare, so the focal surface bulbite quickly develops into other more severe stages, which we'll talk about a little later. Therefore, it is so important to identify pathologies in time and begin adequate treatment.

What is the help?

It is easy to treat a superficial bulbit diet that quickly leads to relief. From the diet it is necessary to completely exclude salted, sharp, fried dishes, fatty meat products, canned food, smoked products, alcohol. During the first two weeks only chicken broth with crackers, liquid milk porridges and kissels are allowed. Later, meatballs or steamed meatballs are prepared from minced meat. Vegetables and fruits, having a rough texture, must first be softened by baking.

A patient should not only change his diet, but also the food system itself. Now you need to eat often, five to six times a week, but in small portions. To prevent recurrences of chronic surface bulbitis, doctors recommend cardinally changing their entire life: try not to worry, learn to get rid of stress, to refuse night shifts at work and to use if necessary soothing agents.

Features of drug treatment of superficial bulbitis

Medication is prescribed only during periods of exacerbation of the disease, after revealing the cause of inflammation of the mucosa. So, for example, if Helicobacter pylori is the cause of the ailment, the surface bulbite is treated with the course of taking antibiotics.

With parasitic superficial bulbite of the stomach, sedatives are prescribed. After recovery, herbal decoctions and tinctures are used as prophylaxis.

In other cases, funds are prescribed that normalize the acidity of the stomach. This is "Almagel" and "Fosfalugel".They help to neutralize the increased acidity, eliminate heartburn and grumbling in the abdomen. Topical preparations are enhancing the regeneration of cells of the duodenum, pills that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping and astringents, and with pain spasmolytic.

Often described disease is accompanied by gastritis, it often happens that superficial gastritis bulbit becomes a kind of duodenitis. Then the drug treatment is complex.

Folk remedies

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is well eliminated by folk remedies. The juice of the plantain is especially effective in this case. It is mixed with honey in 3x1 proportions and is drunk three times a day before a meal of 50mm. This drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the regeneration of cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, so the surface bulb passes quickly.

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