1( first) stage of stomach cancer - symptoms and treatment

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that is divided into 4 stages of percolation: the first, second, third and fourth degrees.

The first stage is divided into the extent of the lesion:

  1. 1 "A"
  2. 1 "B"

1 stage of stomach cancer is characterized by the fact that a small tumor formed has not yet metastasized, so the chances for complete recovery of the patient are very high,surgeon and the cutting of part of the stomach.

"A" degree is the presence of malignant cells in the mucous wall of the stomach.

"B" degree has all the signs of "A" degree, only cells have spread either to lymph nodes or to muscle tissue.

Stomach cancer of the 1st stage still does not give any special symptoms, that's why it is difficult to determine the disease, but from the general symptoms it is possible to distinguish the following:

  • Light weakness, dizziness, sharp loss of strength for no reason, fast fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, apathyto work and to life. Similar signs are present in a number of other and less dangerous diseases, so patients with cancer rarely pay attention to such minor symptoms.
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  • Abdominal pain may occur with stage 1 gastric cancer, but similar signs are present with ulcers and gastritis, so they are ignored.
  • In general, the stomach shows a general discomfort, which can manifest itself not only in the form of pains, but also as a quick saturation with a small amount of food and even when a person does not eat.
  • Sensation of overeating from a small amount of food, which does not last long.
  • Loss of appetite. Even the smells of food can not cause it. Moreover, there may come disgust from smells and from food, which before that were favorite and stimulated appetite.
  • Against the background of all the above symptoms can be observed even nausea, sometimes with vomit.
  • High body temperature.

Treatment of stage 1 of stomach cancer

At 1 stage, surgical intervention is inevitable, in which gastrectomy( cutting off the affected area) is performed.

Depending on the spread of the tumor, after the operation, radiotherapy or chemotherapy may additionally be prescribed to avoid relapse.

The probability of complete cure is low, basically life is prolonged and its quality improves. Eighty percent of patients live, on average, for another five years. However among doctors there is such observation, that if the person has lived the first five years after operation and radial and chemotherapy will live up to the end of a life, and will be considered completely cured. But most people still have a relapse that leads to the appearance of a new tumor.

Diagnosis of the first stage of stomach cancer

In the early stages, in addition to a thorough history of the symptoms of the patient, you need to conduct a comprehensive survey to get answers to a number of questions.


  • fibrogastroscopic examination of
  • examination of patient's feces for concealed blood
  • examination of gastric contents
  • blood test
  • to conduct exfoliative cytology

Prevention of stomach cancer

Disease is better to prevent than to deal with consequences.

  • To avoid mutations of healthy cells, you must give up alcohol, especially strong;from nicotine;from drugs;from eating bite and salt, - pickles and marinades, used in large quantities, can cause cancer - as well as smoked products.
  • Nitrate and nitrite vegetables grown in greenhouses are capable of causing cell mutation.
  • Chemical additives, taste enhancers, genetically modified products are also capable of damaging the gastric mucosa, resulting in causing cell degeneration.
  • A suppressed atmosphere in large cities, radiation radiation, inhalation of poisonous chemicals are no less harmful and are capable of triggering the process of cell mutation.
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