Inflammation of the pancreas treatment, help, how to remove symptoms, how to treat, what to do if it is inflamed?

Complex treatment of pancreatitis allows not only to lubricate the symptoms and get out of the crisis, but, and remain in remission for a long time without repeated exacerbations. Inflammation of the pancreas treatment requires medication, diet and folk remedies. Cases of complete healing of medicine are known, though, and rare. Inflammation( and increases) the body in response to frequent use of acute, alcohol, fried, fat.

There is a predisposition to disease at the gene level. Advise how to treat inflammation of the pancreas, a doctor can, self-medication is fraught with exacerbation. The disease has many lethal outcomes, pains are present in one hundred percent of cases of attacks. The medicine prescribes, mainly, for the complication of the diagnosis of a cyst and other concomitant diseases, which can not be treated.

Inflammation of the pancreas: symptoms, treatment

Symptoms are diverse, an accurate diagnosis is obtained only as a result of a complex of measures:

  • ultrasound in combination with a tomography of two or three kinds
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  • urine, feces, blood tests
  • a patient's questionnaire about the medications taken, the study of menus and habitssmoking, alcohol)

After this, the doctor will become clear how to relieve pancreatic inflammation without harming the body, better treat the patient. The patient should follow all the instructions of the gastroenterologist( and nutritionist) in order to avoid a repeat of the attack. Studying the process of the disease( even at the initial level) will make it possible to understand the mechanism( order) of the pain syndrome, teach how to remove it, from which products should be refrained.

The severity of acute pancreatitis is still being tested by Ranson's criterion( since 1974), the latest generation of antibiotics has reduced mortality from 80 to 20%.The complex of medicines at the time of the attack makes it easier to suffer, enter remission as soon as possible:

  • therapy with antiferment is used in medicine rarely, only for patients with an interstitial variant of the disease, the drug is injected into the vein( gordoks, sodium chloride, countercranial)
  • antibiotics - treatmentintravenous and intramuscularly doxycycline, cefuro, cefobide, ampioks, in the presence of chlamydia, abaktal is used, which allows to relieve the exacerbation of
  • enzymes - after the crisis has been cured in medicine, creon or its analogs are used,tory liposoluble vitamins may be supplemented or replaced panzitormom( for the treatment of biliary insufficiency)

Pancreatic Inflammation: operation

operations on other organs often fraught pancreatitis subsequently. Medicine inflammation of the pancreas counts as a complex case, the diagnosis of which did not exceed 30%( before the appearance of tomography) of actual diseases. The operation on this organ requires a high level of skill, often accompanied by the complete removal of gallstones. Assign it, as a rule, with necrosis( high mortality), cyst, inflammation, infections, lack of effect from therapy( intensive, persistent).

What if the pancreas is inflamed?

If an attack of pancreatitis is localized, you should immediately visit your doctor. Since the characteristic signs are pain in the side or in the center of the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, then this is enough to not delay with treatment if the pancreas is inflamed.

Patients with pancreatitis in the home medicine cabinet need to keep the necessary drugs to remove intoxication. It can be protein preparations, glucose and antispasmodic tablets. Simultaneously with them it is necessary to take the preparations supporting normal work of heart. Usually, a doctor prescribes medicines and they must be bought so that in the event of an unexpected attack, one should not run to the pharmacy. Well, there are tablets that contain enzymes that are close to those produced by the pancreas. The most common drug is Pancreatin. With severe pain, you should take a pill of the drug No-Shpa. If the inflammation is accompanied by acute attacks, it is recommended to call an ambulance and not to refuse hospitalization. Of course, you can remove pain symptoms with pills, but they dull the pain, but do not treat the inflammation of the pancreas.

Help with inflammation of the pancreas

In case of not severe inflammation of pancreatitis, it is required to observe therapeutic starvation. During the first day you should not eat. You can drink unsweetened tea, alkaline mineral water without gases. The next day you can eat biscuits( not butter), in unlimited quantities. On the third day you can enter into the diet of boiled products. You can not eat fried and spicy food for a long time after stopping the attack.

In general, with this diagnosis, it is very important to follow a diet, strict - within a month, special - throughout life. Help in inflammation of the pancreas consists in the intake of digestive agents: Pancreatin, Mezima-Forte, Festal.

Pricks in inflammation of the pancreas

With any exacerbation, in the absence of vomiting, injections of Duspatalin may be prescribed. It is an antispasmodic agent that relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of the gland ducts. This is a very good drug, as it removes spasms and displays pancreatic juice and bile.

For the normalization of metabolic processes, a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate, albumin, hemodez. To eliminate the edema and reduce the viscosity of the blood with inflammation of the pancreas, injections are injected intravenously in the form of a solution of Reopoliglyukin. To eliminate toxins, injections of a lytic mixture are prescribed.

How to cure inflammation of the pancreas?

The doctor prescribes antihistamines, such as Suprastin or Cimetidine. To remove spasms - No-Shpa, Euphilin or Nitroglycerin. It is very important to take cholinolytics such as Scopolamine or Atropine during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, other medicines may be chosen. Cytostatics are prescribed, if the patient is hospitalized, then to enhance their effects, Fraurafur or Vincristine is administered via a catheter. To prevent infection to the retroperitoneal tissue, antibiotics Trichopol and others are prescribed.

The method of how to cure inflammation of the pancreas is chosen by the attending physician, and the patient must strictly observe it. It is required to take vitamins, drink alkaline mineral water, visit a specialized sanatorium. If pancreatitis is accompanied by diabetes, additional treatment measures are introduced.

With pancreatitis it is useful to do exercises of respiratory gymnastics, to conduct mud therapy, to take coniferous baths.

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