Linear scleroderma: treatment, prognosis, symptoms, diagnosis, causes

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects the deep layers of the dermis. Both of its types: plaque and linear, are very similar, but have different external manifestations. And in order to recognize the disease in time and consult a doctor, it is important to know what plaque scleroderma looks like.

Features of

Disease Linear scleroderma is a subspecies of focal scleroderma, which is distinguished from the plaque farm by the outlines of the formations on the surface of the skin. The patient on the epidermis face and body there are spots that resemble sword strikes or ribbon. During different stages they have a different color and cause different sensations in tactile touch to the skin, depending on the stage of the disease.

According to statistics, focal, and, consequently, linear scleroderma often affects children, rather than adults.

This video describes the linear and other forms of scleroderma:

The causes of

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease, and the nature of the phenomena according to which antibodies of immunity attack non-hazardous to health antigens, and tissues of one's own organism. There are a lot of theories that claim to justify the etiology of autoimmune processes, but so far none of them is scientifically proven.

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As for direct linear scleroderma, the doctors noticed a tendency according to which people diagnosed with this pathology had close relatives with the same diagnosis. Thus, the hereditary factor of the disease is seen quite clearly.

But in order for the genetically implanted disease to manifest itself, it is necessary to influence some provoking factor, in the role of which the following can act:

  • poisoning;
  • supercooling;
  • ailments of the nervous system;
  • hormonal disorders.

That is, any burden on the immunity of a person genetically predisposed to the pathological activity of the immune system can lead to the development of the disease.

  • Poisoning and prolonged exposure to low temperatures affect immunity directly, forcing it to work more actively.
  • And the pathologies of the hormonal and nervous system always, one way or another, affect the immune system, since the immune, nervous and endocrine systems are closely interrelated, and functional disturbances in the work of one of them lead to changes in the other two.

Linear scleroderma( photos)

Symptoms of linear scleroderma

Linear scleroderma occurs slowly, often for a long time it goes unnoticed, and is detected accidentally, for example, during medical examination or examination by a doctor as part of the diagnosis of another disease. Without treatment, drugs can enter remission, but any minor factor, for example, a cold, can cause an exacerbation.

Clinical picture of linear scleroderma is more convenient to consider separately in each stage.

  1. There are no dermatological manifestations at the first stage of .But a person can notice the change( dullness) of the sensitivity of the skin, especially in the cold, joint pain and weight loss.
  2. In the second stage of , edema appears on the skin of the face and limbs. You can determine them visually or by pressing your finger on the skin, after which there remains a noticeable dent.
  3. In the last, third stage of the , the dermis is compacted at the site of edema, becomes thick and rough. Its color gradually changes from purple to white. Damage to the dermis tissue also extends to muscle tissue, which results in a feeling of stiffness when moving.


Focal scleroderma is customarily differentiated with systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, lichen. But the linear form of the disease has such clear manifestations that it is usually not necessary to distinguish it from other pathologies.

In order to confirm the suspect diagnosis, the following laboratory tests are carried out:

  • general blood test to determine the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, eosinophils and hemoglobin, with linear scleroderma the first two indicators are increased, the latter is reduced;
  • biochemical blood test for the detection of rheumatoid factor;
  • immunogram for determining the pathological activity of immunity;
  • skin biopsy and study of the tissue taken under a microscope to identify a morphological pattern typical for scleroderma.


Treatment of linear scleroderma is carried out in a complex, medicamental and physiotherapeutic methods.


Physiotherapy is used as an adjunct to medical treatment, or as an independent method in the debut of pathology, when the clinical picture of it is not fully developed, and there are only isolated signs of the disease.

In order to improve the process of skin regeneration and slow the atrophic process, it is recommended to resort to massage, mud therapy, oxygen pressure chambers. It will not be superfluous and therapeutic exercise, especially when it comes to the disease of the limbs.

Among the hardware methods the most effective are:

  • laser;
  • electromagnet;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis.

In addition, during treatment it is important to maintain the state of the immune system by prolonged deep sleep, a balanced diet.

The treatment and features of linear scleroderma will be described by the doctor in the video below:


Drug therapy can be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. The fact is that for complete cure, taking drugs for at least 6 months is required, but you can not continuously drink the necessary medicines, as they can negatively affect your health. Therefore, the doctor makes an individual therapy plan, in which the courses are divided into several parts, so that the body could rest from the effects of drugs, but the scleroderma was kept under control.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Penicillin antibiotics:
    • Amoxicillinum;
    • Ampicillinum;
    • Oxacillinum.
  2. Enzymes:
    • Chymotrypsinum;
    • Lydase.
  3. Calcium antagonists:
    • Magne B6;
    • Nifedipinum.
  4. Vasodilators:
    • Mildronate;
    • Trental;
    • Acidum nicotinicum.

Ointments are used as topical agents: Retinol, Actovegin, Metiluracil.

Folk remedies

Folk treatment with linear scleroderma can be divided into two categories:

  • strengthening the immune system from the inside;
  • ointments and lotions for external use, reducing the severity of symptoms.

Strengthening the immune system is promoted by alcohol decoctions from a plant called a red brush. At least two weeks should be used thrice once a day at the rate of 2 drops per 1 kg of weight. After that, the rhizome of dandelion is boiled with boiling water( 1 tablespoon of root per 220 ml of water) and is drunk twice a day before meals.

Compresses can be made from fresh plant leaves, for example, from aloe pulp, which is applied to the skin lesions and is fixed with a bandage. A ointment can be made from animal fat, which is mixed with decoctions of plants that have regenerative properties, for example, wormwood.

Prevention of

The prevention of linear scleroderma can be divided into protection of immunity and protection of the skin directly.

  • Protection of immunity is, first of all,
    • its strengthening: correct hardening, balanced nutrition, proper treatment of emerging diseases.
    • Secondly, it is important to protect the immune system from increased stress: to carry out proper prevention of viral and bacterial diseases, elimination of foci of chronic infection.
  • Skin protection is especially important in case the hereditary factor is burdened with scleroderma. It is important to avoid supercooling of the skin, excessive sunburn, exposure to chemicals on the dermis.


With timely and correct treatment, the risk of complications is minimal. But if the therapy was not performed on time, the antibodies of the immune system can begin to attack not only the connective tissue of the skin, but also the tissue of other organs.

The heart, kidneys and joints are the most frequent targets of the process. Lethal outcome in such cases occurs infrequently, but, nevertheless, such a risk exists.


With properly administered treatment, the prognosis of linear scleroderma is favorable, with both adults and children. But it is important to bring the therapy to an end, so that the pathology does not recur after some time under the influence of provoking factors, which is also quite real. As the heart has already noticed, the kidneys and joints can become targets of complications with such a disease.

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