Skin burn: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, classification

Skin diseases, accompanied by such unpleasant manifestations as flaking, redness, tingling, itching and burning of the skin, require increased attention, because these symptoms are not only frequent concomitant characteristics of the disease, but also greatly reduce the quality of life of the patient. And burning of the skin, according to many patients, can be considered one of the most annoying symptoms of many skin lesions.

Since the burning sensation on the skin is considered one of the most frequent phenomena accompanying the lesions of the upper layer of the epidermis, attention should be paid to it even with minor manifestations. After all, any skin disease usually requires long-term therapy to improve the patient's condition and complete elimination of concomitant manifestations, and resorting to a dermatologist-doctor during burning will allow to reveal the current pathological condition and start treatment.

What is the burning sensation of the skin

? According to the medical description, burning of the skin is a stimulation of the upper layer of the epidermis, provoked by external or internal causes, which usually has a paroxysmal nature.

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The most frequent burning sensation in the daytime is somewhat weakened, and with the onset of nighttime it intensifies, which interferes with proper rest, causes increased irritation and can lead to deterioration in overall well-being, reduced efficiency and the appearance of the first signs of a depressed state.

Accompanying burning can be itching of varying intensity, rashes or irritations on the surface of the skin. The methods of therapeutic influence in this condition allow to reduce burning sensation, eliminate unpleasant consequences and stop the main pathological process in time, which caused burning.

What kind of burning sensation on the skin can I tell you below.


There is a separation of the types of burning, depending on the nature of this phenomenon. To date, the classification of burning is as follows:

  1. Physiological burning , caused by specific external causes. For example, a burning sensation of this nature can occur with insect bites, skin rubbing for a long time, with thermal and sunburn.
  2. Pathological burning sensation .In this case, it is customary to talk about a certain state of the psyche, in which burning is caused by instability in the psychological state or changes in the physiological state, for example, in the old age, when pregnancy occurs. Also burning of this nature can occur with psychological discomfort, stress, depressive state.

This classification is considered conditional, since in practice incidents of burning with characteristics of both physiological and pathological causes are frequent. How to identify the burning sensation under and on the skin for no apparent reason, and also with them, we will tell below.

Identifying the symptoms of

Burning sensations are considered to be sufficiently characteristic, therefore, their detection in themselves is not a difficult task.

  • At the initial stages of the pathological process that flows in the skin, there is only minor discomfort, which, with a small effect of external or internal provoking causes, manifests itself in a small localized on a certain area of ​​the skin tingling or tingling.
  • However, with the progression of skin disease, there is an increase in the aureole of skin damage, while this process can occur both gradually and quickly enough. If at the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease with insignificant burning there was not enough attention paid to the skin condition, then the process begins to develop rapidly, capturing all large areas of the skin.

About the causes of burning hands, legs, face, back, head and other localizations, we will tell below.

Possible disorders of

A burning sensation of the skin can be observed in various areas of the body. In this case, this symptom may be the first manifestation of a certain disease. Indeed, it is the external manifestations that occur on the surface of the skin that are often diagnosed as symptoms of some serious disorders in the slave of internal organs, which then can only be aggravated with insufficient attention.

External causes of

The appearance of skin burning caused by external causes usually appears immediately and can be easily identified the cause of its occurrence.

  • For example, with insect bites, burning begins to appear immediately after the bite, with the greatest intensity being noted in the first minutes after the bite.
  • With sunlight or thermal burn, the burning sensation also manifests itself quite sharply, the soreness is noted in the near future after the exposure.
  • Also impact of aggressive substances, for example, household chemicals, when the active substances of drugs affect the skin sensitive to them. Burning in this case should be considered an external manifestation, which reaches the greatest intensity in the first minutes after exposure.

There is also a number of internal pathologies that it is burning sensation of the skin that have one of the earliest symptoms of the current illness.

Internal pathologies

So, the burning of the upper layer of the epidermis can indicate the following internal diseases of the body:

  • of the - in this pathology, there is periodic swelling of the extremities, their cold state, and often there is burning of the skin in the place of injury. When burning occurs, the cause of this condition should be identified in order to determine the root cause of burning and the methods of stabilizing the condition;
  • liver disease - because the liver is the main cleansing organ of our body, the condition of the skin, as well as the overall well-being of a person, largely depends on her condition. And such manifestations as sharply dark color of urine, clarification of stool, and also expressed burning sensation in certain areas of the skin can accompany pathology in the work of this organ. The cause of burning with liver lesions is the secretion of bile salts into the blood, which, acting on the skin receptors, irritate them and this leads to a pathological reaction;
  • skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, allergies, erythema can be accompanied by burning of the skin. With these skin lesions, additional external manifestations are noted, which also attract attention and require urgent help;
  • internal parasites - helminths in some cases cause severe burning of the skin, because regular preventive cleansing of the body will avoid this condition;
  • a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland - with this pathology, there is a constant burning of the skin, it becomes hot and wet, the activity of certain body systems decreases, which causes an increased fatigue and a tendency to depression, since the thyroid gland is responsible for the hormone production process, and the hormonal backgroundin many respects is responsible for the mental and psychological state of a person.

Burning sensation can accompany such serious conditions as the first stage of cancers of internal organs, systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, gout, malfunctioning of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. And diagnosing the cause of burning in many ways helps to eliminate the root cause of this unpleasant condition, rather eliminate all the accompanying symptoms and return to normal.

How to overcome the burning of the skin without external manifestations and with such, we will tell below.

Combating the symptom

Manifestations of internal lesions require the fastest possible identification of the reasons for their occurrence. This will help to neutralize unpleasant symptoms rather than eliminate the cause. because it can be quite serious, and the lack of the necessary medication can lead to complications or longer treatment.

Combating burning skin is the following methods of external and internal effects:

  1. Identify the cause of burning. Complete diagnostics will help to determine for what reason this manifestation has arisen. After all, the knowledge of the exact cause makes it possible to exert a purposeful influence on the organism and the fastest possible elimination of this unpleasant manifestation.
  2. Impact. This can be drug therapy, which is carried out only under the guidance of a doctor to eliminate negative manifestations in the sensitivity of the patient's body.
  3. Physiotherapy, which will stimulate immunity and will also contribute to the rapid elimination of burning.
  4. Vitamin therapy, consisting of regular intake of immunostimulating, mineral and vitamin preparations, which have a positive effect on the healing process. Consultation of the attending physician will make the reception of vitamins the most effective in carrying out a complex impact on the patient's body.

The above-mentioned effects will make the whole treatment complex the most effective, therefore observance of all the points under the cure program will allow to eliminate unpleasant symptoms sooner. Prevention and treatment, based on thorough diagnosis, guarantee the preservation of health and prevent any negative changes in health.

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