Candles of constipation during pregnancy glycerin, sea-buckthorn, what else can I get pregnant at week 39?

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The action of rectal suppositories for the elimination of constipation is due to their irritating effect on the rectal mucosa and they help only with proctogenic problems with the intestine, and at the time of the absence of mechanical difficulties at the exit of the feces. The most famous are gassing and glycerin candles. The action of gas-forming suppositories implies the withdrawal of excess gases that stretch the rectum and increase the motor activity.

Such suppositories soften stagnation and, irritating mucous, facilitate defecation. Candles of constipation Bisacodyl, Dulcolax promote an increased output of mucus, which softens the contents of the intestine and favorably affects its emptying. In general, suppositories can not be a medicine, but only temporarily relieve the condition of a person with severe constipation.

During the period of gestation, abnormalities in the intestines associated with congestion are fraught with various complications and various measures are taken to eliminate them. Given the effectiveness of suppositories in eliminating problems with stools, the question arises whether it is possible to put candles on pregnant women, and will it not bring harm? Rather the question should be, to stand differently - which candles from constipation can be pregnant? Unambiguously, it is necessary to exclude gas-forming suppositories and those that do not contain oil, which are not recommended to pregnant women.

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Buying candles from constipation during pregnancy is allowed only after visiting the attending physician. Selection of drugs should be weighed and well thought out. The risk of using rectal suppositories during this period is to increase the tone of the uterus and the risk of miscarriage. In addition, the composition of the recommended candles for pregnant women from constipation may include components that cause an allergic reaction, an individual intolerance to a woman.

What candles can be pregnant with constipation?

The choice of candles allowed for pregnant women with constipation is limited by requirements, without damaging the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, these drugs should have a mild laxative effect, without causing an increase in the tone of the uterus and not containing substances that can be entangled in the walls of the intestine. In addition, suppositories are used only to achieve a one-time effect and in no case can their application be the norm. In the presence of salt, magnesia, and oils as the main active substance in the suppository, in addition to irritating effects, they disrupt the process of assimilation of pregnant vitamins in the body, which can lead to pathologies in the development of the fetus. Therefore, choosing which candles from constipation can be preferred during pregnancy, glycerol suppositories and products based on sea buckthorn oil.

The composition of the drug includes glycerol and petroleum jelly. The property of these substances to absorb moisture contributes to the increase in the volume of stool and a softer consistency. In addition, it delicately affects the nerve endings of the rectum, stimulating an increase in its motor activity. Therefore, even at the 39th week of pregnancy, glycerin suppositories can be used without the threat of premature birth.

Contraindications to their use are:

  • inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • cracked anus.

Apply such candles from constipation during pregnancy, 15 minutes after breakfast, and their effect comes very quickly, for thirty minutes. Side effects are absent, but if any unpleasant sensations( itching or burning in the anus) appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sea buckthorn candles from constipation during pregnancy

The miraculous power of sea-buckthorn berries has been known for a long time. Amazing regenerating, antimicrobial and antiviral properties of oil from them are used to treat many diseases. The availability, effectiveness and safety of sea buckthorn candles from constipation during pregnancy provides their wide application in the treatment of proctitis, colitis, ulcers, cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids and in many other cases. Absence of contraindications( except for individual intolerance) makes the use of such suppositories necessary, when problems with constipation are accompanied by hemorrhoids.

It should be noted that sea buckthorn oil has a very slight damaging effect, therefore it is not recommended to use suppositories as an effective remedy for stagnant stool. The peculiarity of candles based on this oil is that they can be used where other means are strictly forbidden to use, so as not to cause even more harm. Magnificent wound healing properties combined with a slight laxative effect, as well as a positive effect on strengthening the immune system of the pregnant woman's body, make them indispensable in the treatment of hemorrhoids caused by constipation.

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