Treatment of erosive bulbit with folk remedies

Since ancient times, the most effective, affordable and safe way of treating many diseases are folk remedies. Such an inflammatory process as a disease of the bulb of the duodenum was no exception.

In the treatment of bulbitis, which, most often, is caused by infections, heredity, parasites or trauma to the digestive tract, folk remedies are very much in demand. With this simple method, you can recover without medication and eliminate all the reasons for the further development of the disease, increase the body's resistance to the therapeutic effects of herbal decoctions.

Folk methods of therapy for acute and erosive bulbitis

To begin this stage is a curative 2-day fasting with strictly bed rest. Then you need to start taking the decoctions, which increase the immunity.

Here are the main recipes for the therapy of erosive bulbit:

  • St. John's Wort infusion, prepared from 2 table spoons of St. John's Wort and 200 ml of warm boiled water. This mixture is infused for one hour and taken 50 ml before meals.
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  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice is drunk three times 50 ml per day 40 minutes before the meal.
  • Such mineral water as "Essentuki 4" is drunk one glass a day 30 minutes before meals and on an empty stomach in the morning. For a full course of treatment will need to buy 10 bottles.
  • Kissel from flax is an excellent remedy for erosive gastritis. To do this, washed seeds are poured with boiling water, then begin to cook until a thick mass is formed.
  • Chamomile infusion, decoction of marshmallow and licorice help relieve pain in bulbite.
  • Tincture on the oak bark is drunk at least 5 times a day.

Chronic bulbite therapy with folk remedies

In this case, it will take a long time. The basis is the right diet. For complete recovery, before proceeding to the treatment of erosive bulbit with folk remedies, several simple rules should be followed:

  • to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • do not smoke;
  • eat right;
  • can not be nervous;
  • consumes food only in small portions( soups, cereals, cereals, vegetables and other natural products), but often.

Once you are used to this lifestyle and nutrition, you can start cooking tinctures. Traditional healers are advised to use personally prepared tincture of propolis. To make such a tincture, it is necessary to add 250 milliliters of alcohol to the propolis, mix the mixture as it should. After that, you need to give her to brew for one week and a medicine to treat such an erosive disease as chronic bulbitis. Note that before you start taking the tincture, it should be diluted with boiling water in the ratio: 5 milliliters of tincture is taken 150 milliliters of boiled water. Then the mixture is drunk several sips at a time.

It is worth knowing such an important detail that before starting therapy of erosive and other types of bulbit with the help of folk remedies it is necessary to find out the main cause of the onset of the disease.

Thus, if the bulbitis was caused by intestinal parasites, it is necessary to proceed with the reception of the broth and tincture of herbs that have antihistamine actions. To such broths it is possible to carry a tincture of wormwood, bitter, cloves and tansy. With the help of these decoctions you can completely get rid of parasites living in the intestine, and from the disease that they caused.

In addition, an excellent anti-inflammatory effect with erosive and other types of gastritis has such a folk remedy as a plantain juice with honey. To make it, you need to mix 3 tablespoons juice of plantain( freshly squeezed) and 1 teaspoon of honey. This broth should be taken one spoon before eating. Plantain can help a patient even with a heavy erosive form of bulbita, as this plant has high regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

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