Symptoms of duodenal duodenitis in adults, signs( pain, temperature), treatment with folk remedies and medicines

Symptoms of acute and chronic duodenitis in adults vary. In acute inflammation of the duodenum, severe pain develops with a certain episodicity. In addition, their intensity and localization depend solely on the site of the lesion. Among other things, the patient often experiences signs, nausea, vomiting, and also he has a fever. Also possible is a symptom such as weakness or even apathy.

The chronic form of inflammation of DPC has significantly more mild symptoms. The pain in this situation is constant, however, less severe than in the acute form of duodenitis. It is also possible, in addition to pain, to show signs of nausea, it is extremely rare for vomiting and fever. A characteristic symptom for this form of ailment is bloating, especially at the end of the meal. But often the symptoms of the disease are limited only by constant pain.

In the chronic form of duodenitis, the patient's appetite usually disappears completely, or simply falls. This is also a sign of inflammation of the duodenum. Because of this, a significant loss of body weight, as well as weakness, pain and dizziness, is possible. Due to the fact that manifestations of the chronic form of duodenitis in adults manifest themselves together with other gastrointestinal diseases, in addition to the above symptoms, there are also signs of other diseases.

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That is, common signs of duodenitis are pain in the epigastric region of varying severity, nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders, dizziness, fever and impaired appetite.

Diagnosis of duodenitis in adults

Unfortunately, bare symptoms are not enough for an accurate diagnosis. And the absence of the correct diagnosis complicates the further appointment of effective treatment.

Of course, the first signs of duodenitis in adults gastroenterologist notes at a primary examination. However, this disease has many different forms, which have no specific symptoms. In connection with this, instrumental diagnostic methods are appointed, such as gastroscopy. With its help, the esophagus, the gastric cavity and the duodenum are examined.

During this procedure, a biopsy is also performed, due to which the severity of the inflammation is visible. In addition, it is also effective to conduct an ultrasound study. It determines the general condition of internal organs and excludes, or reveals pathologies. In addition, depending on the symptoms of duodenitis, a study is made of the acidity of the gastric juice, as well as its composition.

Due to the fact that duodenitis, as a rule, develops against the background of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a complete diagnosis of other internal organs is carried out. Thus, the causes of inflammatory processes in the duodenum are revealed. A biochemical blood test should also be performed.

Signs and treatment of duodenitis

Treatment of patients depends on the cause of the onset of the disease, the presence of temperature, the intensity of pain, and also its shape. However, there is a general complex scheme of treatment of duodenitis, which is aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the cause in the first place, as well as the symptoms of the disease. In addition, the mucous membrane of the duodenum should be protected, reducing the acidity of the gastric juice. Also, treatment should be aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the duodenum and preventing relapses.

A large role during treatment from duodenitis is given to dietary nutrition. It helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms. A person should temporarily give up any sharp and fatty foods, so as not to overload the digestive system. Note that the temperature of food should be warm, that is, above 40 ° C, and too cold food - is contraindicated in duodenitis. Alcohol and smoking are excluded completely. As drugs, those that have a bile-excreting and regulating action are used. Also, vitamin complexes are often prescribed, which can support the recovery of the intestinal mucosa. In addition, treatment is prescribed for symptoms. That is, antispasmodics are prescribed to reduce pain, antipyretic agents are prescribed for fever removal, etc.

However, there are more severe stages of duodenitis, which can not be disposed of by therapy and with the help of pharmaceuticals, in which case surgical intervention is necessary.

Symptoms of duodenitis and treatment with folk remedies

Also, inflammation of the duodenal mucosa can be alleviated by folk medicine. However, it should be remembered that often this disease accompanies peptic ulcer.

Treating the symptoms of duodenitis with folk remedies that have medicinal properties is practically the same as treating chronic gastritis. In the treatment of duodenitis, the main tasks are suppression of mucosal irritation, pain control, and mucosal protection in the future.

The main medicinal herb with such properties is aloe. This plant has antibacterial as well as wound-healing effect. For tincture you need aloe juice, red wine and honey in equal parts. It is prepared for a week. Take first 5 g( 1 week), then 10 g( 2 weeks), and again 5 g( 1 week) three times a day after eating.

Propolis has good results in the treatment of inflammation of the duodenal membrane. It is used in the form of alcohol tincture. Also in the diet can include cabbage-celery juice( 4: 1) in a glass five times a day.

Potatoes can also help in the form of decoction and juice.

In addition, for treating duodenitis, sea buckthorn oil is used, a drink made from chamomile or dandelion flowers, honey, root of ara and various herbal preparations.

However, before using folk remedies it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. Because depending on the symptoms, there are contraindications to the above plants. Also, with chronic duodenitis, it is necessary to take spasmolytic drugs that relieve pain, because none of the above plants have analgesic effect.

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