Cream for hemorrhoid treatment, composition, list of names, what is the best, effective, cheap( inexpensive), can Boro Plus, Liubava, Zorka be used?

One of the popular medicinal forms used to treat hemorrhoids is a cream. As a rule, it is actively used at home as a healing and anesthetic drug. From the article you can find out which of them are the most effective.

Many new innovative and more effective methods for fighting various forms of inflammation of the rectum are being developed and introduced into medical practice every year. With their help in proctology, cardinal changes are being made. For example, if earlier a doctor-proctologist of every second patient with this delicate ailment directed to a surgeon, today more than 80% of patients can cure this disease without surgical intervention. In a modern complex course of therapy in most cases necessarily includes a cream against hemorrhoids of a certain action.

Composition of hemorrhoids cream and mechanism of its action

Cream against inflammation of the rectal zone can be universal, that is having a wide spectrum of action, and can have a directed effect on this or that pathology. Despite this, the hemorrhoid cream may include such components:

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  • Wax( Lanolin).This natural substance is extracted from the skins of sheep, then acts as an emulsifier after purification.
  • Bee products - propolis and beeswax. These natural components are found in many preparations, since they have a healing and regenerating effect, are a natural antiseptic.
  • Shark fat and extract from the liver of a shark. Very strong anti-inflammatory natural substance with analgesic effect. It includes a large list of vitamins and fatty acids.
  • Extract of algae. Promotes regeneration of tissues and rapid healing of microcracks and mucosal wounds.
  • Olive, sea buckthorn oil. These herbal components have an excellent wound healing and soothing effect.
  • Essential oils. As a rule, lavender, as well as tea tree and cypress oil act as antimicrobial and disinfectants. Essential oil is quite effective against itching and burning.

Which hemorrhoids cream is the most effective?

When choosing a remedy for hemorrhoids, it should be understood that the price of the drug is not the most important. Most people mistakenly believe that a cheap drug a priori can not be good and quality, and the more expensive a payment for a cream, the better the treatment will be. This is not true. The most important thing in any medicine is its properties and characteristics, you can read them in the attached instructions. Almost every inexpensive hemorrhoids cream contains the following medicinal components:

  • analgesics are analgesic active substances that are present in almost all antihemorrhoids;
  • hormonal drugs are not available in all medicines for hemorrhoids, as a rule, hormonal components are in the funds intended for the treatment of chronic form of the disease, they are not desirable to use pregnant and breast feeding women, as well as children.

There must be a drug on the list of components that promotes narrowing of blood vessels. This requirement is among the main criteria for drugs against hemorrhoids.

Therefore, if there are the above components in a cheap hemorrhoid cream, then it will be as useful as an expensive drug.

What kind of cream for hemorrhoids to use?

With the years in the body there are a variety of changes that affect the digestive system and mucous membranes. In this regard, often there are various diseases, most often one of them is hemorrhoids. Proctologists are urged to seek help at the first sign of it. Due to this, patients can at home, using a hemorrhoid cream, relieve an acute attack of it, and also successfully combat burning and itching. As a rule, drugs with wound healing and analgesic action are in demand.

Since the digestive system in babies is not perfect, they often suffer from constipation and colic, which in turn can trigger the appearance of hemorrhoids. Therefore, as soon as you notice the symptoms of this disease, you should immediately take action. The best creams with sea buckthorn oil. You can only use funds from natural components that do not harm the child. Be sure to consult a doctor so that he or she prescribes a dosage and a schedule of application based on the individual characteristics of the small patient.

During the gestation of a child in women, the body is exposed to heavy loads, which are often a factor in the appearance of hemorrhoids in them. To alleviate suffering in the event of the appearance of symptoms of this delicate disease will be a special cream. The main limitation of the use of this agent is the presence of hormonal substances in it.

Specialists claim that the best hemorrhoids cream for women "in position" and after delivery is a drug without hormonal and chemical components, which includes only natural substances.

List of names of creams from hemorrhoids

Let's study the names of the drugs that are considered the most popular:

  • Posterizan and its analogue Proctosan have an excellent wound-healing effect. It is recommended to use for the treatment of microcracks in the rectum.
  • Troxevasin is prescribed for acute hemorrhoids with bleeding. Components of the cream contribute to strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Relief - the best comprehensive remedy for hemorrhoids. Due to the shark fat and the natural substances contained in it, it practically has no contraindications. This tool can be used for both children and pregnant women.
  • Ichthyol is an excellent remedy for relieving pain and fighting inflammation. The cream is approved for use against breast cancer by breastfeeding mothers.

In addition to them, such creams as Aurobin and Bezornil, Gepatrombin and Proctosidil are also in demand. Therefore, decide which cream from hemorrhoids is better, only you, but before that it is recommended to get professional advice from a specialist.

What other creams can help with hemorrhoids?

As the practical experience shows, a lot of funds are being produced in the form of a cream, which were not originally envisaged for the treatment of hemorrhoids and the fight against its symptoms. But, nevertheless, with their help this disease can be eliminated.

Boro Plus cream is a universal cosmetic product used for the care of healthy and problem skin. It includes only natural components, the complex of which possesses both cosmetic and antiseptic properties. Carrying out the treatment of the Boro Plus hemorrhoids, it provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and also eliminates itching and burning. The presence of aloe, nime, curcu and other natural components not only contributes to the regeneration of tissues, but also their strengthening.

Cream Zorka, developed and produced for the needs of veterinary medicine, thanks to the complexes of biologically active substances, phospholipids, biotin, antioxidants, vitamins A, E and D, and also floralazine, was useful for the treatment of proctological diseases.

Applying Zorka cream from hemorrhoids, you can quickly get rid of inflammation of the skin, moisturizing them, activating the regenerative processes in the tissues. This tool has an analgesic effect.

Many are wondering whether it is possible to use Lubawa cream for hemorrhoids, because it is a veterinary drug. The answer is: "Yes, you can!".It includes almond and palm oil, marigold extract and karite oil, horse chestnut extract and soybean oil, beet extract and chamomile. The complex of these substances ensures the removal of inflammation and edema, removes pain and itching sensation, increases the tone of the vessels and activates the regeneration of tissues.

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