Why dizzy during menstruation?

1 The main causes of

Why does vomiting before menstruation and headache? This ailment can have diametrically opposite causes of its occurrence. Sometimes the reason is that it makes you sick and dizzy with menstruation, most of the women are associated with low blood pressure, and others - with sharp headaches in the form of migraines. Often the use of painkillers during menstruation can also cause dizziness.

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Frequent changes in the work of the vegetative-vascular system, associated with an increase or decrease in pressure, have a direct effect on the entire menstrual cycle as a whole. The number of female hormones during this period increases dramatically and thereby disrupts the activity and work of the female reproductive system.

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Often the first signs of malaise appear in women already in the first days of menstruation. She feels a sharp headache, dizziness, heaviness in the legs and in the lower abdomen.

In many ways, puffiness is due to the fact that on the eve 2-3 days before the menstruation begins, a woman gains about 3 kg in weight, due to the fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity. Special experiences such symptoms should not cause. When the hormonal background is restored, the puffiness will pass by itself.

Each woman's body is individual, so if one has swelling, then another can vomit before menstruation. Usually, nausea can last for 2-3 days. At the same time, a woman should rest more, watch her diet and consume green tea. However, if nausea becomes unbearable and is accompanied by vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

2 Types of vertigo in the menstrual period

For a dizziness in the body of a woman, two systems respond at once: nervous and vascular.

A failure in the operation of one of them can lead to such consequences. Therefore, when the first signs of an illness appear, consult a doctor for medical help.

There are two types of vertigo:

  1. Central type of dizziness - it is experienced by a woman when her brain suffers from lack of oxygen or swelling. During menstruation or when vomiting before menstruation, women have a vasospasm, the so-called PMS syndrome.
  2. Peripheral type of dizziness - often not associated with menstruation. The main cause of this ailment may be problems with the inner ear or the pathology of the vestibular apparatus.

There are dizziness before menstruation, which are not associated with them, but on the contrary, during the period of PMS can only increase. Such dizziness can have both a systemic and non-systemic origin.

Systemic dizziness appears periodically and disappears from time to time. Often it increases during critical days, when hormones and deviations of the vestibular apparatus occur in the woman's body. In the period of temperature drop and atmospheric pressure, in addition, during the full moon, the pain may worsen.

Non-systemic dizziness occurs during periods of severe physical exertion or lack of water or glucose. To eliminate this disease, it will be sufficient to regularly consume at least 2 liters of pure natural water and restore the necessary supply of glucose, which nourishes the brain.

During the critical days when significant hormonal changes occur in the body of a woman, special attention should be given to diet, in addition, sufficient use of pure mineral water.

Overeating in the period of PMS is fraught with consequences in the form of gravity in the abdomen and nausea. Eliminate from the diet of fatty foods and foods rich in carbohydrates. Try to consume more animal or vegetable protein and glucose.

It is very important these days to consume more liquid, namely, compotes, green tea, juices or fruit drinks. They enrich the body of a woman with the necessary nutrients, and also provide the brain with the necessary "food" for work.

3 Relationship with hormonal malfunction

There is an opinion that hormones are the cause of many female diseases in critical days. Of course, there is a certain truth in these words. Indeed, with PMS in the woman's body there are significant changes associated with the release of a large number of hormones.


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They significantly influence not only the physical, but also the psychological well-being of a woman. On such days, she is particularly susceptible to mood swings, outbursts of rage and anger. Gynecologists recommend to use these days drugs that reduce the activity of the nervous system.

These include tinctures or tablets valerian and root leaves of the motherwort. Required are long walks in the fresh air and rest up to 10 hours a day.

The number of physical activities is also worth reducing. If you are actively involved in sports, these days you should reduce the load to a minimum, in addition, give up warm baths and water procedures.

Hemoglobin in the blood also drops sharply, and this is due to the fact that a large number of blood cells are consumed. Therefore, take the hematogen and foods rich in iron: pomegranates, apples and others.

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4 First aid and medication

If you experience severe headaches, dizziness, or nausea during a period, you must definitely take a horizontal position. Be sure to do respiratory gymnastics and breathe deeply into the account once or twice or three - inhale, at the expense of four-five-six - exhalation.

Provide fresh air in the room to supply the body with the necessary amount of oxygen, which will allow all systems to function normally, including the vegetative and vascular system and the blood system.

As first aid medicines, it is possible to note: no-shpu as a spasmolgic agent, capable of removing mild forms of spasms with contraction of the uterus, tranquilizers or sedatives such as Persen, Grandaxin, which can cope with nervous tension and malaise.

If you regularly notice at yourselves with monthly strong dizziness, which happens not only on "special days", but also long before their beginning or termination, immediately consult a doctor.

In the process of treatment, the doctor can also prescribe more serious medications, such as hormonal drugs, antibiotics, antihistamines and other medications. With their help it is possible to restore hormonal failures, which are characterized by heavy bleeding during menstruation.


1. Parfenov VA, Zamergrad MV: Dizziness in neurological practice.

2. Varakin Yu., Gornostaeva GV, Prokopovich ME et al.: Dizziness with initial manifestations of cerebrovascular pathology.

3. Gorbacheva F. Ye., Natyazhkina GM, Chuchin M. Yu.: Dizziness.

4. M. Samuelsa: Dizziness. Neurology.

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