Rat Tenderness - Symptoms and Treatment, photo

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Rat tartanum is a worm associated with a family of tapeworms. Rodents that feed on infected insects are the main carriers of this infection. And not necessarily rats and mice should live in the house. Most often they live on food slides, where food is delivered to stores. When buying bread or other food, a person does not think about possible infections, so neglects hygiene.

Despite the fact that in people rat tartan is diagnosed extremely rarely, you need to be careful always. It is important to follow preventive measures and personal hygiene to avoid infection.

The main ways of infection with rat chain

A parasite can meet in any climatic zone. Infection of a person occurs in the event of swallowing the particles of the following pests or ingestion of eggs allocated by them:

  • cockroaches( some species);
  • flour mealworm;
  • feces of mice and rats;
  • feces of street cats and dogs that feed on rats;
  • caterpillar tracks.

Rat tartan is often found in children in the home of hand-held rodents. If the parents noticed that their offspring dramatically decreased academic performance, there were allergic rashes, irritability is noted and memory worsening, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and hand over all tests for infection.

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When feces or egg deposits of one of the above infected pest species enter the human body, they split up inside. As a result, a worm is formed, reaching a length of 60 cm( photo).

Symptoms of rat tartan

The maturation of eggs within the human body is 2 weeks. Before this, signs of helminth infection do not appear.

When the worm begins to develop inside the body of an infected child or adult, it negatively affects the nervous system and digestive system.

Rat tartar can be suspected if the following manifestations are present:

  • aching abdominal pain that is not related to food intake;
  • a constant feeling of nausea due to increased secretion of the salivary glands;
  • decreased appetite or complete absence of hunger;
  • high content in the gastric juice of PH, which leads to belching of acidic and constipation;
  • severe fatigue, weakness and inability to work;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis or urticaria;
  • severe headaches in the temporal region.

In order to diagnose the invasion by rat chain, identifying the symptoms will be inadequate. It is necessary to send feces to a laboratory analysis in order to detect helminth eggs in them having a characteristic appearance.

Consequences of rat tartan

If you do not get rid of worms in time, it can develop to the maximum length and adversely affect the body, which manifests itself in the form of various complications.

Possible adverse effects of the helminth habitat of this species in the body:

  • spinal cord and brain injury;
  • threat of meningitis( inflammation of the meninges);
  • possible development of paralysis and encephalitis.

It is not difficult to diagnose rat tartar if you pay attention in time to the symptoms and overall well-being of the patient. In time to start treatment - it means to protect yourself from harmful consequences for the body.

Treatment of rat tartar

Therapy of patients who have been diagnosed with this helminthiasis is most often performed in a hospital setting. The therapy should be cyclic and should be performed within 4 to 5 days. This will be the key to its greatest effectiveness.

The most effective remedy is the drug Prazinkvatel. The drug is prescribed in the event that a child or an adult was found rat tsenen, and the presence of it was confirmed by analysis.

One kilogram of weight requires 25 milligrams of the drug. The medicine is used once during a meal. In three days it is necessary to repeat the course of admission. These data are presented for informational purposes and should not be a guide to action.

Another drug that is used to get rid of rat tartar is Fenasal. The course of admission is up to 40 days in 6-7 stages. Each stage lasts two days.

Dosage is calculated according to the age of the patient:

  • children under 2 years old - 0.3 g;
  • age 3-4 years - 0.5 g;
  • age 5-6 years - 1 g;
  • age 7-10 years - 1.5 g;
  • from 11 years and older - 2g.

The drug should be taken on an empty stomach. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before taking the medication. If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the composition, he will prescribe another medicine.

Prophylaxis of rat chain

Helminthiasis infections can be avoided. Prevention consists of following the rules of personal hygiene. After visiting the lavatory, before meals and after meals, it is highly recommended to wash your hands.

It is important for children from early childhood to teach that soap is the best friend. In this case, preference should be given to liquid soap, t.it does not develop Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is often detected in washings from soap dishes( if using dry soap).

Rat tartan is a dangerous worm that can harm a person with untimely diagnosis and treatment. Carefully inspect the packages with products, follow simple hygiene rules and regulations to minimize the risk of infection.

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