Types and types of intestinal constipation and their treatment in children and adults, classification, what are they?

One of the problems of our time is constipation. Often a person can not empty his bowel for 48 hours or empties, but not completely. In a normal state, defecation in a person passes 1-2 times a day. The stool consistency should be moderate. The percentage of faecal water is about 70 percent. With a difficult bowel movement, the percentage of water drops to 40%.

If the patient notices that the problem has manifested itself not for the first time, it is necessary to seek qualified help from a doctor. Only after the tests and diagnostics the doctor will understand the reason causing such a change in the excrement. Not an eye can not be done, because there are different types of constipation.

Treatment is prescribed only when the diagnosis is made. Everyone should know what constipation is, so as not to abuse drugs.

What are constipation?

A defecation disorder always causes excitement, both in adults and in children. To relieve tension and not to worry much, understand what kinds of constipation exist:

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  • Primary. This type of constipation appears after anomalies that have arisen in the large intestine, as well as damage to nerve fibers located in the intestinal region;
  • Secondary. Such a delay in emptying is due to certain diseases and damaging factors in the intestinal region. There are cases when such a disorder appears after the use of certain medications;
  • Idiopathic. Difficulty emptying is associated with a violation of the motility of the colon. The cause of the disorder was difficult to determine.

You should also know that there are not only species, but also different types of constipation. Treatment will depend directly on the type of difficult bowel movement that the patient has. Constipation can be classified according to the following type:

  • Almentary. Such types of constipation of the intestine arise from the misuse of food. In most cases, the patient's diet consists of sweet and flour foods. Every 2 people of our planet sooner or later face such a change;
  • Proctogenic. Appear in diseases and decreases in the sensitivity of the rectum;
  • Neurogenic. The most common type of constipation. In this case, the person for certain reasons suppresses the desire for defecation;
  • Hypodinamic. The disorder appears with little activity. In most cases, it occurs in pregnant women, elderly people, and in those who have a bed rest;
  • Mechanical. It can be seen in patients suffering from cicatrical changes in the colon. Also, violations can occur after the appearance of tumors in the rectum or large intestine;
  • Medicated. It can be seen only when using medicines that contain iron, aspirin, diuretics;
  • Toxic. They appear in people who often face toxic substances, such as lead, benzene or mercury. Also, smokers often suffer from such a delayed bowel movement;
  • Violation of water-electrolyte metabolism. This type of type of constipation occurs in people suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency. In this case, these types of constipation in adults can be accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness and heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • Helminthiasis. Changing the state of the stool is caused by the appearance of parasites in the human body. Sometimes, in addition to changing the stool, a person does not experience other symptoms, but after a certain period of time, you can notice the appearance of abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, skin rashes and anemia;
  • Neurological. The cause is neurological disorders. This can occur after getting an injury in the area of ​​the spinal cord or tumor formation in the same place.
  • Endocrine. When the organs of the endocrine system are affected, digestion breaks down. This deviation is possible with diabetes and thyroid disease.

Modern doctors believe that constipation and classification are incompatible concepts. They can be distinguished only by type or type, but no more.

Types of constipation in children

In most cases, a disorder of the stool that appears in childhood is not associated with gastrointestinal pathology. However, most often, embarrassing defecation is associated with problems of the intestine itself.

During the digestive process, the bowels make cuts, thereby moving the digested food to the outlet. This motor process is usually called motility. Constipation in children can be divided into 4 types:

  • A fairly dense chair, consists of solid, but smooth spools. It can be called "sheep feces".In this case, the child has pain in the abdomen, and sometimes pain during emptying. All this testifies to the spastic form of constipation in children. A similar disorder occurs as a result of increased activity of shrinking intestinal walls;
  • The stool of the baby is rare, but when emptying you can see a large amount of feces. In this case, the patient is observed bloating. Such a hard chair is called atonic. This pathology is caused by insufficient activity of shrinking intestinal walls. The baby may have no urge to emptying. If the child is forced to go to the pot, the situation can only worsen;
  • False. The stool is broken due to the fact that the child's absorption of mother's milk increases. Such a violation occurs on its own, if there are no failures in feeding;
  • Episodic. May appear as a temporary phenomenon. Most often they occur at high temperature. Thus there is a dehydration and the fecal masses harden, therefore at the child there is a problem at emptying.

There are situations when a chair appears as a thin band. In this case, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. This will help to understand the cause that caused constipation. The diagnosis can be not dangerous, and then treatment can be carried out at home.

Influence of different types of constipation on the body

Regardless of what types of constipation have arisen, it is important to timely diagnose and take measures to eliminate them. This is due to the fact that hampered defecation can cause a person to have chronic lethargy and a decrease in appetite. When a large amount of fecal matter accumulates in the intestines, a mucosal disorder occurs.

A frequent delay in emptying can lead to a breakdown in the intestinal microflora. That entails a decrease in immunity and increases the likelihood of serious diseases. All this leads to a violation of the absorption of useful microelements and vitamins. It will be necessary to additionally use products containing all the products necessary for normal functioning.

All types of constipation must be eliminated, otherwise, they can provoke the appearance of cracks in the rectum of the child, and sometimes an adult. The biomass of undigested food accumulated in the digestive tract can cause rotting.

Delays in defecation need treatment. To make the recovery process go faster you need to make a diet. Thanks to proper nutrition, the body will be easier to cope with any type of stool.

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