Capresa: form, manufacturer, instruction, price, reviews, analogs

Methods for treatment of thyroid cancer may vary, but among all drugs that have a pronounced antitumor effect, it is worthwhile dwelling on the Capresa remedy separately.

It is in the shortest possible time that it significantly reduces the external manifestations of the pathological process, reduces soreness and can be used in complex therapy, which is especially important with a high prevalence of the tumor.

The composition of the drug is due to its high degree of efficacy, and it is this quality that should be considered fundamental when choosing agents with anti-cancer effect. After all, with the help of Capresa it becomes possible to reduce both the area of ​​the lesion and reduce the likelihood of rapid spread of the tumor process.

At the same time, the absence of negative effects on healthy tissues helps to preserve their health and reduce the number of negative manifestations when taking the drug.

Form release

The drug is sold in pharmacies of the city, while there is only one dosage form: tablets that have a white color and biconvex form.

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The tablets are film-coated, which dissolves rapidly when ingested.

Tablets are prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of this disease( oncologist), with purchase can be sold in case of prescription. Also, the tablet is soluble in water( regular drinking water without gases), which is acceptable when using the drug.

In this case, after dissolving the preparation, it is recommended to rinse the glass in which the tablet has been dissolved and the resulting suspension also to drink in order to prevent the loss of the active substance of the preparation and reduce its effectiveness.

Composition of

The active substance in the drug under consideration is vandetanib - a substance that stops the pathological process of excessive division of cancer cells, and also makes possible control of the disease at any stage of its development.

Complementary components include:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • crospovidone;
  • Povidone.

The film coating of each tablet includes components: calcium stearate, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, dye.


The Capresa remedy is available in the form of white, convex-shaped tablets that are in a polymer contour blister, 10 pieces each.

Blisters are located in a cardboard package.the presence of the instruction allows correctly to apply this preparation, and also allows to provide absence of negative displays at reception. In a cardboard box there are three blisters with a total of 30 tablets.

The name of the preparation, the country, as well as the company of the manufacturers, the timing of the preparation and its shelf life are printed on the packaging( cardboard).


The preparation can have several variants of manufacturers. Most often in pharmacies you can see this production tool ASTRAZENECA UK, Limited, as well as IPR PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc.

Both variants have the same degree of efficacy, is prescribed for complex treatment in thyroid cancer of varying intensity and shape.

Indications for use

The use of the drug Kaprulsa is especially effective in the treatment of thyroid cancer, which can be in various stages: at all degrees and forms of the disease there is a significant decrease in symptoms of the disease, a decrease in the morbidity of the pathological process and slowing the active division of mutated cells.


An antineoplastic medication is prescribed by a medical oncologist who, in drawing up a scheme of drug and therapeutic effects, must take into account factors such as individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, the possibility of a negative manifestation of the properties of the active substance and a number of contraindications.

To contraindications for admission The following conditions and diseases should be attributed:

  • lesions of the kidneys and liver;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the body;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the agent;
  • the patient's tendency to allergic reactions;
  • is incompatible with other antitumor drugs that are used in treatment and have a pronounced positive effect on the patient's condition;
  • gestation period;
  • the age of the patient is under 18;
  • kidney failure;
  • lesions of the digestive tract.

Also, contraindications include breastfeeding time, the presence of the last stage of cancer of the digestive tract.

Mechanism of action

The specific action of the drug consists in blocking the active division of pathological cells, not only slowing down their proliferation, but also stopping many basic functions, which leads to a gradual suspension of the pathological process.

Also, due to some analgesic effect of patients, there is a decrease in the morbidity of manifestations of the disease.

According to medical statistics, when using the drug Capresa in many cases, an increase in the percentage of survival of patients with thyroid cancer.

Complex effect has a greater positive effect in the treatment and therapeutic methods of treatment. The use of the drug is indicated in the presence of any positive results of treatment.

Instruction for the use of Capresa

The data used is a medicinal antitumor drug for various types of cancer lesions of the thyroid gland.

A doctor can also be prescribed a complex treatment with the help of Capresa: usually they are also antitumor drugs of a broad spectrum of action, mutually reinforcing their qualities.

Side effects of

However, when using Capresa, there may be side effects that adversely affect the overall condition of the patient.

The most common side effects when taking this drug include the following:

  • belching, vomiting, nausea;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • skin rashes, accompanied by itching and burning;
  • increased heart rate activity;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, especially if there is an existing stomach ulcer, damage to the esophagus and intestines;
  • worsening of the functioning of the liver, malfunctioning of the kidneys with exacerbations.

The listed side effects may be accompanied by a deterioration in overall health, increased sleepiness, loss of appetite and weight loss.


At a significant excess of the dose recommended by the doctor, a sharp deterioration of the condition, malfunction in the heart, soreness in the kidney area is noted. In case of an overdose, it is necessary to urgently clean the stomach.

Special instructions

Use of the drug in pregnancy, at the age of less than 18 years, and also during lactation requires special attention, because during this period the human body is especially susceptible to the action of the active substance.

And in order to prevent its negative impact on health, it is necessary to exclude the use of Capresa in the listed situations.

When you reach the advanced age, you should also use this medication with caution to prevent the occurrence of a negative result. The dose is prescribed by the doctor taking into account the patient's state of health.


The drug can be used in complex therapy with antitumor agents to enhance the therapeutic effect. However, with funds that have arsenic in their composition, Capresa should not be used: the probability of occurrence of side effects is high.


According to the patients' reviews, the agent showed itself well as an antitumor agent even in advanced stages of the tumor process in the thyroid, which is due to the high degree of activity of the active substance of the drug.

The high degree of effectiveness of the drug is noted even in persons with a lowered level of immunity, which is especially important for weakened patients and having secondary diseases.

The prices for the preparation of Capresa

The cost of the drug can be called the most accessible among analogues with anti-cancer effect: in pharmacies it is sold at a price of 109 800 per package. The difference in cost is explained by the seller's price policy and the amount of the trade mark-up on the cost.


Today there are no available drugs that could be attributed to analogues of this drug.

Synonyms of

Synonym of the drug can be called a remedy with the same action as Vandetanib.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies only if there is a prescription from the doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the preparation of Capresa in a dark room, with a constant moisture index with insignificant temperature changes. Also, you should protect it from possible falling into the hands of children and pets.

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