Gystan: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, indications

Preparations for rapid elimination of external skin lesions, offered on sale today, allow the most part of the symptoms of many skin lesions to be eliminated in the shortest possible time. And among the analogs, it is worth mentioning the Gystan tool, which combines high efficiency and ample opportunities for application at the expense of its balanced composition. A small number of side effects when using Gistan makes it possible to prescribe it even with the patient's predilection for skin allergies, and affordable cost can be considered one of the advantages of this drug.

The ease of use of the drug, the choice of the type of drug allow the use of Gistan in the presence of special requirements for use, a wide area of ​​exposure allows you to return your skin its original appearance. The use in complex therapy ensures the attainment of the most pronounced result even with the advanced stages of skin lesions, and if the disease is detected at the initial stage of its development, when using Gistan, it will eliminate the main symptomatology after a few days of its application. About the instructions for use, the price of Gastan ointment( cream), analogs and reviews about it, we'll talk today.

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Features of the preparation

As for the corticosteroids group, Gystan has a pronounced antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, which ensures the success of the treatment process in most skin lesions, which include symptoms such as burning of the skin, itching, inflammation and multiple rashes. Proposed in the form of ointments and capsules, the drug is easily used, has the minimum number of possible side effects in the appointment and is assigned to all patients regardless of their age in diagnosing the pathology of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Composition of Gistane

Active moiety in the drug Gistan is mometasone .The drug itself belongs to the group of corticosteroids, which ensures its high effectiveness in the treatment of a variety of skin diseases.

The content of active substance in various pharmacy forms of Gistana may differ slightly, but the balance of the overall composition ensures high effectiveness even with the advanced stages of the pathological process. The preparation contains the active substance - mometasone furoate, its content in 1 g of the drug is 0.001 g.

The following components are included in the auxiliary components:

  • paraffin purified white;
  • glycerine medical;
  • emulsion wax;
  • propylene glycol;
  • purified water;
  • chlorocreatol;
  • paraffin in liquid form.

Due to the correctly selected composition, the active substance fully manifests its properties, providing the product with high efficiency.

Dosage forms

The drug Gistan is offered today on sale in two forms - in the form of capsules and cream.

  • The capsules are made from food gelatin, which dissolves rapidly in the gastrointestinal tract at the stage of entering the oral cavity. Gestan tablets are sold in a bottle of dark glass, which is in a cardboard box. The accompanying instruction gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the composition of the drug, the features of its use and dosage for various pathological conditions of the skin. The cost of capsules for different sellers can vary: from 152 to 235 rubles per bottle.
  • The preparation Gistan in the form of cosmetic cream has a high degree of penetration of the active substance into the upper layer of the skin, quickly eliminating inflammation, swelling and itching. The composition of the cream is identical to the composition of the capsules of Gistan. For sale Gistan cream in the form of aluminum tubes, packed in cardboard packaging with the necessary information on the side of the package. The cost of this drug form of the drug can be from 98 to 295 rubles per tube.

Pharmacological action of

The rapidity of exposure is due to the balanced composition of the drug in question. Penetration of the active substance into the blood when taking the capsules or through the skin to the purpose of the preparation in the form of a cream is provided by the features of the active component of the agent.


When penetration of the active substance into the affected skin, a rapid blockage of inflammation occurs, with the beginning of regeneration of the affected parts of the skin. Within a week from the moment of Gistan's application, a significant improvement in the general condition of the patient is diagnosed, a reduction in the main symptomatology of the current disease.

Dermatoses of an allergic nature can be treated with Gistan in any form more easily than with drugs of other species.


The content of active substance in the blood does not exceed the established standards, while the patient's well-being is stabilized. Elimination of burning and itching of the upper layer of the epidermis allows you to quickly remove the main manifestations of the disease and avoid its recurrence.

The excretion of the products of Gistan's decomposition is carried out by the kidneys, the concentration of the active substance is reduced to almost zero after 3 weeks from the end of the application.

Indications for use

The use of Gistan is due to the peculiarities of its composition. The drug showed the highest efficacy in treating a variety of skin lesions that are allergic in nature.

The following conditions can be attributed to the indications for the use of Gistan:

  • eczema of various nature( including dishydrotic);
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • thermal, cholinergic and cold urticaria;
  • psoriasis of varying degrees of neglect;
  • recuperation;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

It is also used in complex therapeutic therapy of atopic variety of dermatitis, with lesions of the upper layer of the epidermis with pronounced areas of scaly skin, which have increased sensitivity and with itching and burning of the skin.

Instructions for using Gistan for children and adults are given below.

Instruction for use

It is quite easy to use Gystan. The method of application depends on the dosage form prescribed by the treating doctor-dermatologist.

  • So, Gestan Cream should be applied to the affected part of the skin with a thin layer. The application should be done once a day, no rubbing is required: the active substance quickly penetrates the skin, eliminating the main manifestations of the disease. When treating with Gestan cream, you should regularly undergo a doctor's examination to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and, if it is not sufficient, change the drug regimen.
  • Capsules of the preparation should be taken orally, washed down with water. Dosage depends on the diagnosis: 1 to 3 times a day.
    • For atopic and seborrheic dermatitis of a neglected form, the drug should be taken in the morning and in the evening, the duration of admission is 3-4 weeks;
    • for psoriasis recommends taking Gistan twice a day for a longer period - from 6 to 8 weeks. If the disease recurs, the dosage may increase.


  • Contraindications include serious disorders in the functioning of the heart system, with violations in the work of the kidneys or liver.
  • Age under 1 year can also be attributed to contraindications to the use of Gistan to prevent the manifestation of a negative effect.
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug should also be called a contraindication to its use, rosacea on the skin, viral damage to the body, syphilis.

Side effects of

Possible side effects include aggravation of itching and burning of affected areas with increased sensitivity to the active substance, as well as perioral dermatitis, reddening of skin areas, increase in the number of rashes.

Special instructions

  • Pregnancy is one of the contraindications to the use of Gistan in any dosage form.
  • To contra-indications it is possible to carry the period of a lactemia, age till 1 year.
  • The use of the drug Gistan in the complex treatment of skin diseases makes it possible to obtain the most pronounced result. When used with drugs with a pronounced antihistamine effect, allergy manifestations are significantly reduced.

Reviews on the application of Gistan for children and adults are given below.


According to most patients, Gystan helps to cope with many skin lesions, accompanied by itching and redness of the skin, increasing its sensitivity. A few side effects can be attributed to the merits of this tool, and the availability of value allows you to buy Gistan almost everyone.

Due to its balanced formula, the drug copes well with most of the appearance of skin lesions, removing the most unpleasant of their symptoms: burning, itching, and sensitivity.


Momat, Zinheyl, Elokom, Uniderm should be referred to drugs with similar medicinal effects.

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