Types of hemorrhoids, forms, classification, types of hemorrhoids, what are they?

Recently, people have become more likely to seek qualified help from employees of health care institutions. One of the types of diseases affecting the human body is hemorrhoids.

Cavernous formations can appear in both men and women. The disease is an inflammation or thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins located in the rectum. A similar kind of ailment affects 15 out of 100 people. Among diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids occur in 40% of cases, if not divide it into different species.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to perform a diagnosis, since there are different types of hemorrhoids. Treatment of the disease will also depend on its type and shape.

Classification of hemorrhoids

Before you understand the classification of ailment, it is necessary to understand what symptoms are signaling about the disease. Most often the patient has:

  • Falling of a cavernous sac;
  • Particles of blood in feces;
  • In the process of emptying, pain appears;
  • Itching in the anus;
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  • Feeling of fullness of the intestine;
  • Constant discomfort, worsening during defecation.

Patients should be aware that there are different forms of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal;
  • Outdoor;
  • Mixed.

Symptoms of each type of disease may differ slightly from each other. As for external cavernous formation, it can be diagnosed after visual inspection, as for mixed and internal hemorrhoids, they are diagnosed in the course of ultrasound and colonoscopy.

Many patients do not know what hemorrhoids are. It can differ not only in appearance, but also in type. The disease can be:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic;
  • Combined.

In most cases, chronic hemorrhoids occur. Such a disease develops slowly enough, but it periodically exacerbates. The patient's condition worsens. With this type of disease, people do not turn to a specialist until the last.

Acute type of hemorrhoids is rare. In a similar disease, the patient is suffering severe pain and burning in the perianal area. The disease develops rapidly. It is recommended that within 2-3 days after the manifestation of symptoms consult a proctologist so that he can prescribe treatment.

Stages and forms of hemorrhoids

Several degrees are included in the classification of the disease. Each species differs in the degrees of the course of the disease. Chronic hemorrhoids can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Initial stage. This is the easiest form of hemorrhoids. The patient shows burning and itching in the perianal zone at the time of defecation. In some cases, swelling of the anus can be observed. With such symptoms, patients rarely turn to specialists;
  2. The second stage. This type 2 hemorrhoids. The number of symptoms increases. In addition to those signs that already existed, pain and minor bleeding are added. These symptoms are manifested when the intestines are emptied. This stage can still be stopped, as the hemorrhoidal nodes continue to grow;
  3. Third stage. Cavernous sacs greatly increase in size. Many patients experience their loss. At first, the nodes can be fixed independently;
  4. The last stage. The ligaments and muscles of the anal opening strongly weaken. They can not contain cavernous formations. During the walk, the patient experiences discomfort. It is possible to get rid of this type of hemorrhoids only in an operative way.

The acute form of hemorrhoids is much more complicated than chronic. She also has classes:

  1. First degree. In this form, hemorrhoids flow without an inflammatory process in the rectal mucosa;
  2. Second degree. Thrombosis of cavernous formations is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  3. Third degree. This is the most complicated form of acute hemorrhoids. There is an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the rectum, as well as in perianal skin. There may also be a prolapse of cavernous formations.

If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, treatment of an acute type of hemorrhoids will allow the elimination within one week. As for the chronic type of the disease, it can proceed without complications for 5 years.

What is hemorrhoids?

Cavities in their own right, regardless of classification, can not cause death. They also do not cause severe forms of the disease, so an urgent intervention by a specialist is not required. Despite this, cavernous formations can provoke the appearance of more serious ailments.

First, the patient has a fever, followed by an itch and severe pain attacks. Cavernous formation becomes dense and acquires a blue color.

If you do not start treatment, then the patient will have:

  • Nodule constriction. When the formation is compressed, its nutrition ceases, and the site undergoes necrosis. The symptoms are the same as in thrombosis;
  • Bleeding. In the process of defecation, there is a slight bleeding. At first glance, nothing serious is happening. If such a situation occurs frequently, the form of the disease will go to another stage and the patient will have anemia;
  • Infection. When there is inflammation, the human body is weakened. As a consequence, an infection can spread through the cavernous formations, which will spread throughout the body. Most often, infection begins after thrombosis.

Whatever types of hemorrhoids appear in humans, they need to be disposed of, despite the fact that there are also mild forms of ailment. It is best if a thrombosis of cavernous formations does not appear at all in humans.

It is necessary to engage in daily gymnastics, as a modern person spends a lot of time at the computer and driving. All this provokes the appearance of ailment.

Another problem is nutrition. Because of their employment, many people have no time to have a normal dinner. They dispense with instant food. This type of nutrition has a negative impact on health. In the future, the body can not cope and appears one of the types of thrombosis of cavernous formations.

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