After the pool, the child's ear hurts: causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Visiting the pool for many of us has become a familiar attribute of everyday life, delivering joy and helping to maintain physical fitness, tempering, relaxation from stress.

Earache after the pool

However, often after another bathing, there is pain in the ear, accompanied by its congestion, and often - and a decrease in hearing. This means that water penetrated into your hearing organ.

Reasons for

Our hearing organ is by nature not accustomed to the constant presence of water. When swimming or diving, it slips into the outer ear, literally overwhelming it.

If the fluid is not immediately removed, it can already enter the middle ear, and this is fraught with serious consequences, up to the loss of hearing.


The fact is that, stagnating, the water irritates the auditory passages, causing skin damage, and in this weak link, bacteria and fungi immediately rush in, inflaming it. They represent the greatest danger, as they provoke otomycosis.

If the liquid flows out immediately, these microorganisms will not have time to harm. The danger of penetration of fungi and bacteria is much increased in open water.

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Gray plug

Additional problems can cause sulfur fuses. It is a cluster of sulfur that blocks the auditory canal.

Many people try to fight sulfuric plugs with cotton swabs, but you can not do this in any case! So you just tighten the sulfur and pushes it even deeper - this will only increase the pain.

But the most successful option is to consult a doctor. After washing your ear with a syringe with warm water or a solution of furacilin, it will easily and without pain solve your problem, before making sure that the membrane is not damaged.

How to get rid of the cork in the ear, see in our video:


These very reasons cause an extremely unpleasant ailment - external otitis, called otolaryngologists "swimmer's ear."In addition to microorganisms, this disease can be triggered by a large drop in temperature of water and air.

Other causes of

Small lesions on the skin of the ear can also contribute to the penetration of infection. Among other risk factors, we note a lack of earwax, chronic diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity, a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Ways to remove water from the ear

In order to get rid of water in the ear , should lie on your back and slowly turn your head towards the stuffed ear, allowing water to flow unhindered from the ear canal.

You can just jump on one leg with a head inclined to the side, while patting your ears.

When water penetrates into the middle ear, it is necessary to drop drops, narrowing the vessels on the side, into the nose.

Ten minutes later, you need to lie on the other side - the water will flow safely into your nose.


Through external examination, the doctor can detect the symptoms characteristic of the disease: ear swelling, possibly - the appearance of purulent discharge.

By means of the otoscope, the doctor will examine the ear canal, assess the condition of the tympanic membrane. This is the main method for diagnosis. If complications arise, a check is made using X-ray equipment or special tests.


The disease is easily treated on an outpatient basis. With timely access for help, a qualified otolaryngologist will cope with it within a week.

The main task of the treatment is to suppress the inflammatory process, to eliminate the pain, and if the hearing function is broken, to restore it.

Intermediate task of the doctor is to determine the pathogen of inflammation, because the drugs used have a different effect.

If the causative agent of otitis are bacteria, antiseptic solutions or ointments containing antibiotics are prescribed for treatment.

If the culprits are fungi, antifungal agents are used.

The main method of treatment is to rinse the hearing organ with medications and appropriate skin treatment. Previously, the doctor removes sulfur, pus and necrotic skin.

How to get rid of water in the ear, see in our video:


  1. expert advice When you go to the pool, do not forget to grab the ear plugs and the swimming cap.
  2. Do not dive if you have a runny nose or a stuffy nose, especially if the hearing or smelling organs are inflamed.
  3. When diving, refrain from sniffing to prevent water from escaping through the Eustachian tubes into the middle ear, creating a threat to the more complex form of otitis.
  4. Before bathing, it is necessary to treat the ears with lanolin, special oils or ear drops, and after leaving the water, dry them with a corner of the towel.
  5. Never dry your ear with a hairdryer - this can lead to a burn of the skin. Also, the bungs can be caused by instilling hot alcohol to relieve pain.
  6. Forget about the cotton buds. They can injure and inflame the skin, attracting microorganisms.

Be healthy and swim in pleasure, observing safety measures!

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