Chronic enterocolitis - symptoms, treatment, diet, exacerbation in children and adults

Under the term chronic enterocolitis is meant an intestinal disease that has an inflammatory-dystrophic characteristic. It has a detrimental effect on the intestinal mucosa, its motor and other functions.

Characteristics of the clinical picture of chronic enterocolitis will depend on such factors:

  • Age.
  • Disease period.
  • Localization.
  • Duration of development.

External symptoms of hr.enterocolitis are:

  • Painful sensations in the navel or throughout the abdominal area.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Lowering the tissue turgor.
  • Body weight decreases.
  • Symptoms of vitamin deficiency and general intoxication are observed.

It should be noted that if inflammatory processes are observed in the large intestine, then a decrease in body weight will not be noticeable, and painful sensations will appear in the lower abdomen. In stool we can detect mucus, and the act of defecation is accompanied by pain.

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Exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis is manifested in the form of painful sensations and flatulence. The pain is paroxysmal or permanent and accompanied by a rumbling in the intestine. Also hr. Enterocolitis is often accompanied by exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic enterocolitis in children will flow undulating: remission causes an exacerbation of the disease. In the case of him, the general symptoms can be described as: stool disorder and pain in the abdomen. Children will have pain in the lower abdomen or in the umbilical region. Pain occurs at any time, but mostly after meals at lunchtime. Such manifestations are intensified with active activity.

Another important symptom for chronic enterocolitis in children and adults is an alternation of constipation and diarrhea. Hard fecal mass damages the anus, which causes bloody impurities.

As a permanent symptom of hr. Enterocolitis in children is:

  • Meteorism.
  • Dismantling of gases.
  • Rumbling in the abdomen.

Psycho vegetative symptoms of enterocolitis, both in adults and in children, may also develop:

  • Rapid overtaxity.
  • Irritability.
  • Bad sleep.
  • Headaches.
  • General intoxication.

Treatment of chronic enterocolitis

Treatment will be prescribed when eliminating the causes of the disease. Therefore it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations of treatment for chronic enterocolitis:

  • To establish a qualitative diet, that is it is necessary to keep to a diet.
  • Discontinue use of medicines, especially antibiotics and laxatives.
  • To carry out qualitative therapy of parasitic and intestinal-infectious disease.
  • Carry out treatment for other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After eliminating the root causes of exacerbation of diseases, treatment of dysbacteriosis and intestinal dyspepsia is carried out. The patient is prescribed a diet that limits the consumption of foods in which a large number of carbohydrates. Diet in chronic enterocolitis is appointed sparing type, so as not to irritate the intestines and not cause allergic reactions.

To avoid the putrefactive processes of the intestinal cavity with chronic enterocolitis, the diet restricts the consumption of coarse fiber and hard-to-digest proteins. In case of constipation, the use of carrots, beets, plums and fermented milk products is recommended. Also prescribed is the use of mineral waters.

It should be noted that the specialized menu is the basis for the established therapeutic treatment of chronic enterocolitis.

For medical treatment in adults, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Multivitamins.
  • Pro- and prebiotics.
  • Enzyme Drugs.
  • Prokinetics.
  • Enterosorbents.

In some cases, a chronic disease can be prescribed:

  • Nitrofurans.
  • Intetrix.
  • Nalidixic acid.
  • Metronidazole.

In addition to diet and medications, this treatment is used:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Symptomatic drugs.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • exercise therapy.

It will not be superfluous to strengthen psychological health in adults. So, during treatment it is better to limit yourself from stress and anxiety. In case of an exacerbation it is necessary to avoid a lot of physical exertion, however, during the remission it is worth keeping in shape. This is due to the fact that the physical condition of children is the basis of good health.

Folk remedies for chronic enterocolitis

Treatment of this disease with folk remedies is very effective. So, you can use infusion of carrot seeds. A tablespoon of carrot seeds is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, wrapped with a towel and infused for 6 hours. The consumption is 250 ml each, while the infusion is required to be heated. Has an excellent effect in chronic enterocolitis, which is accompanied by diarrhea.

Also for the treatment of chronic enterocolitis in severe diarrhea, colic and inflammatory processes such an herbal collection is suitable. The airo rhizomes and chamomile herbs, fennel and valerian fruits are taken. Tablespoon of the collection is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, and left for infusion. Admission is carried out 3 times a day for 150 ml after eating.

Another effective herbal remedy for chronic enterocolitis is such a recipe: the licorice root, buckthorn bark, althea root, fennel fruits are taken in equal parts. A tablespoon of the collection is poured into 250 ml of boiled water and infused. Admission should be carried out on 150 ml after eating.

In any case, making an independent decision on the use of a particular remedy is inappropriate, since this can cause undesirable consequences. You should consult a doctor who, if you follow the individual characteristics of the body, will be able to give you the right treatment.

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