Diet for pancreatitis in adults: nutrition

Compliance with the strictest diet is a key step in the treatment of pancreatitis in adults. That is why, in case of this disease, the food should consist exclusively of low-calorie foods that are easily digested. What kind of diet for adults will be relevant in this case? Of course, to begin with, it is best to go for a few days to a medical starvation, which will restore the pancreas and avoid repeated attacks of pancreatitis. During this period, the diet in adults should consist of non-carbonated mineral water, a weak green tea, and if there is such a need, you can include a small amount of vegetable broth in the diet. On such a diet with pancreatitis, adults will need to spend at least a few days, and best of all, and a week, after which you can go to a more diverse, albeit non-nutritional diet.

After the fasting period is completed, the basis of nutrition for pancreatitis in adults should be vegetable and meat broths. Thus for a diet it is best to use such kinds of meat as: chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, as they do not cause allergies and are easily digested by the stomach. It is best to boil the meat once, then drain the resulting broth and use meat and broth cooked repeatedly.

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As for vegetables, it is optimal to give preference to dietary zucchini, beets, carrots with pancreatitis. From cabbage, adults need to completely abandon, regardless of its variety, the consumption of potatoes is also best restricted to a minimum. Mushrooms should not be used in boiled, much less in fried form. Decoctions of them with a diet are also not recommended.

You can eat macaroni, but only those that are made from solid wheat varieties. Among cereals, oatmeal and buckwheat are preferred, manna porridge for too long is digested by the stomach, and rice is quite heavy for the pancreas.

As for bakery products, only podkushenny breadcrumbs are allowed with pancreatitis. From fresh baking is best to completely abandon, as it can cause a repeated exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas.

Proper and adequate nutrition for adults, taking into account the diet developed by doctors, is a guarantee that for many years pancreatitis will not remind itself of itself and the repeated exacerbation of the pancreas will not develop and will not bring painful sensations.

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