Dyskeratosis: signs, symptoms, treatment, classification

  • small convex red pryshchiki-tubercles in the area of ​​the hair follicles due to blockage of the ducts by skin scales( "goosebumps") on the hands, legs, buttocks, hips;

  • Appearance of a red rim around the follicles;

  • with constant mechanical irritation, the skin becomes rough and like a toad skin;

  • Infection of the follicles leads to the development of pyoderma( pustular skin disease)

Hair follicle as a kind of follicular keratosis
  • appearance of numerous small pink knots covered with rough horny plates on the back, abdomen, extremities;

  • twisted hairs in the center of the nodules;

  • Often affects children and adolescents, rapidly becomes chronic, aggravated in winter

Hereditary follicular keratosis, including Kierle disease, Darje-White
  • follicular eruptions from gray-brown papules( plaques) on the face, behind the ears, on the head and chest,between the shoulder blades or on the whole body;
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  • possible damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, larynx, esophagus, cornea, rectum;

  • formation of crusts on the surface of papules;

  • draining papules into vegetative foci in the form of warty growths;

  • development of wetting areas in the folds of the skin;

  • possible dystrophic changes of nails, keratosis on the palms and soles, cystic formations in bone tissue.

Lenticular( hereditary form)
  • formation of single yellow, brown papules, covered with horny plates 1 - 5 mm, in the area of ​​the hair follicles;

  • when a crust is removed from the papule, a damp bloody fossa is found;

  • papules are painless, do not merge into foci;

  • a slight itch( rarely);

  • deterioration after ultraviolet irradiation

The skin in the zone of the shins, thighs, inner part of the feet, sometimes on the trunk, rarely - mucous, ears. Older men are sick. Women almost never get sick.
Disseminated( hereditary)
  • single elements of various shapes, similar to thick short hair covering different parts of the body and limbs;

  • formation of clusters of several affected hair follicles in the form of a brush

Hyperkeratosis of the foot
  • thickening of the stratum corneum on the heel, external and internal edge of the foot, under the fingers;

  • cracks of different depths often - with blood;

  • tenderness, stiffness, burning;

  • appearance of calluses and warts

Subungual( often has a fungal origin - onychomycosis)
  • thickening and changing the structure of the nail plate;

  • compaction and curing or loosening and porosity;

  • color change

  • multiple horny formations( oval) of flesh, black and brown color on the scalp, face, neck and other areas;

  • overdried, rough, uneven skin;

  • frequent formation on the face of crusts, tuberculate bulges of dark color, spiny formations;

  • with severe current on the face formed a kind of crust;

  • in the absence of therapy - baldness( partial or complete);

  • in case of damage to the hair area of ​​the head - dull and brittle hair with dandruff, diffuse( scattered) loss.

Pathology is common among people of advanced age.
  • cornification of the skin of the face, neck, chest;

  • loss of elasticity, elasticity, early aging;

  • development of rough, resembling sandpaper, seals and unevenness.

The cause is considered the active insolation( solar irradiation).Pre-cancerous condition, which requires regular observation from a dermatologist.
Porokeratosis Mibelli
  • formation of dense grayish nodes of conical shape;

  • with the development of the disease - the formation of a plaque in the form of a ring 10-40 mm with a pit in the middle and a rigid horny roller along the edge.

Hereditary pathology, often affecting children.
Starter Appearance on different parts of the body( usually on open) of dry or fat flat patches of yellow-brown color with uneven outlines, 1 to 3 cm in size, similar to warts.

The disease can last for a very long time and does not cause unpleasant sensations other than a rare mild itching.

Sometimes inflammation and bleeding of plaques begin to develop, followed by tissue damage( erosion).This sign indicates a possible transition of pathology into a malignant form. Rebirth in cancer in rare cases.
Kind of keratosis Specific features of

Dyskeratosis is the process of keratinization of certain areas of the skin, with its thickening, coarsening and related symptoms. The essence of the problem is considered in this article.

What is dyskeratosis of the skin

Dyskeratosis means a disorder of the keratinization process in some parts of the epidermal layer of the skin, which is outwardly expressed in abnormal thickening and coarsening. This is a symptom of diseases with similar names - keratoses, hyperkeratoses.

When the skin functions normally, the formation of new horny plates occurs as the exfoliation exfoliates - the old ones. If this cycle is disrupted, then the following events occur:

  • in cells begins pathologically active formation of horny substance, which includes fatty acids and a special substance keratogialin;
  • the old cells cease to die in time, forming thick layers on the surface of the epidermis.

As a result of dyskeratosis( or hyperkeratosis), the cells coalesce, become rounded and separate from other epidermal cells. In this case, toonofibrils - thin protein fibers that retain the shape of epithelial cells, come off desmosomes - special structures that firmly connect the cells to each other, and tightly surround the nucleus.

More often similar processes are observed on the scalp, face, elbows, buttocks, feet, lateral and back surfaces of hands, thighs.

Classification of

Dyskeratosis is divided into benign and malignant form, characteristic of Bowen's disease, squamous cell carcinoma.

According to the development mechanism, pathology is divided into two types:

  • proliferative , which is characterized by abnormally active keratin production;
  • retention hyperkeratosis , due to delayed sloughing of horny cutaneous plates.

Among the types of dyskeratosis are the acquired, developed during the life of the patient due to internal disorders and diseases, and hereditary, which are caused by changes at the gene level.

In addition, according to clinical signs, course and reasons hyperkeratosis is divided into:

  • diffuse( spreading over large areas of the skin);
  • follicular( occurs only in areas where there are hair follicles);
  • warty;
  • keratoderma( generalizing the name of dermatoses, for which the keratinization process is characteristic).

How to identify it

In order to connect unpleasant and painful manifestations on the skin with the development of dyskeratosis, it is necessary to understand what are the common signs for different types of the disease and the specific ones peculiar to a particular kind of pathology.

Basic symptoms:

  • the skin looks very dry, strongly flaky;
  • the volume of secretions from the sweat glands is reduced;
  • regions are formed, covered with cornified plates, forming layers of different thicknesses - from 2 to 3 to 30 mm;
  • there is a keratinization of the hair follicles if hyperkeratosis of the scalp is diagnosed;
  • nodules are formed, cutaneous tubercles of different sizes;
  • cracks appear, often - deep, painful - on the soles of the feet, elbows, palms and even on the head;
  • process is accompanied by bleeding, manifestations, erosion( damage), can capture a large area, moving to the whole body;
  • limited foci may look like warts, corns on the soles.

Specific manifestations of dyskeratosis in various diseases:

What kind of violations may indicate the symptom

Dyskeratosis is not a disease, but a vivid symptom of unfavorable factors acting from the outside( exogenous) and provoking this condition or certain internal( endogenous) pathologies,in a chronic form, that is, for a long time.

Exogenous causes of

  1. Continuous intense pressure on the feet when wearing tight shoes. This is due to the fact that excessive compression of tissues, like external aggression, activates protective mechanisms in the form of anomalously rapid cell division against the background of disturbance of the process of exfoliation of dead cells.
  2. Obesity, in which excessive weight increases the load on the feet many times.
  3. Diseases of the joints( lower limbs), curvature of the bones of the feet, lameness, flat feet, ankle overload. These diseases and conditions disrupt the correct distribution of the load on the feet, resulting in areas where excessive pressure and, as a consequence, hyperkeratosis occur in certain areas.
  4. Long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids. Hormonal drugs accelerate the process of cell renewal, which provokes the development of keratosis.
  5. Frequent and persistent insolation. Ultraviolet radiation unnecessarily overdry the skin, causing various pathological changes in the epidermis.
  6. Frequent contact with aggressive chemical media( professional keratosis).

Endogenous( internal) causes of

Abnormal thickening of the stratum corneum with the disorder of the keratinization and exfoliation process itself is observed in the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes mellitus. Disturbance of metabolic processes causes blunting of skin sensitivity, a disturbance of the blood supply to the epidermis, an increase in the dryness of the skin. These adverse factors are the basis for the development of dyskeratosis.
  2. Genetic disorders of keratin production.
  3. Diseases that cause abnormal changes in the structure and functions of the epidermis, which include: eczema, psoriasis, lichen of different species, ichthyosis of the skin, molluscum contagiosum, seborrheic, contact dermatitis.
  4. Erythroderms are skin diseases with a common reddening and peeling.
  5. Fungal diseases of the skin.
  6. Sexual infections( syphilis, gonorrhea).
  7. Disorders of endocrine system functions.
  8. Neurological disorders. Depression, severe experiences lead to the loss of a huge amount of vitamin B, and its deficiency causes dry skin.
  9. Oncological diseases that provoke paranocological keratosis of the palms and soles.
  10. Deficiency of vitamins C, A, E and group B, responsible for skin health.
  11. Intestinal pathologies, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  12. Sexual maturation and aging. These are conditions in which there is a sharp violation of hormonal status in the body.
    • In adolescents - active production of hormones provokes the production of keratin.
    • In elderly people, on the contrary, a decrease in the body's hormones inhibits the processes of natural renewal and exfoliation of dead cells( senile dyskeratosis).

How to deal with such a sign

Basic principles of

Fundamental principles of the control of dyskeratosis:

  1. Accurate diagnosis and determination of the cause( external or internal) that causes the disease.
  2. Elimination of all unfavorable factors contributing to the emergence or development of manifestations of hyperkeratosis.
  3. Treatment of symptoms and specific type of dyskeratosis with special medications.

All patients with dyskeratosis are recommended to improve the condition of the skin:

  1. Use of therapeutic moisturizing creams.
  2. Vitamins of group B, necessarily A, E and C - in the form of tablets and in the composition of ointments - externally to correct the processes of exfoliation of dead cells and the synthesis of new ones( strictly according to purpose, negative manifestations are possible).

Some corrective measures

Treatment of dyskeratosis is always complex, involving the use of internal and external medicines, vitamins, physiotherapy procedures.

For example, with follicular form it is aimed at improving the functioning of internal organs, normalizing the hormonal state of the body. Assign softening, moisturizing ointments and external preparations with lactic and fruit acids, capable of gently exfoliating the stratum corneum.

Mechanical methods of cleaning the skin( scrubs, peels, using pumice), which injure the upper layer of the skin, are often prohibited, which leads to the introduction of infectious agents, worsening of all symptoms and the development of pyoderma( pustular lesions). The manifestation of follicular dyskeratosis( not associated with genetic changes) often decreases with age or completely disappears, which is associated with a decrease in sebum secretion and the division rate of dermal cells.

Assign keratolytic ointments and creams to soften and dissolve the keratinized cell layer( only with the permission of a specialist):

  • Acriderm SK, giving a result with palmar-plantar punctate keratosis, congenital ichthyosis, unspecified types of thickening of the epidermis;
  • Belosalik( seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis acquired, keratoses) and Diprosalic;
  • Tretinoin.
  • For hyperkeratosis of the head, Vaseline, glycerin, castor oil, lactic acid preparations are used.
  • In severe cases of hyperkeratosis of the head, lenticular and disseminated form of the disease, a specialist may prescribe glucocorticosteroids( hormones) and aromatic retinoids.
  • Treatment of hyperkeratosis of the feet is handled by a doctor-podologist or a cosmetologist. If the cause of the disease is the wrong shoes, choose one in which the load on the foot will be evenly distributed throughout the foot area.
  • In the case of orthopedic disorders, they are necessarily engaged in their correction in the sprout. It should be checked the likelihood of fungal damage to the skin of the feet, the work of the endocrine system.
  • Cracks in the feet are treated with Synthomycin ointment, moisturizing and oily ointments with a solution of retinol. It is allowed to use foot baths with salt, with caution - pumice and mechanical grinding.
  • With the development of hereditary types of pathology, cryotherapy and laser therapy, electrocoagulation of individual foci, intraocular administration of hormones are often performed. Assign ointment of 5-fluorouracil 5% and fluorouracil, Etrinat.
  • With actinic hyperkeratosis - mandatory use of protective creams against sunlight.

It is important to remember that the use of effective remedies to reduce external manifestations of the disease will not help cure it completely until the underlying cause of dyskeratosis is eliminated.

This video will tell you about the treatment of dyskeratosis and hyperkeratosis of the skin with drugs and folk remedies:

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