Diazoline: composition, instructions for use, reviews, analogues, price

Regarding the group of antihistamines, Diazolin is very popular. After all, this drug is firmly held in third place by the number of acquisitions in comparison with analogues. And the explanation for this is its characteristics and price index, which makes this medicine the most affordable for all buyers.

Therefore, today you will be told in detail about the indications, instructions for the use of tablets Diazolin, prices, reviews of it and its analogs.

Specificity of the preparation

Since Diazolin is a group of drugs that remove itching and swelling of the mucous membrane due to ingestion of allergens, its high potency is due to the rapid penetration of the active substance through the intestinal mucosa, as well as the minimal number of possible side effects.

The composition of the drug allows you to understand the scheme of effects on the body and determines the quality of the drug.

About the specificity of the drug Diazolin and some others that save us from allergies, this video will tell:

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Presented in the form of tablets and tablets, Diazolin has the following substances:

  • Mebhydrolin or Mebhydroline;
  • histamine receptor blockers.

Auxiliary substances are lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

Dosage form

In pharmacies, Diazoline is sold in the form of tablets or dragees. Each white tablet has a risk and a chamfer.

The weight of each tablet is 10 mg. Dragee or tablets are placed in a contoured honeycomb package.

The high level of demand for this drug is due, in particular, to its price. In comparison with many analogues Diazolin is available at a cost, depending on the pharmacy it can be purchased at a price of 23 rubles to 48 rubles.

Pharmacological action

Diazolin is a drug that quickly neutralizes most allergic manifestations. And the high efficacy of the drug is due to the rate of absorption of the active substance by the mucous membranes.


Absorption of the active substance begins in the oral cavity and continues more actively along the entire length of the digestive tract. The manifestation of action( removal of swelling of the tissues, a significant reduction in itching) is manifested already within 20-30 minutes after taking Diazolin tablets, the biological efficacy of the agent and bioavailability is about 50-60%.

The active substance does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, the decay products accumulate in the liver, the removal of them is carried out with the help of the kidneys.


The effect of the drug is based on the inhibition of H-1 receptors. When taking Diazolin, the spasmolytic effect of histamine on the smooth musculature of the intestine, bronchi, and lungs is largely reduced.

The drug has no significant sedative manifestation, which allows it to be used when a person requires increased attention and concentration: the central nervous system is not depressed when taking the drug in question. The drug has a small anesthetic( analgesic) effect.

Next, we will find out why and how to correctly and how long it takes to take diazolin in a pellet for adults and children.


Diazolin is given for all kinds of allergic reactions, which can be caused by various reasons. At the same time, the manifestation of such allergy symptoms as itching, burning, spasms, and tear is significantly reduced.

The drug is prescribed by a doctor under the following conditions:

  • hay fever;
  • allergy to flowering and pollen of plants;
  • allergic manifestations on household chemicals, dust, animal hair;
  • seasonal manifestations of allergies;
  • rhinitis of various nature.

Also Diazolinum can be prescribed for insect bites, skin itch, conjunctivitis, dysmenorrheic symmetric dermatitis in women, microbial eczema. Use it in combination with other drugs even with a brain concussion in children.

Next, the instructions for the use of Diazoline for children and adults will be considered.

Instruction for use

General rules

To reduce the occurrence of allergies of any nature, the drug is administered immediately after ingestion. The dose of the drug varies depending on the age of the patient:

  • up to three years, children are prescribed diazolin to 0.025-0.5 g three times a day;
  • adults and children over 13 years of age - 0.5-0.2 g at one time also three times a day;
  • the maximum dose for adults is considered to be 0.6 g per day.

Care should also be taken for persons working with dangerous machinery and whose work requires increased care( vehicle drivers, welders).

Features of taking children's Diazoline

Special care should be taken when prescribing this drug to pregnant women and children. Up to three years, the daily dose can be reduced: it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child to taking the medication.

Child Diazolin is prescribed in childhood. It is presented in the form of white granules, from which a suspension is prepared for ingestion.

The dose depends on the patient's age: for children aged 2-4 years, the suspension is prescribed in the amount of 2.5 ml, at the age of 4-10 years - 5 ml. Children in primary school age can apply the drug to 7 ml. To prepare the suspension, preheated water is used, in which the powder of the preparation is mixed with prolonged stirring. Suspension may be applied for not more than a week.


When appointing this remedy, the doctor should take into account the patient's medical condition. Thus, the drug is administered with caution in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency.

To conditions in which the use of Diazoline is contraindicated, the following should be attributed:

  1. peptic ulcer in the stage of exacerbation;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. of duodenal disease;
  4. of the digestive tract;
  5. serious violations in the heart rhythm.

Side effects of

  • When taking Diazazoline, there may be such side effects as abnormalities of the digestive tract( in the form of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and heaviness in the stomach).
  • Deceleration of manifestations of reactions, tremor of hands, dizziness, depression, sharp mood swings, drowsiness.
  • It is also likely the appearance of dry mouth, lack of appetite, delay in excretion of urine.

In young children, with the administration of Diazoline, reactions such as increased excitability, tremor, and poor sleep can occur.

Special instructions

  • Caution should be exercised when taking Diazoline while performing work that requires a high concentration of attention during pregnancy.
  • In anaphylactic shock, as well as the acute stage of bronchial asthma, the effectiveness of the drug is greatly reduced.

Interaction with other drugs

Diazolin increases the manifestation of other sedatives that depress the effect on the central nervous system. About the reviews of doctors and patients about diazoline we'll talk below.


understanding of the effectiveness of the drug in question should familiarize yourself with the reviews of those who have already had experience with the use of Diazoline for the removal of allergic manifestations.

  • So, Svetlana Iosifovna from Yaroslavl responds positively about the preparation: "After the insect bite, a rash began on the skin, the strongest itch began. By the evening there was an edema of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, because the doctor prescribed Diazolin. After taking this drug during the first hours after it was taken, the edema decreased significantly, the itch passed, and I managed to fall asleep. She took Diazolin for a week, the condition was completely stabilized. There were no side effects. "
  • Oleg Filippovich, in the treatment of allergies to flower plants in the granddaughter used Diazolin and also was pleased with the high degree of effectiveness of the drug: "Granddaughter( 3 years) began to cough, sneeze, there was inflammation of the mucous eyes. The doctor put diagnosis "seasonal allergy" and prescribed Diazolin for children. After the first two techniques, the cough stopped, the granddaughter managed to fall asleep. Red rashes on the skin decreased, and after treatment with this drug for 5 days completely disappeared. Of the side effects can be called drowsiness and worsening of appetite. "
  • Svetlana, a student: "Diazolin intake with seasonal allergies has helped a lot. Half an hour later, tearing stopped, the itching stopped. However, there was dizziness and marked weakness. "


For drugs that have a similar effect and can be prescribed for allergies of any nature, include:

  • Omeril;
  • Mebhydrogen;
  • Dialalin;
  • Mebhydroline naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate.

An analogue of the physiological effect of diazoline is Loratadine. There are often disputes about what is better: diazolin or suprastin. To answer this question even the eminent doctors are at a loss. But many patients state that they did not notice a particular difference, why should they pay more? !

About what drugs can replace Diazolin in the US, this video will tell:

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