Ayr marsh: photo and description

Air has many different names. In the people it is known as Tatar grass or Tatar potion. In traditional medicine, they know him as a saber. This unique plant was brought to our country by the Tatars when they raided. Grass they successfully cleaned water, fed animals and used in medicine. Over time, the river spread throughout Europe, as well as neighboring countries. It was carefully studied, and thanks to its useful properties, the plant took a worthy step in medicine. Air marsh, photo and plant description is provided in this article.

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Detailed plant description

SabelnikIs a perennial plant, the birthplace of which is China and India. Tatar potion grows on the banks of rivers and lakes, as well as in ditches with water and in shallow water. The plant feels great on sandy and peaty soils, as well as silted shores. Often, the air can be found with other plants such as reeds, horsetail, and reeds and others.

The stem of the calf is strong enough, it grows straight up, its height can reach up to 1.5 m. The trunk is green, dense long leaves, of the same shade, are sharpened to the end. Their width does not exceed 3 cm, and the height of the leaves can coincide with the stem. In the spring, at the base of the rhizome, a straight stalk appears. On the one hand there is a small trough on it, on the other hand it has many ribs. On it are located inflorescences, in the form of cobs, cylindrical form. Their length can be different from 4 to 15 cm. From June to July, the grass blooms in small green-yellow flowers. They consist of 6 small petals, closely adjacent to each other. After flowering, small red seeds are formed. However, they do not reproduce the plant.

Air is a plant with a well developed root system. Rhizomes are quite powerful, in volume they can reach up to 3 cm, and their length extends to 1.5 meters. They have a yellowish tinge. The roots develop well in the horizontal plane and spread close to the surface of the earth. From the main roots, many small white roots leave, due to which the plant feeds and is well retained on the surface.

Tatar grass is generally unpretentious and reproduces very well, so it is known all over the world. Rhizomes spread rapidly, giving new shoots. If a piece of root gets into the water, it can swim for a long time until it stops at the shore. There he will give sprouts and quickly spread to the new territory.

Procurement of the saber-holder by our own hands

Today every person can prepare the air himself, as he grows everywhere. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes of grass are used more often. Harvesting is carried out first of autumn and before winter. The roots are pulled out of the silt with the help of garden tools( forks, rakes).All the raw materials are thoroughly washed from the dirt, and then the leaves are removed. After that, the roots are left in the open air, so they a little wilted. Then the rhizomes are divided into pieces of 10-20 cm, if necessary, they are divided along the length.

Dry the roots with a metal lid, and the temperature should not exceed + 30 ° C, otherwise all useful essential substances will evaporate. If the roots are easily broken, then this indicates that the raw material is properly dried and completely ready for use.

The dried roots of the Tatar potion have a curved and flattened shape. Unrefined raw materials have a yellowish tinge. Sometimes you can see the roots of light red or gray. A real and properly harvested calamus root, on the fracture will have a white or pink color. In addition, the billet has a pleasant aroma, but tastes slightly bitter. Pay attention to the properly prepared root of the aura, the photo is given below.

Important! When billet it is necessary to monitor the drying temperature, they should not exceed +30 ° C.If this rule is violated, the roots will lose essential oils and their medicinal properties. If there is no way to prepare a saber for yourself, then it can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The chemical composition of the saber

The roots in the Tatar grass are the most valuable, as they contain more useful components. In the leaves and stem, they are much less, therefore, in medicine, only the roots are often used.

Rhizome rhizome contains such valuable substances:

  • essential oil( about 5%), due to which the plant has a pleasant aroma and taste. The composition of the oil is a variety of terpenes, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the body;
  • camphor, natural acids;
  • phytoncide, glycosides;
  • bitter connections;
  • alkaloid substances;
  • iodine, resins;
  • catechin, starch;
  • acrorin, vitamins.

All these substances have a positive effect on the body, restoring the work of organs and systems. Air is often added to medicines and used in its pure form. In addition, it was widely used in folk medicine, thanks to its properties.

Useful properties of the saber

People have been aware of useful properties of the plant since ancient times, therefore it was often used in medicine. Modern pharmacology uses air, in many effective medicines. Until now, the ancient folk recipes have also come to us, which are also relevant today. Priceless plant helps with numerous diseases, among which one can distinguish:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • urolithiasis;
  • Nervous System;
  • normalizes liver function;
  • restores hair and nails;
  • treats tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • struggles with skin rashes;
  • heals wounds and stops blood;
  • establishes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves odor from the mouth, and also heals the gums;
  • cleanses the body;
  • heals the runny nose;
  • helps with bronchitis, as it has an expectorant property.

Tatarian herbs prepare tinctures, decoctions, and also grind the root into powder. Sometimes you just need to chew the roots and feel much better. However, do not self-medicate, before using this plant, it is important to consult a doctor.

Important! The root of the aura and medicines prepared on its basis have antimicrobial, hemostatic, spasmolytic, diuretic, vasodilating and soothing effects. Before using it, consult a doctor.

Contraindications of the Tatar grass

Despite all the positive aspects of the ara, it is forbidden to take it to some group of people. In case of an overdose, a person may experience nausea and vomiting. It is forbidden to use the plant, as well as preparations based on it, in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • bleeding;
  • hypotension;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

People who fall into the risk zone should be cautious about the aura, otherwise the herb can harm the health. During pregnancy, plant substances have a negative effect on the fetus. During lactation, air penetrates the baby through the mother's milk, which worsens the general condition of the child.

Application of the saber in folk medicine

The marsh swamp is widely used in folk medicine. It perfectly helps with many diseases, restoring the work of the body.

Decoction for stabilizing the digestive system

To prepare the medicine, 15 g of powder, prepared from the rhizome of the Tatar herb, should be poured into 0.5 ml of water. Cook the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Take the broth should be 250 ml, three times a day, before the main meals. The course of treatment is 14 days, if necessary, repeat therapy.

Broth of the saber during menopause

To prepare the broth, pour the rhizomes( powder) with water and let stand for 8 hours. After that, boil on a water bath for about 30 minutes and strain. Take the medicine you need 250 ml twice a day, before eating.

Tincture against toothache

To prepare the tincture take 20 g of roots, finely chopped and poured vodka or alcohol( 100 ml).Insist 14 days in a dark place, the mixture must be periodically shaken. After the time has passed, the mixture is filtered and stored in a refrigerator, in a dark container. When toothache tincture, rinse your mouth for 5 minutes, and then spit out the mixture. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

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