Hemorrhoids, how the hemorrhoidal node looks like in the disease, the code of the disease according to ICD-10 K64, why the nodule has jumped out, what are the syndromes of pathology?

Hemorrhoids are a familiar problem, which is characterized by the swelling of veins in the rectum or anus. This pathology, although not considered dangerous, can inflict severe pain on a person, thus changing the quality of his life for the worse. It exists in 2 forms - internal, arising from the swelling of the veins of the anal canal or rectum, and the outer one, caused by their swelling and looking like knots that have emerged from the anus. It is often diagnosed and a combination of both types of disease at the same time. The symptomatology and treatment of hemorrhoids completely depend on its variety.

Many people who encounter hemorrhoids, which appear to be filled with blood and blisters on the surface of the sphincter, are in no hurry to visit the doctor, as they mistakenly believe that the disease is harmless and can be dealt with on their own. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. Started, not treated in a timely manner ailment can cause various skin problems, disruption of the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system, anemia.

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The question of what a hemorrhoids node looks like, is of interest to many people who have encountered this problem and are trying to conduct self-diagnostics. It is easy to make this procedure lying on your back with a small mirror. If you find on the sphincter protrusions that look heavily swollen, you can safely ascertain the presence of hemorrhoids and consult a specialist for the most appropriate treatment that normalizes these physiological changes. But this applies only to the external form of the disease. Internal internal hemorrhoids are only detectable by a proctologist when conducting an appropriate diagnosis. How does it look like you can see in the photo, available on the Internet or medical reference books on this topic.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Experts note 2 factors that contribute to the appearance of painful nodes in the anus region - vascular and mechanical. At the first basic prerequisite for their formation is an increase in the flow of blood through the arterial veins and a decrease in its outflow from the cavernous. The second cause of hemorrhoids is stretching due to unfavorable factors of the longitudinal muscle of the submucosal rectum, which causes dystrophic changes in it. There are the following reasons that promote the protrusion from the anus of these formations, looking like nodes filled with blood:

  • Hereditary factors;
  • Frequent constipation increases the pressure in the rectum and increases the flow of blood to the protrusions located on its walls, which look in a calm phase like soft skin pouches. This causes considerable growth and further loss;
  • Sedentary lifestyle relaxes and changes the perineal muscles, causing a stagnation of blood in the pelvic region, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth also contribute to the development of the disease due to the factor of increasing a woman's intra-abdominal pressure;
  • With alcohol abuse in the anus area, the blood flow is accelerated and the sphincter muscles relax, which calls for the development and loss of blood-filled buds. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, they very often break through, causing rectal bleeding;
  • Weight lifting and excessive physical activity also contribute to the increase and crawling out of the hemorrhoids.

The cause of the development of pathology - hemorrhoids can serve and excessive consumption of spicy foods, tumoral and inflammatory processes in the liver or intestines, infection. The true causes that triggered the onset of it can only be determined with the help of a specialist after carrying out an appropriate diagnostic study.

Stages of development of hemorrhoidal disease

It is characterized by a progressive course. The later a person finds out the presence of the disease and begins appropriate treatment, the more health problems it will cause. In medicine, hemorrhoids are divided into 4 stages of development. As it looks like the appearance of jumped nodes can be seen on the pictures, and how the disease manifests itself at each stage, it becomes clear from the description:

  1. At the first stage, discomfort appears in the area of ​​the anus, pains occur during defecation, and stool masses occasionally come out with impurities of blood. With an external examination, you can detect nodes, but they have not yet emerged from the anal canal completely and look like soft pouches. On the rectal mucosa specialist see the enlargement of small blood vessels and the beginning inflammatory process;
  2. The second stage is characterized by the addition to the previous manifestations of the syndromes of itching hemorrhoids and drawing pains in the anus area, which almost always give into the sacrum and lower lumbar region;
  3. At 3 stage, the hemorrhoidal nodes look already strongly swollen and come out of the anal canal with straining and considerable physical exertion, but they can still be easily hand-applied;
  4. The most dangerous stage of development is the fourth. Dropped blood-filled hemorrhoids are not amenable to self-correction and cause massive bleeding and severe pain in the anus. Very often at this stage there are complications in the form of thrombosis.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant with a child, it occurs quite often. Usually doctors diagnose it for every 2 pregnant women. With what is it connected? Experts explain the jumped hemorrhoids at this time by the fact that the increasing size of the uterus descends and exerts considerable pressure on the vascular plexuses, violating this blood flow. That's why in the II and III trimester of pregnancy hemorrhoids get out most often. In addition, the following factors contribute to the development of the "in position" in women: "

  • " Stool problems associated with impaired innervation( nerve control) of the intestine due to pressure on the uterus. By themselves, changes in innervation that provoke the development of hemorrhoids are a natural mechanism for protecting the fetus from premature births, but they reduce intestinal tone, which causes constipation, during which the wall of the digestive organ is injured, and the blood flow in it is disturbed and causes pop-ups that look crowded,from the anus;
  • The development of hemorrhoids in the last months of pregnancy is also facilitated by a decrease in the future mother's physical activity. Because of this, the blood flow in the veins of the legs slows down and venous stasis arises provoking the appearance of this unpleasant disease with frequent popping up of the cones on the surface of the sphincter;
  • Affects the protrusion of the knots and the changing nature of the woman's diet. Her taste preferences change, and often there is a desire to eat something salty, smoked or spicy. This "exciting" food also provokes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. With frequent use of it, blood begins to stagnate and causes the development of the disease.

All these factors lead to the fact that the pregnant woman's tone of the vessel walls decreases, they gradually weaken, they look enlarged and stretched in the pictures. For the most part, these symptoms of hemorrhoids remain invisible until the uterus increases in size to the maximum. In the case when a woman had a predisposition to them, at 9 months the great weight of the uterus causes an aggravation of the disease. Hemorrhoidal nodes at this time can be either single or multiple.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids resemble other diseases of the rectum, and in some cases are similar even with the development of oncology. That is why it is not recommended to make a diagnosis, and even more so to resort to self-treatment before consulting a specialist. Among the main alarming manifestations are:

  • Bloody impurities in feces or mass bleeding at the time of defecation. They arise because of the thinning of the walls of the nodes emerging from the anal canal, which causes their ruptures. Such bleeding is often intense and can provoke anemia in a person. But in connection with the fact that this syndrome in addition to hemorrhoids may indicate the appearance of a malignant neoplasm in the rectum, it requires immediate consultation of the proctologist;
  • Cuts from the rectum. This syndrome appears due to the dystrophic changes occurring in the anus, which lead to the displacement of the hemorrhoid cones towards the anal opening, from which they eventually pop up. Promotes the manifestation of this symptom of the habit of reading or smoking in the toilet, as well as the need for long tug;
  • Most patients experience a feeling of heaviness in the groin, as well as a feeling of a foreign body in the anus. The appearance of these syndromes is associated with the presence of cones full of blood in the anus;
  • Itching and burning in the anus also indicate the development of pathology. They are a sign of erosion of the walls of hemorrhoidal protrusions. In addition, their occurrence is due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus with bloody discharge;
  • The presence of hemorrhoids is also indicated by the appearance of pain syndrome in a sitting position, with walking, and also at the time of defecation. These signs are one of the most characteristic in the acute phase of the disease, which arises from the infringement of the hemorrhoidal node. The sensation in this case can become so intolerable that a person can not normally walk or sit.

If you ignore the first manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease and do not start treatment, the consequences can be very serious. The easiest in this case may be the development of thrombosis without inflammation. In this disease, the nodes that have emerged from the anus look very much swollen and dense, resembling the shape and color of the plum. Touching them causes severe pain.

New hemorrhoids code, changes in ICD-10

Some new changes have been made to the new international classification of diseases( ICD-10) starting from 2014.They also touched hemorrhoids. If earlier he had the code I84 and entered the diseases of the circulatory system, then according to the new, changed version of the ICD-10, the ailment was referred to the pathologies of the digestive organs. Also in the changed version of ICD-10, a new rubric appeared that included perianal venous thrombosis. And this is not a mechanical transfer of data. The new version of ICD-10, which underwent significant changes, has been completely reworked. Currently, a new version of the section dealing with this ailment looks as follows:

  • K64.0 - K64.3 Hemorrhoids I-IV degree;
  • K64.4 Residual skin protrusions;
  • K64.5 Venous perianal thrombosis;
  • K64.8 Other specified hemorrhoids;
  • K64.9 Unspecified form.

How to treat hemorrhoidal nodes?

Many people who are faced with this problem are interested in the question of what should be done if a cone filled with blood has emerged from the anus canal, which looks like a solid ball and causes unpleasant sensations. All patients are looking for new ways of treatment, able in a short time to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

First of all, it should be taken into account that all therapeutic measures for getting rid of hemorrhoids should be comprehensive include individually selected by a specialist medications, recipes of traditional medicine, special physical exercises and adjusting the diet. New drugs intended for obtaining a higher effect during the treatment of hemorrhoids are produced by the modern pharmacological industry quite a lot. Their choice is primarily affected by the concomitant symptomatology:

  • Anesthetics, anesthetics, with their trimecaine, benzocaine or lidocaine, have a directional effect on reducing the patient's painful sensations. In addition, they contribute to the complete elimination of itching in the anus. These drugs can be produced in the form of candles( Diclofenac, Anestezol, Indomethacin), ointments( Bezornil, Proctosedil) or tablets( Ketanov, Ibuklin, etc.);
  • The newest anti-inflammatory drugs contain elements capable of quickly suppressing the growth and development of the pathogenic microflora infiltrated into the rectum into the outgrowth of the hemorrhoids. Thanks to it, the swelling in the nodules is removed, and they are much easier to return;
  • Required for hemorrhoids and local antimicrobial agents. They destroy the pathogenic microflora that accumulates around the anus. The best of them are Ethazol sodium and Triclosan, but they can not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation, and also to small children.

During the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease for a long time proven or new drugs, patients undergoing medical therapy, it is recommended to use a sitting bath in which a solution of potassium permanganate is added.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Traditional medicine, tested for centuries, also offers a large number of recipes that can quickly rid the person of this ailment and help effectively fix the cones that have emerged from the anus. The most popular among patients are the following recipes, which many may seem completely new:

  • The red hot brick should be placed on the bottom of a low metal can, and on it a couple of garlic heads should be crushed. After the appearance of smoke, you must sit on the can and stay there for at least 15 minutes. Such smoky baths are taken daily until the hemorrhoid is cured. Painlessly jumped out of the anus can be painlessly fixed after 2-3 procedures;
  • Candles made of potatoes are considered very effective in this pathology. This anti-hemorrhoidal drug has absolutely no contraindications, and the repositioning of the cones that have crawled out and managed to age will not give the person any negative sensations after their application;
  • Well, and horse sorrel. For therapeutic purposes, a plant with mature brown seeds is needed. Cut the whole bush, finely cut, pour 5 liters of water and cook over low heat after boiling for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is insisted until they have a dark brown color. Apply this tool that facilitates the rapid correction of jumped out of the anus hemorrhoid cones in the form of sedentary baths. It is poured into a basin and sit until the liquid cools. This procedure can be carried out up to 3 times a day.

Diet for hemorrhoids

Correction of nutrition when getting rid of the disease also plays an important role. This is what helps to regulate the work of the intestines and to remove constipation, which provokes the development of pathology. It is necessary to include as much plant fiber in the menu as possible and completely exclude salty, fatty and spicy food so as not to cause fixation of stool.

During the treatment of hemorrhoids, many people use in their menu an original and very effective recipe for porridge from constipation. Preparing this dish is quite simple. Mixed for 2 tbsp.spoon coarse crushed grain( as an analogue you can take barley, oat or wheat cereals), flax seeds, finely chopped dried fruits and any, except peanuts, chopped nuts. Everything is flooded with water and left overnight for insisting. In the morning, excess water is drained, and the remaining thick mass is filled with natural yoghurt or kefir. The only thing to remember when using this dish during the treatment of hemorrhoids is that simultaneously with it you can not eat fresh fruit, since such a combination can provoke fermentation in the intestine.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of hemorrhoidal diseases

Subject to observing the recommendations of the proctologist, excluding from the diet food, causing stiffness and active lifestyles, the prognosis for patients with this disease will be very favorable. In the case of timely treatment, and compliance with the necessary preventive measures for hemorrhoids, stabilization of the condition occurs in more than half of patients.

If an operation to remove internal cones has been prescribed and performed, 1.5 months are required for complete recovery. But at the same time it is necessary to strictly observe the diet and personal hygiene measures. This is to avoid postoperative suppuration and sprains of the joints. Heavy physical exertion in this case is completely excluded until complete recovery. A prerequisite for a favorable prognosis for hemorrhoids is the rejection of bad habits, as well as measures to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. In order to prevent the onset or further progression of the disease, a number of preventive recommendations should be followed:

  • People at risk for developing hemorrhoids should pay special attention to the regularity of the stool and to avoid the occurrence of constipation. This can be achieved not only by adjusting the diet, but also by increasing the drinking regime, as well as motor activity;
  • After each measure of defecation, it is recommended to wash the area of ​​the anus with cold water. This will give training to the vessels and protect them from the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  • It is necessary for preventive purposes and the implementation of special exercises, the simplest of which is the regular compression of the muscles of the anus.
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