Cranberry with pancreatitis, cranberry mors for pancreas

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Cranberry, possessing a lot of useful properties, has long been considered an effective remedy against many diseases. Widely known is the treatment with these pancreatitis berries. Cranberries with pancreatitis are recommended for use by patients in any form: you can eat her berries with the addition of sugar, add to compotes, cook jelly.

Medicinal properties are endowed with cranberry leaves, from which infusions and decoctions are prepared, and they drink instead of tea. Cranberry contains pectin substances, which allow to purify the pancreas and bring it into healthy functioning. In addition, it contains iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, organic acids - citric, benzoic, quinic and urinary, which is especially valuable for the body in pancreatitis. After all, it is she who removes all inflammatory processes, calming and healing wounds.

Cranberry juice effectively increases the production of gastric juice, which can be cured of pancreatitis. But still in situations when parallel with pancreatitis there are still any acute diseases of the stomach or intestine, it should be used very carefully, it is advisable to consult with a nutritionist beforehand.

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Cranberry juice in pancreatitis

In acute or chronic pancreatitis, to improve health and quickly transition to the stage of remission, all medicinal decoctions and infusions should be consumed. Even cranberry mors in pancreatitis helps to alleviate the condition of the patient. If after treatment many doctors exclude a number of drinks, then, on the contrary, they introduce and increase the volume of consumption. This is due to the fact that this berry is a very important product, since it contains many useful substances. At a time when non-traditional medicine was the only one, these berries were used to treat many pathologies. In modern medicine its useful properties are proven in inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberry normalizes its healthy functioning.

Cranberry juice in pancreatitis increases the secretion of gastric juice. This, in turn, affects the condition and operation of the pancreas in any form of the disease. Berry is rich in useful properties, and, not only the berry, but also the branches and leaves of the plant. They are used in folk medicine for the preparation of broths, infusions, which purify the pancreas, enhance the production of important enzymes.

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