Diagnosis of ascaridosis, laboratory research, how to detect, identify, identify, find out whether there are ascarids in children and adults?

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Askaridosis is the most common form of helminthiosis, it affects people all over the world. It is equally encountered in developed countries, quite prosperous from the financial point of view, and in other backward regions. The first mention of the symptoms of such an invasion was described in the treatises of Hippocrates and Ibn Sina. Modern medicine has learned quite quickly and accurately determine the pathogen at any stage of helminthiosis. Diagnosis of ascaridosis consists of different stages. The data of analyzes, as well as the data of epidemiological studies are taken into account. To detect ascaris and find out the stage of infection helps and differential diagnosis. Each method has its own characteristics. About them also it is necessary to talk.

Diagnosis of ascaris begins with a thorough questioning of the patient. A parasitologist or infectious disease specialist is required to identify a possible source of infection, to find out how much time has passed since the onset of the first clinical symptoms, with whom the patient contacted before reaching the doctor. Diagnose ascariasis and helps to collect anamnesis. Symptoms complained of by the patient are able to indicate the stage of development of ascariasis.

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So, for example, in the early stages there are symptoms of general intoxication of the body. This explains the appearance of general malaise, decreased performance, severe weakness, irritability, headache and muscle spasms. Similar manifestations are similar to the initial manifestations of many other pathologies, so they can not help to identify ascariasis.

Ascaridosis develops in waves in both children and adults, some symptoms are very quickly replaced by others, the intensity of malaise is then increased, then subsides. This is due to the fact that in the initial period, larvae migrate through all internal systems. While they have not settled in the intestine, helminths are able to visit the liver, the lungs, the heart, the brain. The accumulation of a large number of larvae of parasites in a separate organ provokes the development of its pathology. That is why a thorough description of the condition helps the doctor to reveal with great accuracy, at what stage helminthiasis is located and put a preliminary diagnosis. After this, laboratory research is carried out.

Which studies help to clarify the diagnosis of ascariasis?

Often, differential diagnosis is used to determine the type of helminthiasis. It consists of several stages:

  1. General blood test.
  2. X-ray.
  3. Stool analysis. Biochemical analysis of urine.
  4. . Immunoenzymatic diagnostics.

Blood test for ascarids

Why does blood help determine ascaris and make an accurate diagnosis? Worms, getting inside the human body, begin to feed on red corpuscles present in the blood. When their level falls, the patient develops anemia. It can be indicated by low hemoglobin. This is why a general blood test is performed during the diagnosis.

How else to understand if there are ascarids in the body of a child or an adult? The longer helminthiases flow, the higher in the blood level becomes eosinophils( leukocytes).They are responsible for the neutralization of histamine, a biologically active substance, which is actively produced during the presence of parasites inside the host. Normally, the eosinophil count is 0-5%.In the case of the presence and detection of roundworms, it increases to 25%.The combination of anemia and high level of eosinophils are not signs of any specific helminthiasis, since such indicators are characteristic for any other helminthic invasions. That is why an X-ray examination is carried out for the identification of the pathogen and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis on a par with laboratory tests.

X-ray in the diagnosis of ascaridosis

When answering the question how to determine ascariasis, physicians pay attention to the advisability of carrying out an X-ray. Larvae during migration can affect any internal organ. They cling hooks to the mucous layer and remain there, waiting for more favorable conditions for further development. While waiting, the larvae are copulating( covered with a dense limestone membrane).When attached, the larvae break the integrity of the tissues. This leads to the emergence of foci of inflammation. Them then helps to see the roentgenogram. A similar indicator in conjunction with other diagnostic features contributes to an accurate determination of the helminthiasis phase.

Study of feces with ascariasis

Study of feces in children and in older patients is performed to identify the intestinal phase of the disease. To detect ascaris helps the presence of eggs in the stool. To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct several tests of feces. And all because the absence of eggs in the stool can not indicate the absence of parasites. In what cases does this happen:

  • Firstly, eggs will not be present in the stool if a same-sex ascaris has settled inside the intestine( one female or one male).Reproduction of offspring is difficult in this case.
  • Secondly, in the initial stages of the disease in the intestine are too young individuals. Their reproductive system has not yet fully formed, so the reproduction of eggs is simply prolonged. The same situation develops when the life cycle of the ascarids ends. An adult is able to live inside the intestine for about two years, then she dies on her own. By the time of completion of their life cycle, ascarids lose their ability to reproduce. That's why sometimes eggs in the stool are not found. If no more than three months have elapsed since the infection, an enzyme immunoassay helps to diagnose ascariasis.
  • Third, some medications used by sick children or adults during the treatment of some other chronic disease have a negative effect on the function of the reproduction of worms.

Taking all this into consideration, an analysis of the stool with a certain time periodicity is performed to establish an accurate diagnosis during laboratory tests.

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