Folk recipes for the treatment of stomach ulcers: decoctions, tincture

All medicinal plants with an ulcer should have an anti-inflammatory effect. These include the following plants, of which the folk recipes for the treatment of stomach ulcers are composed:

  • ayr;
  • marshmallows;
  • elecampane;
  • calendula;
  • cabbage;
  • of sea-buckthorn;
  • orchis;
  • flax;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • sage;
  • celandine;
  • licorice;
  • rose hips;
  • comfrey.

Raw materials should be purchased at the pharmacy and coordinated with the doctor taking herbal preparations. It is recommended to apply various charges during the remission period in addition to treatment. The collections, which the hereditary herbalist and the doctor of sciences N. Kovaleva, which recipes helped thousands of patients with stomach problems, were highly recommended.

Drug collection

A popular prescription for treatment of stomach ulcers from Kovaleva. For the collection take on a spoon of veronica and valerian;2 tablespoons thyme;3 tablespoons blackberries, 4 spoons - St. John's wort, dog rose and psyllium. The spoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water( 0.5L).Tumble the broth without boiling for 30 minutes. You can prepare another collection: a spoonful of calendula, Crimean roses, chamomile, cudweed, horsetail;2 spoonfuls of wormwood and röpyäki;3 spoons - dill and dog rose;4 spoons - St. John's wort and plantain, 7 spoons of the tops of a yarrow flowering. Take a spoonful of collection and pour boiling water. Without boiling, the broth is rinsed for half an hour.

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Folk recipes for the treatment of stomach ulcers help the patient to relieve spasm and inflammation. It helps the oil infusion of St. John's wort. To make it, the bottom of a half-liter jar is covered with grass and poured with olive oil. On a water bath, the medicine is prepared for 6 hours, filtered and stored in a refrigerator. So does the sea buckthorn oil. To prepare the next healing mixture, take 100 grams of string, psyllium, celandine, St. John's wort. Spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist 2 hours, pre-wrapped with infusion. Decoctions in the stomach ulcer accelerate healing, relieve spasms, improve digestion, purify the liver and pancreas, have a protective action.

Honey and Propolis

Honey is recommended to be taken before breakfast and lunch on a spoon and 3 hours after dinner. It is better to dissolve honey in warm water. Treatment is conducted up to two months. Tincture from stomach ulcers is made from propolis. Recommended 2% or 4% tincture take an hour and a half before meals, diluting 20 drops in water or milk. You can not be treated this way, if there is intolerance to honey and other products of beekeeping.

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