Erythema: the causes of appearance, treatment with folk remedies, classification

Almost everyone knows a feeling when cheeks turn red from cold, shame or embarrassment. This phenomenon is one of the forms of erythema, but in fact it is a tide to the capillaries of a large volume of blood. Erythema is not always safe, because this sign can accompany a variety of pathological processes.

Most often, this happens with inflammation and infections. This requires qualitative and immediate treatment. We will tell you how to recognize the symptom in yourself and properly cure it.

What is erythema

The disease has a different duration and can go even a few minutes after the onset of the first symptoms. Persistent form of erythema differs long course( sometimes up to 2-3 months).

Eruptions have different boundaries and sizes. If the redness is associated purely with physiological processes, then this phenomenon is not dangerous and does not bring any discomfort, except psychological. But even if the erythema physiological, prolonged redness will create the danger of inflammation.

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Polymorphic erythema( photos)

Classification for reasons of origin

The forms and types of erythema are very numerous. Thus, erythema is divided for reasons of origin:

  • infectious,
  • radiation,
  • thermal,
  • cold,
  • congenital,
  • solar,
  • migrating,
  • toxic,
  • ultraviolet.

On the nodal erythema this video will tell:


The following types of erythema forms:

  • fixed,
  • emotional,
  • multiform,
  • annular,
  • erythema Miliana,
  • diachromic resistant,
  • nodosum,
  • tortuous,
  • fringed,
  • creeping.

How to identify

Symptoms of erythema are different. Each clinical form has some special feature. The common fact is the presence of redness of varying degrees and sizes.

  • If the rashes are no more than a coin, they are called roseola.
  • The spread of redness to the whole body is called erythroderma. When pressing, the reddened areas lighten. Often the disease is accompanied by swelling.

Sometimes erythema develops lightning fast, as, for example, in the emotional form of the disease. Not always, but nevertheless the disease can leave after the disappearance areas with pigmented skin. Against the background of erythema, skin lesions are often observed in the form of a rash.

It is very difficult to identify the appearance of erythema, but you can find out whether it is a passive or active form.

  • So, with passive lesion, the skin has a normal temperature, redness is a little violet.
  • With active form, the color of the areas of the disease is bright, the local temperature rises.

Since there are many kinds of erythema, we will describe the signs of the most common forms of the disease.


Exudative, for example, is more inherent in young people, is seasonal in nature. It appears as follows:

  1. Small areas of necrosis( not always).
  2. Headache.
  3. Percolation in the throat.
  4. Pain in the muscles.
  5. Fever. Papules and serous vesicles.
  6. Itching.

The disease can spread to the mucosa of the mouth, lips. In such cases, speech, food intake becomes more difficult, salivation increases.

For more information about exudative erythema, see the doctor in the video below:


The formation of subcutaneous nodes occurs with nodal erythema. They can grow up to 5 cm, but outwardly( except for redness) they do not appear, just rise above the skin. Pain is spontaneous in nature, it accompanies palpation, itching does not.

There is a fever and symptoms inherent in arthritis. Nodules pass, as a rule, after a couple of weeks, and the surface of the skin changes color as with a bruise, becoming cyanotic, greenish, then yellow. At this stage there is peeling, joint pains disappear.


Thermal erythema manifests itself with frequent or prolonged exposure to heat to a specific area of ​​the skin. Along with redness, a rash is possible.

If the effect of heat is too long, there is a risk of atrophy of the surface layer. The localization of symptoms is limited only by the place of radiation.

For possible ailments, in which there is erythema in a newborn child and an adult, read below.

What problems can the

indicate? Infectious processes

The most common cause of erythema is sensitization of the body. It occurs under the influence of various kinds of infectious processes:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Arthritis. Scarlet fever
  3. .
  4. Pharyngitis.
  5. Otitis.
  6. erysipelas.
  7. Angina.
  8. Streptodermia.
  9. Tuberculosis.
  10. Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.
  11. Coccidiosis.
  12. Yersiniosis.
  13. Trichophytia.

It is also worth noting that in dermatology, erythema often accompanies a radiation burn, idiopathic eczema, as well as many types of dermatitis, including:

  • Dysmenorrhoeic symmetrical;
  • Allergic contact;
  • Exfoliative Ritter;
  • Oral;
  • Tracked;
  • Beam( X-ray);
  • Infectious;
  • Sunny.

Non-infectious factors

Diseases not associated with infections are much less likely to cause abnormal redness of the skin. These factors include:

  • pregnancy,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • oncology,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • Behcet's disease,
  • rheumatism,
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • leukemia,
  • Stephen-Johnson syndrome,
  • Lyme disease.

The risk of the appearance of erythema is high in the presence of any chronic infections, vascular disease, allergies. But it is not always possible to pin down the cause of the pathology. Even examination by complex methods with the use of modern technologies sometimes does not allow to reveal the factor that provoked pathological reddening of the skin and inflammation. Such cases are called undifferentiated erythema.

For treatment of erythema skin with folk and traditional remedies, read below.

How to deal with such a symptom

The effect on the root cause of erythema is the main goal of successful therapy. If you remove only symptomatic manifestations, then this treatment will bring short-term results. In the presence of foci of infection, sanation and therapy of the underlying disease are necessary. It is important to stop any contact with allergic components and not to irritate the skin, massage, bath, etc., which are affected once again.

  • For desensitizing therapy, systemic antibiotics and desensitizing therapy are used to restore normal health. Widely use NSAIDs that help relieve inflammation and pain.
  • With erythema nodosum, it is better to use laser irradiation and extracorporeal hemocorrection for rapid recovery. For any form of the disease, ointments should be used based on corticosteroids or other agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Among the physiotherapy techniques, the best effect is with skin erythema such procedures:

  • phonophoresis,
  • laser therapy,
  • UFO,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • LFK.

Physiotherapy may not be suitable for everyone, with some types of erythema it is better to abandon it. We should not forget about the correction of nutrition for the period of therapy. Any products that can cause an allergic reaction are subject to exclusion. In severe illness, bed rest is required.

Use any medication you need after the appointment of a doctor, since self-medication is not able to eliminate the cause that caused erythema. This rule is especially strictly observed by pregnant women.

You will learn about annular erythema from this video:

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