Symptoms and treatment of angina at home in children and adults

Angina is considered a serious enough pathology, which is accompanied by a defeat of the tonsils. At its occurrence, self-treatment is categorically prohibited, since there is a risk of negative consequences. Coping with the disease will help only the doctor.


Angina is an infectious disorder, accompanied by the defeat of palatine tonsils. Most often, bacteria are led to it - staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. Viruses and fungi can also act as provocateurs.

Symptoms of

Pathology is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • sharp and intense pain in the throat, increasing with swallowing;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase - its performance can reach 39-40 degrees;
  • headaches;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Small children can refuse food, complain about pain in the ears, increased saliva production.

In the picture, the symptoms of viral and bacterial angina

Features of treatment of angina

When you have a sore throat you need to see a doctor immediately. Self-medication can provoke serious consequences.

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To begin with, the doctor conducts a diagnosis, which includes:

  • throat examination;
  • analysis of the clinical picture;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • smear from the throat and bacteriological culture;
  • blood test.


The use of medications is carried out depending on the causative agent of the disease. There are several categories of medications that help with angina.

How to quickly cure sore throat, see in our video:


The main method of treatment of sore throat is the use of antibacterial agents. Penicillins and cephalosporins are usually prescribed. These include cephalexin, amoxicillin, augmentin. Azithromycin is also often used. Such means should be taken by the clock for 10 days.

With purulent sore throat, amoxicillin is most often prescribed. The agent stops the development of bacterial microorganisms and promotes the destruction of their cells.

If penicillin is intolerant, erythromycin or tetracycline is prescribed. Such drugs produce an active effect, which helps to cope with a variety of bacteria.

With follicular tonsillitis, streptococcal and pneumococcal activity increases. In this case antibiotics are also shown. Effective agents include flemoxin, erythromycin. Also may be prescribed sumamed or ampicillin.

It will not be possible to do without antibiotics and with lacunar angina. In this case, the bacteria are located on the upper respiratory tract. Most experts prescribe antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins. Can be used and sulfonamides.

Another form of ailment that needs antibiotic therapy is catarrhal angina. To cope with pathology help such agents as augmentin, bactrim, erythromycin.

Types of angina

Relieving symptoms of

Symptomatic therapy is needed to alleviate the course of the disease. With an increase in temperature, analgesics are shown - ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol. They also help to cope with the pain.

Anesthetics can also be used in the form of tablets for resorption. This category includes such drugs:

  • neo-angin;
  • travisil;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • pharyngocept.

Local therapy

To cope with sore throat, local medications are shown:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide. In this preparation, you need to moisten the cotton swab and remove it with plaque 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Oil chlorophyllipt. With this solution, the throat is processed three times a day. It allows you to cope with pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Lugol. This iodine-based agent is used twice daily. It provides a healing effect.

It is also often used antiseptic sprays, which allow you to cope with the purulent form of the disease. These include:

  • stopangin;
  • is myramistin;
  • inhalipt.

What else can the doctor

prescribe? To eliminate manifestations of the disease, doctors prescribe a warm abundant drink. It helps to cope with the symptoms of intoxication, which will reduce the temperature. To do this, use tea, jelly, mineral water.

In addition to antibiotics, antihistamines should be used. They help to cope with swelling. The most effective drugs include suprastin, diazolin.

Doctor Komarovsky tells about the features of treatment of angina in children:


These methods help to cope with the manifestations of sore throat. These include ultrasound exposure, ultraviolet irradiation, the use of microwave therapy. In addition, magnetotherapy is used. To warm up the affected tonsils, UHF, microwave, and electrophoresis are shown.

Inhalation, the use of therapeutic mud, various lamps are highly effective. Often use vibroacoustic device "Vitafon".

Folk recipes

For the treatment of sore throat, in addition to traditional methods, you can use folk recipes:

  1. Take 100 g of garlic, chop and add 100 ml of warm water. Leave for 6 hours. For rinses, take 1 small spoonful of the formula and mix with a glass of warm water. The procedure should be performed as often as possible.
  2. From several leaves of Kalanchoe squeeze out the juice. Add as much warm water and apply for rinses 3 times a day.
  3. Take half a glass of dried blueberries, add 500 ml of boiling water and leave the composition to cook on low heat, to reduce the volume by one third. The resulting product is filtered and applied every 2 hours for rinses.
  4. Dissolve 1 small spoonful of soda in 250 ml of boiling water. Put 1 teaspoon of salt and add 2-3 drops of iodine. Use every 2 hours.
  5. Take 4 small spoons of sage, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. A strained agent should be used every 2-3 hours.

Surgical intervention

Conservative therapy does not always help. Sometimes the tonsillitis is constantly aggravated. In such a situation, tonsillectomy can be recommended. This operation involves the removal of tonsils.

The procedure is carried out according to strict indications:

  • an increase in the size of the tonsils, which creates an obstacle to breathing;
  • frequent recurrences of tonsillitis - more than 4 times a year;
  • threat or occurrence of complications.


is dangerous If you do not start therapy in time, there is a risk of complications. These include:

  • sepsis;
  • the formation of abscesses in the tissues surrounding the tonsils;
  • bleeding from the tonsils;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • rheumatic heart disease.

Than insidious sore throat, how to treat it and how not to get it - advice and recommendations:


To prevent the development of an ailment, it is important to adhere to hygiene rules. Be sure to isolate the rest of the family so as not to get infected. The patient should use a separate dish. Tempering the body is very effective. The throat needs to be trained with the use of cold drinks. However, it should be done gradually.

How not to catch angina


In the absence of complications, angina usually has a favorable prognosis. After 5-8 days a person completely recovers. After tonsillitis, stable immunity is not produced.

Angina is a serious pathology that can provoke dangerous consequences in children and adults. Particular care must be given to health attention during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To prevent this, you should consult a doctor in time. Thanks to the use of antibacterial drugs and local drugs, you can completely get rid of the disease.

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