Single polyp

The quantitative ratio of polyps in the gastrointestinal tract is divided into 2 main groups: single and multiple. But we also need to take into account that there is a third term related to this disease - adenomatosis. Single entities occupy 45 to 50% of all other cases of the disease. In size, they are also 5 mm and can reach 10 cm in development. The shape is spherical, oval, mushroom, teat or in the form of a cauliflower fruit.

Clinical symptoms of a single polyp

In the case of them appearing in the stomach, it all depends on the manifestation of chronic gastritis and its complications. The first hint of a single polyp in the stomach should be increased sensitivity to food. At the very beginning, it manifests itself in the form of a small periodic pain, but over time it acquires a more permanent and strengthened character. When hunger or malnutrition, pain can also be.

Indigestion is one of the most important symptoms. This, of course, vomiting, nausea, eructation, bitter taste in the oral cavity, abundant salivation and heartburn. Polyps disrupt the functionality of organisms, including the intestine, and, therefore, most likely begin problems with going to the toilet( then constipation, then diarrhea).Weakness, dizziness, pallor testifies to anemia.

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You can also not find out about their presence in the rectum. Often, only a survey reveals a similar fact. The main symptoms that can be attended are the discharge of mucus and blood in the stool. This is possible due to the fact that the neoplasm interferes with the exit of the stool and violates the integrity of the polyp, whence such consequences follow.

Treatment of single polyps

Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a physician. It should be remembered that most polyps are often treated surgically. If it is in the rectum not very far from the anus, it is most easily detected. A doctor-proctologist can detect and diagnose. Sometimes a polyp in the rectum can be confused with hemorrhoids, and the treatment of these diseases is significantly different, so self-treatment here is useless. At the first signs of occurrence it is necessary to address to the expert for the further consultation and treatment.

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