Prevention of peptic ulcer( ulcer) of the stomach, primary and secondary prevention measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than cure, especially if it is an ulcer. Prevention implies compliance with a minimum set of rules that allow you to maintain healthy walls of the stomach.

To understand what the prevention of peptic ulcer is, you need to know the sources of its occurrence. These include:

  • imbalance in the production of hydrochloric acid and its neutralization, in other words, the increased acidity of the digestive secret. Hydrochloric acid is the most aggressive substance that damages the gastric mucosa;
  • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Microbes are not sensitive to the acidic environment of the digestive organ and multiply rapidly, thereby destroying the mucous membrane;
  • genetic predisposition.

From the above main reasons for the appearance of pathology, it is clear that the prevention of gastric ulcer is a precautionary measure, which in principle is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. The emergence of the disease is provoked by the following factors:

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  1. Stressful situations. It is necessary to avoid the state of emotional and physical stress. Negative moments encourage the allocation of increased volume of digestive juice with an elevated level of hydrochloric acid;
  2. Bad habits. Strong coffee, alcoholic beverages and cigarette smoke are stimulants of the formation of sour juice, produced by the cells of the stomach. It is necessary to abandon a habit that is harmful to health;
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa and gastritis without adequate treatment lead to an ulcer. Prevent complications only through timely access to a doctor-gastroenterologist;
  4. Unserious food. Diet without liquid and hot food, large intervals between meals, lack of lunch - this provokes a violation of the secretion of digestive juice. It is also necessary to abandon fatty and spicy dishes that provide mechanical damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane, and later ulcers can not be avoided;
  5. Prolonged and uncontrolled administration of medication is also capable of provoking ulceration. The use of medicines should only take place as prescribed by the doctor and in compliance with technical regulations that reduce the risk of mucosal integrity.

Apparently, the prevention of peptic ulcer disease consists of simple rules. It is enough to exclude provoking factors from life and to support them with a comfortable psycho-emotional atmosphere.

Prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers

With the already present disease, in medical practice there is such a thing as therapeutic prophylaxis of stomach ulcers. Medications are taken to prevent exacerbations. Therapy is divided into two types - continuous and on-demand treatment.

Continuous prophylactic treatment consists in receiving supportive antisecretory medications over a long period of time. For example, a patient is recommended to drink a half dose of Ranitidine 150 mg per day for several months regardless of the symptoms. Alternatively, it can be replaced with famotidine 20 mg per day. This prophylaxis and treatment of stomach ulcers eliminates acid-peptic aggression, which causes damage to the mucous membrane. Therapy is indicated in patients with complicated bleeding and for older patients with a seasonally recurring course.

Prophylactic treatment on demand is prescribed with the initial symptoms of exacerbation. The first few days of therapy showed the intense effect of the antisecretory drug, after 3-5 days the patient switched to a half dose, which takes 2-4 weeks. Usually this type of therapy is prescribed after the destruction of Helicobacter pylori microbes. Absence of symptoms of exacerbation is the reason for the abolition of therapeutic measures.

Primary and secondary prevention of peptic ulcer

Conditionally prevention of gastric ulcer in medical terminology is divided into primary and preventive secondary complex of measures.

How to prevent stomach ulcer or what provides primary prevention of peptic ulcer disease:

  • Prevention of infection with the Helicobacter pylori microbe. In the case where the carrier of the bacterium is in the family and the stomach ulcer is diagnosed, the measures are aimed at strict adherence to hygienic norms. Each family member should have individual cutlery, personal napkins and bath accessories. Between relatives there should always be a restriction of kisses, because the microbe is transmitted through saliva;
  • Do not neglect the treatment of teeth and follow the hygiene of the mouth;
  • Organization of a gentle diet. Culinary processing of food products is allowed in two types - cooking and quenching. Nothing fried, smoked and pickled. Do not drink carbonated drinks and hot or cold food;
  • Rational distribution of work and leisure. Moderate physical activity and a healthy sleep.

What does the secondary prevention of peptic ulcer involve? This is a complex of measures with mandatory therapeutic and prophylactic medical examination, which aims to reduce the incidence of relapse and exacerbation, that is:

  • Antiretroviral therapy courses, taking into account seasonal exacerbations. The cycle of medical measures consists of medicinal preparations, physiotherapy, mineral waters and climatotherapy;
  • Stay in medical profile establishments-sanatoria;
  • Active sanation of any chronic diseases that carry the risk of aggravation of stomach disease;
  • Periodical laboratory and instrumental examination of foci of mucosal lesions.
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