How to independently measure eye pressure at home

1 Types of eye pressure

Internal eye pressure may be decreased or increased. Both these changes will be considered pathological abnormalities. Special treatment in both cases is strictly mandatory.

Increased fluid pressure in the eye chamber is the main symptom of glaucoma of the closed type. This can provoke compression, and in the worst case, partial or complete destruction of the optic nerve. Complete loss of vision is a frequent pathology.

There are factors affecting the increase in intraocular pressure:

  • increased production of eye fluid;
  • congenital or genetic features of the structure of the eye;
  • presence of chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Factors influencing lowering of intraocular pressure:

  • surgical intervention;
  • trauma to the eye;
  • pathology in the development of the eye.

Lowering of intraocular pressure can provoke eye atrophy due to deterioration in the nutrition of its tissues.

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There are 3 types of increase in intraocular pressure:

  1. Transient is an increase for a short period. Then it automatically normalizes itself.
  2. Labile is a pressure that rises with frequency. Subsequently, it automatically normalizes itself.
  3. Stable is a condition in which the pressure on the capsule of the eye is constantly elevated. Pathology can progress.

Transient increase in internal eye pressure can be provoked by overfatigue of the eyes or the presence of hypertension. In this case, the increase is observed in all the vessels of the eye. In addition, intraocular pressure may also increase. The increase can be observed during stress and in other situations of a nervous nature.

An increase in ophthalmotonus can be caused by stagnation of fluid in the tissues of the eye. Often this happens with kidney and heart failure, Graves' disease, thyroid disease or menopause.

Also factors can be poisoning with drugs, chemicals, neoplasms and inflammation of the eyeball.

These causes can provoke a periodic increase in intraocular pressure. With the long course of the pathology, the development of glaucoma is not far off.

2 Symptoms of diseases

A slight increase in intraocular pressure is not always a true symptom of pathology.

The main symptoms are:

  • impairment of visual function;
  • headaches( the focus is in the temples or the eye itself);
  • vision becomes cloudy;
  • is the redness in the eyes;
  • discomfort for any visual work.

Among the main effects of high intraocular pressure is glaucoma, detached ophthalmic retina and complete atrophy of the optic nerves.

The disease is extremely dangerous and leads to a complete loss of vision.

An increase in the ophthalmotonus may not appear for a very long period of time. He can progress without giving a person special discomfort. To reveal a pathology it is possible by means of tonometry, having measured an intraocular pressure by the special device - a tonometer. The mechanism of action of the device is associated with pressure on the eyeball with a special weight. Such a measurement can be carried out for prevention purposes - once every three years. This is especially true for people after 40 years of age at risk.

If the patient was diagnosed with glaucoma at the examination, this indicates a constant increase in intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma is a serious chronic disease that manifests itself in sudden changes in the pressure of the capsular fluid. There may be a violation of outflow of fluid in the eye, changes in the retina and the optic nerve. This provokes the development of defects in visual functions.


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Glaucoma is a serious disease that can not be completely curable, so the main task of a therapeutic nature is to fight the progression of pathology.

3 How do the measurements take place?

There are several methods for measuring eye pressure. For diagnostics special devices are used:

  • tonometer Maklakova;
  • pneumotonometer;
  • electrotone.

One of the most accurate methods is manometric. The essence of the method is that the needle of the device is inserted through the cornea and true measurements are made. However, its application practically does not occur.

4 Palpation-Orientation Diagnostics

The patient looks down. The fingers of the hand rest on the forehead, the indexes are placed on the movable eyelid, above the cartilage. One finger fixes the eye, and the other lightly presses on the apple. Further, judging by the density and height of the intraocular pressure of the apple, the doctor makes a decision. Normal( or below normal) internal pressure of the eye is characterized by the fact that the finger feels small impulses of the sclera.

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High internal pressure of the eye is determined by the large strengthening of the index finger. The sclera must be slightly deformed, flattening it. The index finger will not feel any tremors. If you compare the sensations with a healthy eye, you can diagnose high blood pressure or exclude it.

Palpation allows to determine the degree of scleral density:

  • normal( normal pressure);
  • is moderate( apple is dense);
  • elevated( apple is very dense);
  • stone( apple solid).

If intraocular pressure is lowered, the sclera:

  • is mild( more than normal);
  • is very soft;
  • excessively soft( finger when pressed "sinks").

The method of palpation-orientation research is widely applicable when others are undesirable. These can be eye diseases or trauma to the retina and the cornea. In other cases, this method is quite appropriate.


Excellent data is obtained by measuring the internal eye pressure with a special device. The data are expressed in millimeters of mercury. This method of diagnosis was proposed by Maklakov as far back as 1884.Since then it has become quite common.

The essence of the study is that the cornea collapses. Its main values ​​are simplicity and accuracy. The method of Maklakov is the use of a tonometer with a mass of only 10 g. The tonometer itself is a hollow cylinder made of metal with a lead base inside. The ends of the instrument have lamellas of frosted glass( diameter - 1 cm).Glass before the study treated with antiseptic and color( a mixture of collargol, glycerin and distilled water).

Measure after local anesthesia( after 5 minutes).

The patient lies on the couch. The doctor spreads the eyelids without affecting the eyeball. The tonometer is located in the center of the cornea. The Georgian squeezes it. After the device contacts the tissue, the paint is transferred to the cornea. As a result, the color stains the surface boundaries, and the center remains unpainted. Conclusion: the internal eye pressure will be higher when the degree of flattening of the cornea is minimal.

Then the handle of the tonometer flips over, that is, the impression is at the top, and the other surface is at the bottom. After use, the instrument is placed in a case. Next, another eye is checked and the device is also sent to the case.

The specialist measures pressure in turn, first in the right, and then in the left eye.

The eyes are treated with antiseptic droplets.

Impressions from both eyes are transferred to paper and the diameters of these discs are measured with a graduated ruler. Designations are obtained in millimeters of mercury.

6 Impression tonometry

This is a method developed by Schiotz. The essence of it is that the cornea is pressed into the stem under the influence of the weight. The linear value indicates the degree of indentation of the cornea. Dependence of the weight of the weights and intraocular pressure is determined in millimeters of the mercury column.

The essence of the method is to determine the effect of compressed air on the center of the cornea. The surface of the fabric is deformed. The nature of the changes will become the definition of the internal pressure of the eye. That is, the pressure is read with a high degree of accuracy, and the eyeball remains untouched.

These methods allow you to make a more accurate diagnosis, and also to follow changes in intraocular pressure, but use them at home is not necessary to avoid negative consequences. The findings are the basis for treating the disease and fighting its progression.

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