Diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids, how to determine( recognize, recognize), what is different from external( external)?

Sedentary lifestyle and excessive physical activity can manifest itself in such a violation as hemorrhoids. According to the clinical picture, there are 2 forms of the disease:

  1. Internal;
  2. External.

In the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms are almost not manifested. They can be seen only after the ailment passes into the 2 nd stage. Men and women should know that the external hemorrhoids differ from the internal hemorrhoids. The treatment of these forms is also carried out in different ways. Before proceeding to therapy, it is necessary to undergo a survey that will determine the form and extent of the ailment. If this is not done, the disease may worsen. In this case, the patient will have serious problems.

Diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids

After the patient turns to the clinic, the doctor should carefully listen to the patient's complaints. According to the symptoms, the specialist makes an anamnesis and sends the patient for diagnosis.

At the moment, several methods for determining the disease are used:

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  • Finger study. In a similar examination, the specialist touches the rectum and the outside of the patient's anus with a finger. If the nodes are located near the entrance to the anal opening, the proctologist will quickly detect them;
  • Colonoscopy. This method allows you to quickly recognize cavernous nodes within 25 centimeters from the entrance to the anus. Diagnosis is carried out by optical cable;
  • Irrigoscopy. This method allows you to recognize the internal or external hemorrhoids in a patient. The method is an intestinal X-ray. It is possible to consider such a method of determination the most painless and safe;
  • Anoscopy. Diagnosis is made by the anoscope. The proctologist not only can visually see the walls of the rectum, but also take the tissue for analysis. The downside of the method is that it is possible to investigate the rectum no further than 10 centimeters;
  • Recto-manoscopy. By principle, this method is similar to an anoscopy, but it provides an opportunity for a deeper examination of the intestine. The method is often used when visually difficult to identify cavernous sacs.

To determine the internal hemorrhoids, you must follow simple rules. It is mandatory to do a cleansing enema before the diagnosis.

Differences of external hemorrhoids from internal

The main difference between external hemorrhoids and internal is the location of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal sacs can be located near the anus or in the rectum.

Another distinguish the internal hemorrhoids from the external, it is possible by bleeding. In the first case, blood loss occurs only after bowel evacuation, since solid feces break cavernous formations. With the external, the hemorrhoids can be torn apart by the interaction of the pouches with clothing.

Many do not understand the difference between the two forms of ailment. In the first case, the inflammation of the hemorrhoids causes severe pain. In the second case, spasms are practically not felt.

Also differs external hemorrhoids from the internal one in that it is treated quite differently. External nodes should be removed in a minimally invasive manner or surgically. The formations that appeared inside can be eliminated with the help of anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agents.

Sometimes venous sacs fall out in any form of disease. In this case, they can be distinguished only by the presence of mucus, which covers the cones with internal hemorrhoids.

There are cases when the differences between the external and internal forms of the disease are difficult to determine at home. It is for this reason that you should seek help from a specialist.

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