Eosinophilia: features of manifestation, causes and methods of treatment

Features of the flow of eosinophilia consist in increasing the number of special cells in the blood - eosinophils. If such a condition occurs, impregnation of these cells and adjacent tissues is noted, for example, this phenomenon can be observed in the common cold, when eosinophils are noted in the separated sputum, with bronchitis in the lungs and bronchi. The norm of the content of such cells for an adult is 0.02x109 / l to 0.3x109 / l, which can vary slightly in one direction.

Such a condition as Eo, doctors is not recognized as an independent disease, but as a manifestation of a number of viral and bacterial lesions of the body. And the detection of an increased number of such cells in a blood test can be a symptom of the onset of organic damage.

What is eosinophilia

Eosinophils are a special kind of leukocytes responsible for a certain work in the body. The name of these cells was obtained for a number of characteristic similarities with a variety of dyes. If there is an excess of the norm of such cells in the blood, one should think about the necessary protection of the organism from negative external influences.

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Specificity of activity of eosinophils is revealed in the direction of the result of increasing their number, which is determined by three factors:

  1. Elimination of parasitic infection. In this case, the activity of eosinophils manifests itself in the destruction of any pathogen of the disease of protein nature. Containing a powerful secret in their structure, eosinophils act as the final killer of the remnants of the pathogen, which the killer cell has already "coped" with.
  2. Manifestation of an allergic reaction at the time of antigen-antibody encounter. With the help of the reaction of eosinophils, an excessive reaction is neutralized when the biological agent-stimulus is inactivated.
  3. Act as a substance prophylactically acting on platelets : preventing their gluing, eosinophils do not allow the development of vascular thrombosis.

The listed directions of "activity" of eosinophils allow to understand their necessity for an organism, the reasons of appearance. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is the absence of dependence of the number of eosinophils on the sex of a person, some fluctuations in the content of these cells in the total number of leukocytes are characteristic for different age categories.

Classification of

Today in medicine the most common classification is proposed, on the quantitative indices of the content of such cells in the blood. It looks like this:

  • an easy degree of eosinophilia , which manifests itself in a slight increase in the content of specific cells in the blood. Their number for mild cases is less than 10%;
  • moderate degree of is characterized by the detection of eosinophils in an amount of 10-15%;
  • The expressed degree of eosinophilia is determined when the blood content of eosinophils is more than 15%( according to some authors, more than 20%).

There are also concepts of a physiologically acceptable level of eosinophil content among the total number of leukocytes and steadily increased index.

  • The digest of the physiologically acceptable level is 5-8%.
  • With a steady increase in the number of eosinophils, this figure reaches more than 20% and indicates the presence in the body of helminthic invasion, probable leukemia or an active allergic reaction.

Reasons for increasing

Excess of the physiological norm of the content of eosinophils in the blood can be noted in a number of diseases and pathological changes in the body. Susceptibility of each person to external influences is individual, therefore the degree of increase in the number of eosinophils can vary significantly in different patients with the same external effect.

The most common causes include the following diseases:

  • skin lesions, characterized by a significant negative change in the state of the upper layer of the epidermis: eczema and dermatitis of various nature, colorful and shingles, pemphigus, pemphigus;
  • helminthic infestations with obvious signs of the defeat of the body by parasites - ascaridosis, schistosomiasis, echinococcosis, hookworm;
  • allergic manifestations, which can develop both in food poisoning, and when exposed to pollen flowering plants, the use of certain medications, the use of certain cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • blood loss - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, Cesari syndrome, anemia and combined immunodeficiency;
  • lung diseases - asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary infiltrate;
  • autoimmune diseases in the form of lupus erythematosus and scleroderma;
  • lesions of gastric and gastrointestinal tract infection - gastric or duodenal ulcer, staphylococcal infection, most often seen in early childhood.

Also a marked increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood can be noted in rheumatic lesions, malignant neoplasms, immunodeficiency states. Any lesions of a very different nature can provoke the manifestation of eosinophilia, the degree of susceptibility of the organism determines the possibilities for this condition.

How to identify the problem in your

To determine for yourself such a pathological condition as eosinophilia, it is possible for a number of external manifestations. However, they can also differ significantly in different categories of patients due to the varying degrees of neglect of the current pathological process in the body and the intensity of manifestations.

Symptomatic of this condition of the blood depends on the disease, which became the primary reason for increasing the content of eosinophils. The most obvious manifestations of eosinophilia include the following:

  • in autoimmune and reactive diseases, manifestations such as anemia, increased liver and spleen size, a significant and rapid decrease in body weight, pulmonary fibrosis, an increase in temperature without an apparent external cause, tenderness of the joints,heart failure;
  • helminthic invasions and other types of parasitic lesions are accompanied by a cough with an asthmatic component, swelling of the facial tissues( predominantly upper eyelids), tenderness of the joints and more in the muscles, an increase in size and sensitivity to palpation of the lymph nodes, spleen and liver;
  • skin and allergic diseases, accompanied by an increase in the number of eosinophils, are manifested in the form of itching and burning of the skin, rashes of various types, the formation of blisters on the skin, deep furuncles, ulcers, and soaking places. Also, an exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis may occur;
  • with lesions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a violation of excretion of slags from the body due to microflora disorders in the intestine. And the result can also be an increase in the eosinophil count, which manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting( especially after eating), indigestion and irregular bowel movement, flatulence and bloating;
  • of blood damage, manifested with an increase in the eosinophil content in the blood cough, an increase in the size of the spleen, lymph nodes and liver, as well as cyanosis of the skin( a shade of cyanosis appears).

The diagnosis of the increase in the number of eosinophils is performed on the basis of a blood test, which reveals the presence of a change in the level of leukocytes.

The analysis of blood for eosinophils is discussed in this video:

What changes and violations are spoken by

Such a state as eosinophilia can speak of such pathological changes as helminthic invasion or active reproduction of other parasite species, skin lesions in allergic reactionsfood, medicine or household chemicals), changes in blood composition or the development of autoimmune diseases.

  • Eosinophilia can be detected by examining blood tests, liver tests for indicators of residual nitrogen, protein, bilirubin.
  • With the help of swabs from the nose, the presence of allergic antigens is detected, with the help of X-ray examination of the lungs, tissue infiltration can be detected.

With increasing manifestations of impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and dermatological problems, one can also assume an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood. Negative changes in the skin condition are often accompanied by such a manifestation as eosinophilia, so the extreme attention to the skin condition allows to detect pathology in time.

Elimination of the

symptom After the precise diagnosis of "eosinophilia", the root cause of this condition is first established. To do this, a number of additional laboratory studies are conducted, an accurate clinical picture is established. And the treatment is carried out in the name of the disease that caused the development of eosinophilia.

  • For example, if you suspect a person's allergic reaction to the use of a particular medicine, you should cancel using it or replace it with a similar one.
  • Infectious lesions can be treated with antibacterial therapy, accompanied by the use of drugs that help to remove the accumulated waste as quickly as possible from the body.
  • Autoimmune lesions require a longer and more complex treatment, which uses cytostatics, therapy to stop the growth of tumors and neoplasms.
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