Trichopolum with gastritis - features of treatment

Today Trichopolum with gastritis is used extremely rarely, the drug is prescribed only when the cause of the disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This synthetic antibacterial agent is part of the complex therapy, it is not used outside eradication, its use is appropriate only in combination with tablets that reduce the acidity of the stomach. If there are other causes of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, treatment with gastritis with Trichopolum is not performed.

The active substance of the described drug is metronidazole. It is recommended by the Maastricht Treaty as one of the antibiotics in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. But in Russia, because of the popularity of self-medication, often Metronidazole is used very widely and not for its intended purpose, so resistance to the drug is twice as high as in Europe.

This fact explains why Trichopolis with gastritis in our country is prescribed by the patients less and less often. Russian doctors, when composing therapeutic schemes, give their preference to another drug - Nifuratelu. Treatment of gastritis Trichopolis is carried out only when the first line does not work and there is a need to correct it by making a replacement.

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This drug is taken with gastritis three times a day for 500 mg. The course lasts two weeks.

When can not I take Trichopol?

There are contraindications, Trichopolum with gastritis is not prescribed in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of blood diseases.
  2. If there is a violation of the coordination of traffic.
  3. With hepatic insufficiency and the existence of diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. With increased sensitivity to Metronidazole.

During pregnancy, treatment of gastritis with Trichopolis is very cautious. His reception in the first trimester is prohibited. In the second and third trimester is allowed only if the benefit for a woman exceeds the risk for the unborn child. Metronidozole easily penetrates into the placenta. It is also allocated to the mother's milk, giving it a bitter taste. Therefore, during feeding, you must refuse to take this medication. If therapy still passes with the use of tablets, breastfeeding should be stopped. Return to feeding can be only two after the end of treatment. Trichopol is being produced by Polpharma Poland.

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