Diet for hemorrhoids for each day, whether it is necessary, what number, treatment of the disease by starvation at home

One of the main factors provoking the development of varicose veins in the anus zone are disorders of the digestive tract. Therefore, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, the diet comes to the forefront and doctors recommend a therapeutic diet for the disease. By themselves, food can not cause disease, but they can exacerbate problems with the digestive process and cause constipation. In the diet with hemorrhoids, the following products should be absent:

  • pasta, buns;
  • smoked meat;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • fried meat and fish products;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • drinks containing alcohol.

The patients' diet is directed to the following tasks:

  1. Prevention of irritation of the intestine by chemical and physical factors.
  2. Elimination and prevention of stool disorders.
  3. Exclusion from the menu of products provoking the fragility of blood vessels causing the expansion of veins.

Based on this, the doctor chooses the right diet for hemorrhoids.

Diet for the treatment of hemorrhoids for each day

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Which diet for hemorrhoids for each day should be selected depends on many circumstances. It is different for men, women, children, and also depends on the nature of the course of the disease and the stage of its development. But there are general rules that must be observed in the diet every day. These include:

  1. A diet that consists of eating meals in divided portions in a clear time frame.
  2. To exclude snacks, eating on the go, liquid dishes of room temperature should prevail in the menu.
  3. The amount of food consumed should be sufficient to form normal feces, increase the consumption of foods with high fiber content and easily digestible.

It is advisable to observe the established diet for hemorrhoids every day, since the tendency to disease can manifest later in case of eating disorders. At internal expression of illness, the diet at treatment of a hemorrhoids means increase in quantity in food of vegetative fibers, resistant to enzymic substances of a digestive path of the person. The greatest amount of fiber is contained in:

  • whole-grain breads, cereals, excluding rice and semolina;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables( raw or cooked);
  • dried dates, prunes, figs, dried apricots;
  • beets, potatoes, carrots.

If there is an individual intolerance of some products, then you can use it in dietary nutrition for every day at home, special dietary supplements.

The diet for hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by cracks, is aimed at dilution of stool to facilitate their exit from the anus. When treating hemorrhoids at home, as much of the unrefined vegetable oil as possible is added to the diet. Even better in the morning, drink a teaspoon of olive or linseed oil, squeezed a little water.

Which diet to observe with hemorrhoids each day depends on whether the chronic or acute phase in which the disease is located. In case of exacerbation, special nutrition during treatment should be very strict. Here, special attention is paid to the method of preparing the allowed products. Under such circumstances, it is very useful to cook food in a blender and heat it steaming, or boil, stew. It is better to replace habitual salads with vegetable purees or smoothies. The doctor on the basis of the research can recommend what should be a diet for hemorrhoids. The number of the diet for hemorrhoids for each day is determined by the doctor, but with exacerbation or prevention, table No. 3 is recommended.

Diet for hemorrhoids 2-3 degrees

The presence of a second stage of the disease is indicated by the presence of a small appendage in the anus zone. In this case, other symptoms also appear:

  • weak pain in the act of defecation;
  • traces of blood in stool;
  • a slight itch near the anus.

At this stage it is completely permissible to completely cure and focus on the diet for hemorrhoids at the 2nd stage for each day. It is recommended to limit the consumption of flour and dairy products from whole milk, high-protein food. Cabbage, unripe fruits, legumes, peppers, black bread should be completely excluded from the diet. It is useful to increase the intake of cold water, and in old recipes it is recommended to drink 200 ml of water before eating.

The third degree of the disease is characterized by a significant increase in pain, itching near the anus and permanent bleeding. The enlarged hemorrhoidal nodes fall out at any voltage. In such circumstances, a special menu should be strengthened by therapeutic measures.

Diet for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The second and third trimester of pregnancy is fraught with the danger of developing varicose veins in the rectal zone. Therefore, for prevention and relief of signs of hemorrhoids, pregnant women need a diet with a disease that helps to eliminate constipation. During the period of gestation, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases significantly, therefore, spicy, peppery foods, pickles and smoked products should be avoided, which contributes to an additional inflow of blood in the rectal zone. The main emphasis in this case is on vegetables and fruits, excluding those that contribute to increased gas production.

In case of hemorrhoids after the birth, the ration should take into account not only the delivery of the mother in childbirth from the disease, but it should also not cause the child an allergic reaction. The food should be sour-milk products, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, steamed or boiled, crumbly or liquid cereals, boiled on water, vegetables and fruits that do not have red pigmentation. With hemorrhoids, the correct diet and lifestyle in pregnant women is inseparable in the success of treatment. Exercise, walking in the fresh air, special gymnastics every day in conjunction with proper nutrition can quickly cope with the problem.

What kind of diet should I follow with hemorrhoids?

Dietary nutrition for every day takes into account not only the sex, age of a person, but also the degree of development, chronic or acute form of the disease. For example, a diet for men during illness differs from dietary nutrition in cases of hemorrhoids in children. Delaying dietary nutrition with hemorrhoids is prescribed when cracks appear and the inflammatory process develops. In this menu, the content of products with a lax effect is increased.

It is useful to use mineral water without gas, broths based on medicinal herbs and fresh juices. The daily rate of water consumption should be up to two liters. Vegetable and low-fat soups, whipped in a blender, and broths help to facilitate the work of the intestines. Effective for the cleansing of the intestine is a mixture of yogurt with broccoli, cucumber or celery.

Today, the method of treating hemorrhoids with fasting is becoming popular. Hunger is seen as a lightweight option for calorie deficiency and food components. Such dietary nutrition contributes to the softening of stool, and it stimulates the intestine. This method is effective for the treatment of cracks, but most such a method of treatment is contraindicated, because of undesirable consequences. In the disease of varicose veins of the pelvis, dietary nutrition is a prerequisite for successful treatment.

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