Mucus in feces with constipation in an adult, why does blood come out?

Long delays in the acts of bowel movements and accompanying painful sensations are in themselves an unpleasant phenomenon, but when mucus, especially with blood, appears in the constipation, and all the adult's feces are covered, it is a possible dangerous pathology. In this anxious situation, it is necessary to discard all the embarrassment and immediately consult a doctor, and not try to eliminate the pathology yourself. In healthy people, feces are also always present in the bowel movement, consisting of epithelium and leukocyte cells, but they can not be seen with the naked eye. What is the reason for the appearance in the feces of a large amount of mucus during constipation in an adult? Specialists note several factors that provoke the emergence of this pathology:

  • Polyps of the intestine or hemorrhoids. Both these pathologies are always accompanied by a delay in the stool. Excess mucus that appears in the stool with these diseases, resulting from constipation, is a protective reaction of the body. If the inflamed areas are damaged in feces or on toilet paper there may be bloody traces. Due to its increased isolation, the walls of the intestine are protected from damage by solid feces;
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  • Diverticulosis. This pathology is characterized by the appearance on the walls of the intestine of hernia-like protrusions. When this disease occurs, the adult patient always has prolonged constipation. Cal and mucus in this case comes out with impurities of blood, the volume of which depends on the stage of the disease;
  • Mucus in case of constipation may also appear in IBS.This is the safest reason, as a result of which these jelly-like impurities may appear in large amounts in the feces of man.

It should be noted that all the diseases listed above have some specific signs. The expert does not make any problems to reveal them during the diagnosis. Therefore, when such negative symptoms occur, it is best to visit a doctor immediately. Do not forget that the appearance of jelly-like bloody inclusions can indicate the development of cancer.

Blood and mucus in the stool with constipation, what should I do?

At occurrence of such negative signs it is required, as already it was spoken above, immediately to address to the expert. The reason for the presence in admixtures of additional impurities can be clarified only after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures in this case. Patients who experience frequent constipation with mucus should undergo laboratory tests of stool and blood. If after that the cause of the appearance of pathological impurities will not be revealed, the expert will recommend additional diagnostic studies, which consist of a biopsy of the intestine, ultrasound and radiography. It may also require an instrumental method, such as a colonoscopy.

Having found out that the mucus that appeared in stool with constipation is not related to serious pathologies, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that consists of correcting the diet and increasing physical activity. In rare cases, drug treatment may be required, the choice of medicines for which is carried out exclusively by a specialist. Such therapy does not require hospitalization and is carried out by the patient at home. In the same case, when diagnostic studies confirm that the cause of constipation and the appearance of large amounts of mucus in hardened feces is a serious pathology of the digestive tract, surgical intervention or prolonged drug treatment in a hospital environment may be required.

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