Treatment of esophagus esophagitis, how to treat, whether it is possible to cure, scheme, clinic, medical history, is it treated, how to get rid of forever?

Inflammation of the esophagus mucosa( esophagitis) is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the rate of development of the disease, inflammation can be acute as a result of damage to mucous toxins or microorganisms or acquire a chronic form of development. For chronic types of this disease, mucous membrane covering with mucus is characteristic and at the same time it becomes loose and hyperemic. Depending on the morphological signs, acute types of the disease can be erosive, catarrhal, edematic and even phlegmonous and necrotic.

The choice of treatment methods for esophagus esophagitis depends on its type and degree of injury. The history of the disease with esophagitis first becomes clear. Acute infectious diseases, which in some cases are accompanied by hemorrhages in the wall of the esophagus, poisoning with chemicals and thermal burns, alcohol provoke acute types of the disease. Chronic course of the disease is often caused by reflux, in which there is a constant contact of the esophagus with duodenal or gastric contents, and there may also be professional reasons or as a result of excessive entrainment of hot, spicy food, alcohol.

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The treatment of esophagitis begins with the analysis of symptoms and the conduct of diagnosis. For the manifestation of the esophagitis clinic, heartburn, unpleasant eructations, impaired swallowing, chest pain worse after eating. In some cases, strong vomiting is also possible, follow the blood in the stool and dyspepsia. It should be noted that in the initial stage of chronic esophagitis, as noted in almost half of all cases, the disease can occur without significant clinical manifestations. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out with instrumental examinations. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor gives recommendations for the treatment of the disease.

How to treat esophagitis?

Treatment begins with the elimination of causes and compliance, certain rules of life, minimizing the negative impact of external factors. There are no particular difficulties in treating the acute form of this disease caused by trauma, poisoning by chemical substances or damage to the esophagus due to an infectious disease. In these cases, a drug regimen is used for treatment with a concomitantly rigid diet, which then goes to a sparing regimen. Drug therapy is also used for chronic esophagitis caused by reflux.

The scheme of treatment of esophagitis in this case consists of several stages, gradually strengthening therapy. Initially, antacids are used, and the lifestyle changes. If the symptoms do not disappear, go to the second stage with the appointment of prokinetics alone or in combination with H2-blockers.

The third stage with the use of blockers of the proton pump, or combined action of blockers and prokinetics, is put into action with insufficient effectiveness of the previous stages. In the case of a severe course of the disease with pronounced erosive-ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane, treatment is begun from the third stage, gradually proceeding to the completion of the course of treatment with the first stage.

How to cure esophagitis?

This question is of interest to many patients with this diagnosis. The process of treatment of esophagitis should be complex and based on several principles:

  1. A change in lifestyle, consisting in the refusal of smoking, the intake of alcohol in any form, weight reduction in excess body weight. Remove from clothing items tight belts and corsets, do not lift weights and do not exercise due to the strain of the abdominal press. Sleep on a bed with a high raised head height, not less than 15 centimeters.
  2. Food should be divided, with the exception of overeating, snacking and lying after eating. Exclude carbonated drinks, beer, champagne, and from products fatty, spicy dishes, limit the consumption of butter. The last meal should not be earlier than three hours before going to bed.
  3. Drugs are used to relieve pain, since every pain attack indicates an increased damage to the esophageal mucosa. Do not use soda to treat heartburn. If you continue to abuse alcohol and smoking, especially those who are overweight, then any treatment will be ineffective.

In the recommendations how to get rid of esophagitis an important place is given not only to adherence to the diet, but also to the diet, the way of cooking and eating food. In the menu there should be more such products as viscous porridges, mashed potatoes, puddings and creams. Sour foods( tomatoes, grapefruits, oranges) and juices from them are preferably not used. Prohibited foods include nuts, raw vegetables, crackers that irritate the esophagus. Cooking is recommended for steaming or in boiled form.

In cases of this disease, caused by a hernia in the esophageal aperture of the diaphragm, conservative treatment has no effect and surgical intervention is necessary. By the way, answering the question how to permanently cure esophagitis, then the most effective way will be a surgical operation. Surgical intervention is used not only for hernia, but also for complicated forms of reflux esophagitis, lack of effect in conservative treatment.

How long is esophagitis treated and how to deal with it most effectively depends first of all on the patient himself. In any case, if at the first signs of the disappearance of symptoms, a person returns to the previous harmful lifestyle, not following recommendations on the diet regime, then one can definitely expect a relapse of the disease. Whether it is possible to cure esophagitis, if to observe all recommendations, the answer will be positive. This disease is treated and, moreover, it can be permanently disposed of, if along with the regime and an active way of life do not forget about the folk remedies that enhance the immunity and protective properties of the organism as a whole.

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