Milk from worms with garlic, can I drink to children, a prescription for treatment, how to make a remedy for getting rid of helminths?

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Many patients, especially young parents, are interested in whether the worms like milk and whether it is possible to give them a child during the treatment of helminthiasis. To find this out with the greatest accuracy, you should seek clarification from specialists. They note the fact that this product is not easily digested by the human digestive system because of the large amount of casein contained in it, which means that if it gets into the digestive tract, it rotts, forming deposits of nutrients for parasites. But, at the same time, everyone knows that to get rid of "uninvited guests", localized in human organisms, folk medicine recommends such a tool as milk with garlic. From worms should be or drink it, or put an enema for the night.

This recipe, despite the fact that it is based on a poorly digestible product, which serves as a nutrient medium for most parasites, is used for therapeutic purposes in the fight against them due to the garlic included in its composition, which is considered to be a real storehouse of phytoncides providing it with very highbactericidal activity. It does not decrease even after it dries completely for a long time. It is the phytoncides, which have a high sterilizing capacity, and give this vegetable anthelmintic properties. And the milk, on the basis of which this medicine is prepared, protects the gastric mucosa from their irritating effect. For many patients who ask how to make garlic milk from worms, experts and experienced the effect of this remedy, people recommend the following:

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  • 5 cleaned denticles of an acute vegetable are ground to a gruel-like condition;
  • Prepared gruel lies in a glass of milk;
  • The resulting mixture is put on a weak fire and cooked on it for 10-15 minutes;
  • The finished medicinal composition is infused for about an hour in a closed container.

Milk with garlic from worms should be drunk 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals, at least 4-5 times. He is treated for 7 days. The only thing to remember is that eating it to children under 5 is strongly discouraged because any spicy vegetables and spices adversely affect their digestive system and, instead of the expected benefits, are harmful.

In the event that you need to destroy parasites in a very short time, you can use one more method. Treatment with it can be carried out only if the patient is more than 12 years old, that is, for young children this remedy is completely inappropriate. Also, do not use it for people with diseases of the digestive tract. For everyone else, this recipe when worms are destroyed will give the desired effect within 2-3 days. The way of its preparation remains the same, the only thing that needs to be done is to increase the amount of the spicy vegetable by 3 times for the same volume of milk, that is, it turns out that 20 large quantities of it require 1 large head.

Drink the resulting infusion of milk from the worms very carefully. It is absolutely impossible to do this on an empty stomach, as it is very easy to burn the stomach mucosa. The usual amount of this medicine is 50 ml, which are consumed not earlier than 10 minutes after eating. A control check conducted on the 3rd day always shows that the worms are completely destroyed with the help of such milk.

Milk and garlic from worms to children

If it is a question of carrying out therapeutic measures for babies, it is better to use another recipe. It works best against pinworms and ascaris, which crumbs get infected very often. Its great advantage is the ease of preparation and use, as well as the complete absence of toxic substances. That's why she can approach both a very small child and a pregnant woman. Milk garlic enema from worms eliminates parasites for 2-3 procedures, but still for better confidence it is best to perform 5. To find a way of its preparation is very simple:

  • Purified middle garlic head is cleaned and well ground;
  • A glass of fresh milk, best not from a store, but from a domestic cow, it heats up well;
  • The vessel with the prepared antihelminthic compound is tightly wrapped and left for an hour for infusion, after which it is filtered.

The procedure is carried out in the usual way, but the infusion should be kept in the rectum as long as possible. The most important thing to remember about is the amount of anthelmintic formulation prepared on the basis of milk injected into the anus at night. In the case when it comes to a child, it is enough from 30 to 50 ml of tincture, for an adult, it is best to use the entire volume of liquid. In order to completely expel worms, this procedure is recommended to be performed daily for a week.

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