Coding hypnosis from smoking: the essence of the method, types, reviews

In an attempt to quit smoking, people seek help from various modern inventions that help to overcome the addiction. Among them are popular electronic cigarettes, nicotine patches and chewing gums, sprays and tablets and much more. No less popular among the population and coding hypnosis.

Coding hypnosis from smoking

For sure everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but for some reason, not everyone is eager to part with such a habit. Some simply do not want, others find it difficult to refuse cigarettes because of strong nicotine addiction, while others refer to cigarettes as a way to calm and deal with stressful situations. In general, there are a lot of reasons, but only one thing - too many people smoke and can not or are not going to give up.

Hypnosis coding helps cope with the above causes of nicotine addiction. This technique allows you to convince the patient at a subconscious level that smoking is the root of all health problems, evil and disgusting muck. In other words, hypnotic coding sessions help the patient build an internal setting for aversion to cigarettes so that smoking in the patient is associated with aversion rather than with pleasure, as before.

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Principle of operation

Coding hypnosis versus smoking requires the patient to be placed in a hypnotic trance state, during which patients are easily influenced, their minds become flexible and respond positively to the information they impart. When a person is under the influence of hypnosis, his brain begins to function a little differently: he is open to suggestion, deeply absorbs the information provided, the patient can discover details of forgotten life episodes, etc.

It is due to increased suggestibility that coding is provided. The hypnotist, as it were, reconfigures the patient, creates a subconscious block that promotes the rejection of the person from smoking. And the impact is achieved by pronouncing certain phrases, which in the ordinary state would sound trite.

Specialists may have different effects on the subconscious of the patient:

  1. If the effect is expected to be intense, then the techniques of shocking suggestion are used, when the patient is unconsciously convinced that the consequence of smoking is necessarily pain.
  2. There are also softer methods when nicotine-dependent unobtrusively give an installation about the dangers of smoking, which causes him disgust.

For the maximum effectiveness of treatment with hypnosis from smoking, it is necessary that the patient himself has a strong desire to get rid of addiction. In addition, the patient must believe in the success of ongoing sessions, because the psychological suggestion will fully work only with openness and willingness to part with the smoking of the patient himself.

Types of

Hypnotic effects can occur in several ways:


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  • Audio effect. This technique involves pronouncing certain phrases by the hypnotherapist, explaining that smoking is evil, illness, etc. The patient can simply include an audio record, which he will listen in a hypnotic state, which is quite acceptable. Popular today is the audio method of Paul McKenna or the author's audio-hypnosis by Victor Gusagin;
  • Video effect. A similar technique involves providing patients with horrific photos or videos that show the possible consequences of nicotine addiction.

There are other techniques of hypnotic antinicotin therapy, for example, the Spiegel method, which is based on such affirmations:

  • Smoking is a poison for the body;
  • The body needs you for life, so it needs to be protected;
  • Non-smoking people have many advantages.

Dr. Der Spiegel teaches patients the ability to self-hypnosis and recommends pronouncing the above settings whenever he pulls a cigarette, this in his opinion will help to quit.

Specialists warn that it is necessary to treat with special care such methods of treatment of nicotine addiction. After all, this technique is based primarily on negative motivations, which involves adding to the list of already existing fears and fears of several more awesome additions. During the hypnotherapy session, only a qualified and certified hypnotherapist should be contacted.

A doctor who does not have the proper specialization can cripple the patient's mental state with such a hypnosis session, after which he will have to undergo long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Therefore, when choosing a specialist, you should be extremely cautious and attentive.

Rules for

It is quite possible to get rid of nicotine addiction with hypnosis. For the session, the patient is conveniently placed on the couch. He is immersed in a special hypnotic state in which a specialist can "peep" deeply into the human subconscious and reveal why a patient can not part with cigarettes. If there is a soft psychological suggestion, then more sessions will be needed. But this approach is less traumatic for the human psyche.

If the shocking, intensive influence is applied, then the influence on the psyche will be more pronounced traumatic character, because for the formation of a negative attitude towards cigarettes, terrible pictures of the consequences of smoking, fright or stress are used. The patient may include an audio or video recording or the doctor himself pronounces the necessary phrases, describing in detail the horrors to which nicotine addiction may lead.

The duration of one procedure is about half an hour or forty minutes. Some patients experience a feeling of floating or flying, or, conversely, of gravity, although in general the sensations are quite comfortable. After withdrawal from the hypnotic state, patients may feel some inhibition or absent-mindedness, which occurs after a quarter of an hour. The number of sessions is determined by the hypnotherapist, because it depends on the mood and length of the patient's smoking experience. Sometimes the effectiveness begins to appear after 2-3 procedures.

Efficiency of

After the coding session from hypnosis by smoking, with its success, the patient feels much easier, and the craving for cigarettes weakens. With deep hypnotic suggestion, the patient may even have a sickening reflex at the thought of cigarettes. Hypnotic coding does not eliminate the withdrawal syndrome, which can occur several hours after the session. The patient may feel dizzy and headache, insomnia and other sleep disorders, increased nervousness, blood pressure changes, etc.

Qualified specialists say that this coding does not always work, and even if it does, the effect may not last long. Therefore, hypnotic coding from nicotine dependence should be considered as an initial step towards eliminating dependence on cigarettes. Here are a few reviews of patients who tried this technique on themselves.

Oleg: "I smoked more than 15 years, there was a constant cough, because I decided to quit. I tried a lot of things - electronic cigarettes, tablets, etc. But again broke and lit up. Recently I read about hypnosis, which relieves cravings for cigarettes. We found a specialist and had several sessions. At first, I did not want to smoke, but gradually the craving began to manifest. However, it was much easier to overcome it than before. In general, I do not smoke for the fourth month, although doctors say that I was greatly helped by the personal desire to give up cigarettes. "

Alina: "A girlfriend could not quit smoking for a long time, and recently met her and did not recognize her - she looked younger and looked prettier, she says she just refused to give up cigarettes. It turns out she was so helped by hypnosis. Now I envy and I want to enroll myself to the same hypnotherapist. "

There are also such patients, to whom hypnosis has not helped to get rid of addiction. However, the reasons are not always in the absence of effect, although statistics show that 25% of people do not lend themselves to hypnosis, and some need a long course of hypnotherapy for several months. One can not exclude the fact that a hypnotherapist can be a fraudster who does not have the proper education and qualifications, then, of course, he will not be able to treat any treatment during sessions.

But in general, hypnosis coding has the right to exist as an effective way to get rid of nicotine addiction, because there are a lot of people who actually quit smoking with hypnotic influence. So the choice is yours.

On the video the essence of the method and the doctors' reviews about hypnosis from smoking:

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