How to distinguish viral or bacterial angina from ARVI, pharyngitis, tonsillitis

There are several forms of angina, which differ in the type of pathogenic microflora, as well as in symptomatology. During the disease, there is always inflammation of the tonsils. Treatment is selected only after the study.

Clinical picture

An acute infectious disease that causes bacteria, viruses, fungi appears under the sore throat. Most often the cause is streptococci and staphylococci, falling into the pharynx more often with household items, which the patient used. Microbes can also become active and under the influence of a number of other causes, for example, during overcooling or with a sudden change in the temperature regime.

They lead to the development of the disease and various irritating substances that enter the pharynx, as well as purulent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and mouth. Angina can be an independent disease or appear on the background of other infections.

Symptoms of angina

Features of the disease of different etiology

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The doctor can presume the type of angina at the first examination, as the clinical picture is always different. In normal angina, the pathology develops only in the tonsils, and in the presence of abscesses, the tissues around the tonsils are never affected.

Herpes simplex

Unlike normal angina, which is caused by bacteria, the herpes form appears against the background of the development of viruses. Papules appear outside the tonsils, affecting:

  • the palate,
  • palatine arch,
  • tongue.

The rash in the throat is the main difference from true tonsillitis. Characteristic formations are transparent vesicles that appear on the 3-5th day of the disease. Each formation is surrounded by a small ridge of inflamed tissue. When the bubbles are opened, the contents flow out, forming crusts.

How to distinguish herpes angina from streptococcal, see in our video:


This form is accompanied by an aching all over the body, sometimes with abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. One of the signs of a viral infection is a common cold. It can last 2-3 days, but the development of the disease in the throat is always no less than angina. With a viral infection, pus does not appear. The posterior wall may remain non-inflamed with a normal healthy color.


Bacterial angina is more insidious, as the lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences. It is characterized by the formation of purulent foci, consisting of dead cells of immunity. With bacterial sore throat, the fever is not easily knocked down by antipyretic agents.

Sore throat is very pronounced, there is swelling of the tissues and respiratory failure. There may be a malfunction in the heart. There is soreness in the lymphatic system. Develops aches in the joints.


First, the tonsils are affected by fungi. Gradually they spread to the cheeks, pharynx and sky. This is a distinctive feature of the disease. White spots are like flakes or cottage cheese. In places of large accumulation of plaque, a thin epithelial layer is detached.

If the infection is caused by Candida fungi, the plaque is white or beige. When infected with Aspergillus fungi, the shade can reach a faded green. With this kind of sore throat pain gives in the ear. It is noted:

  • slight rise in temperature( up to 37.5 degrees),
  • weakness,
  • muscle pain,
  • burning sensation in the throat.

With fungal angina, there can be no cough and runny nose.

How to distinguish sore throat from other diseases

High fever and severe sore throat are not always a sign of sore throat. Therefore, when the examination is mandatory diagnosis is specified, differential diagnosis is performed.

From diphtheria

Diphtheria causes the Laffer wand, which releases dangerous toxins during reproduction. It differs from sore throat by the appearance of a web of plaque on the tonsils. After a while, it turns into a film. When swallowing the pain is not very strong, the temperature is within 38 degrees.

Than angina differs from diphtheria

Infectious mononucleosis

This disease causes the Epstein-Barr virus. Inflammation of the tonsils with mononucleosis is a secondary sign, together with other manifestations of benign lymphoblata. The disease rarely develops in adults. Symptoms:

  • A rash appears on the child's body. The main zones for localization are the stomach and back.
  • There is an increase in tonsils and their coverage with a yellow overlay affecting the palate.
  • There may be tumors on the bridge of the nose and brow ridges.

Laboratory tests reveal atypical cells that are characteristic only of infectious mononucleosis.

How to distinguish infectious mononucleosis from tonsillitis, says Dr. Komarovsky:

From pharyngitis

With this disease, the pain is especially strong after awakening. Intoxication is less pronounced in comparison with angina. With pharyngitis, the inflammatory process is evenly distributed along the pharynx, and the temperature is not more than 38 degrees.

There may be a sensation of a coma in the throat, which leads to a dry cough.

From the flu

Both diseases develop rapidly. The symptomatology grows within a few hours. The temperature is up to 40 degrees.with the flu on the first day there is a cough, hoarse voice. At 3-4 days it becomes wet. Sore throat is less intense than with angina, there is no plaque on the glands. With the flu, the lymph nodes can remain normal, and the discharge from the nose is more mucous.

The flu always leads to painful sensations all over the body and in the head. A fever and a febrile condition can last for a long time. The temperature is very difficult to bring down. The nasal congestion does not pass, the eyes become red and begin to water.

From tonsillitis

Symptomatic of chronic tonsillitis is similar to angina, but not strongly pronounced. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. General malaise is not always associated with an increase in body temperature. On tonsils caseous stoppers are formed. The main difference is nasal congestion. For angina, a sharp pain in the throat, joint aches is characteristic. In tonsillitis, such manifestations are absent or weakly expressed. Often the plugs with it are curdled.

What is the difference between tonsillitis and tonsillitis

From acute respiratory infections and colds

With a cold, the temperature is rarely above 38 degrees. There is a runny nose, coughing and watering. Catarrhal phenomena are poorly expressed. If the lymph nodes are inflamed, they are not as painful as in angina.

From stomatitis

This pathology most often affects the cheeks, gums, tongue, throat, palate. There may be a single, but very painful ulcer. In contrast to angina, bleeding is characteristic for stomatitis.

If both diseases are manifested simultaneously( stomatitis angina), then differences are found in the localization of affected areas. The temperature at occurrence of ulcers does not exceed a mark in 37 degrees.


Diagnosis is performed by an ENT doctor. He examines the tonsils using a spatula. Upon examination,

  • ulcers and vesicles,
  • enlarged tonsils,
  • can be found on the tonsils, and purulent plugs are present.

The doctor then examines the lymph nodes closest to the tonsils. With angina, they are enlarged. A general blood test shows an increase in the number of leukocytes with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left.

To determine the type of sore throat, a study is carried out:

  • Bacterioscopic. It allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease. Detects the presence of streptococci, which are located in chains and are painted blue by Gram.
  • Bacteriological. Take a swab. Under favorable conditions multiplication of microflora begins. In a few days you can accurately determine what led to the development of angina.
  • Serological. It allows to reveal the inflammatory process in the body and the presence of autoimmune reactions.

Overview of medicines for the treatment of angina:


Angina can lead to serious complications, for example, to an abscess or phlegmon. Pus in large quantities accumulates around the tonsils and can spread to surrounding tissues. Chances are great that the disease spreads through the blood and lymphatic vessels.

Dangerous complications are swelling, scarlet fever, lymphadenitis and otitis. But with a timely begun treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

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