When it is prescribed to pass an echo of the head and what is it?

1 Indications

An ultrasonic signal is generated at a time when a special plate located in the probe for examination is deformed. The function of this plate is not only to create an ultrasonic signal, but also to receive it in a reflected form.

Different tissues of the human body react to ultrasound in its own way. So, the skin and fatty tissue will create one type of reflected signal, neoplasms( cysts, hematomas) - another, and healthy brain tissue - the third. Thus, an image appears on the screen.

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Echoes of the head doctor can carry out both in one-dimensional and two-dimensional mode. At the first method of research, a graph showing the inner part of the brain appears on the monitor; in the second method, a flat image is seen on the screen.

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Echoencephalography was performed under the following conditions:

  • malignant neoplasms in the cranial cavity;
  • accumulation of pus in the brain;
  • hemorrhage in the brain or cranial cavity;
  • is a mild tumor in the brain formed as a result of syphilis;
  • brain tuberculosis;
  • edema, an increase or a change in the consistency of the substance of the brain;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • to determine the amount of fluid accumulated in the brain;
  • in the presence of foci of inflammation in the brain;
  • in order to monitor the dynamics of treatment of brain pathologies.

Two-dimensional encephalography is necessary for additional evaluation of the following pathologies:

  • for mild forms of craniocerebral trauma;
  • of migraine;
  • concussion;
  • in the presence of symptoms of increased intracranial pressure;
  • for organic lesions of the brain;
  • with the first symptoms indicating a brain tumor;
  • in the death of neurons of the brain;
  • if blood circulation is impaired as a result of a spinal cord injury;
  • VSD.

Head echoes are performed in childhood in the following cases:

  • with head injuries;
  • with hyperactivity;
  • to monitor the dynamics of the treatment of diseases of the nervous system;
  • for sleep disorders;
  • with excess tonus of muscle tissue;
  • infantilism;
  • to determine the amount of fluid accumulated in the skull;
  • for various neurotic reactions.

2 Preparatory activities

Echoencephalography is one of the few types of studies that do not require any preliminary training. Before the procedure, you do not need to starve or consume liquid in large quantities.

This study can be conducted in children and adults, pregnant women and breast-feeding women.

The only thing you need to know is that if there are open wounds on the head in the place where the sensor is to be applied, it is recommended to conduct some other method of investigation.

If a study needs to be conducted in a newborn baby, then the parents' help may be needed. During the procedure, they should hold the baby's head in the correct position.

This method of investigation is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort. Nevertheless, the patient will have to remain stationary for the most accurate results over a long period of time. Anesthesia and anesthesia before the procedure is not carried out.

3 Procedure of

The ultrasonic signal easily penetrates the scalp, skull, brain substance and in the area between solid and liquid it reflects what is displayed on the monitor.

If there are no pathologies in the brain, the distance from the skin on the head to the middle of the brain is the same on both sides. In diseases, this distance can change.

The room in which the procedure will take place is not prepared in any way. That is, for carrying out is not required, for example, sound or light insulation. This study can be conducted outside the boundaries of medical institutions, in outpatient settings, if the room has a power source for the device. During the procedure, the patient can sit or lie down, if it is more convenient for him. The procedure goes as follows:


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  1. The doctor studies the medical history and collects the patient's medical history.
  2. The specialist becomes behind the patient and sets himself an echoencephaloscope.
  3. Conducts an examination of the patient's skull, looking for various deformities and skull asymmetries.
  4. Apply to the scalp a special cream or oils on a vaseline basis. This is necessary to create an acoustic contact.

Since air has the ability to have a great resistance to ultrasound, before the procedure the sensors are lubricated with a contact substance in order to fit as tightly as possible to the skin integuments.

The procedure is performed in 2 modes of the echoencephaloscope: emission mode and orthogonal projection of the 3 ventricles.

4 Features of the echoencephalography

As with most other studies conducted with medical equipment, the interpretation of the obtained data depends on the human factor.

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Each physician has years of experience, which makes it possible to interpret the data. However, often the opinions of the doctor who conducted the study, and the treating neurologist may diverge.

After the procedure, the specialist should conduct an examination of the patient and, based on all data, prescribe a treatment.

Echoencephalography is performed in many clinics. But it is best to conduct a study in the place where the attending physician will tell. In some cases, the neurologist can do the research himself.

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