Treatment of dysbiosis in newborns and infants, how to treat the intestines of the baby, how to cure the baby, what is treated - what drugs, drugs, drugs?

Treatment of the dysbacteriosis that has arisen in newborns is quite complicated, because, firstly, it is difficult to determine that this is not a transient condition common to all infants but a developing pathology, and secondly, the disease does not have a characteristic symptomatology, which makes it difficult to timelydiagnosis of the problem and, accordingly, postpone the beginning of competent treatment, without which it is not possible to cope with pathology. The greatest danger is dysbiosis for newborns under one year, since the baby's body is still very weak, and it is unable to resist microbes. Therefore, the treatment of this disease in toddlers should be given the closest attention. Only thanks to the adequately selected methods of treatment can rid the fragile crumb from a disorder of the stool, accompanied by increased gas formation, pains and colic in the tummy, which provoke loss of appetite and lack of weight gain.

Very often young parents hurry to give a newborn baby for the treatment of dysbiosis medicamentous strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, as everyone knows that they repair the broken intestinal microflora, but do not rush. An experienced doctor usually advises to start to build the nutrition of infants by the hour. Do not overfeed the baby and give the flora of his stomach to form independently. Treatment of dysbacteriosis in a newborn is necessary only in the most extreme cases and only after the delivery of fecal analysis, which will confirm the presence of pathology. It appears usually in the following cases:

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  • Infringements in the rules of feeding always causes the development of dysbacteriosis in newborns( with frequent feeding changes in mixtures);
  • Pathological disease of the mother and application in the treatment of antibacterial drugs, which, in addition to pathogenic microbes, kill useful microflora.

Also the development of dysbiosis can serve as a cold disease of the newborn, hypothermia or overheating, an unnecessarily emotional day. In most of these cases, the microflora can not self-recover, therefore, infants need competent treatment, which must be under the supervision of a specialist. And before you start therapy, you should definitely determine that this pathology is present. And this is possible only with the biochemical study of feces. And cure dysbacteriosis in infants - it's quite difficult.

How to treat dysbacteriosis in newborns?

If the results of the performed tests indicate that the child has a certain degree of disease that requires immediate therapy, then it should be started immediately. If you run a dysbacteriosis in the newborn, then there will be a disruption in the work of many internal organs. First of all, the development of enzymes of the pancreas and liver will cease, which will lead to a deterioration in the digestion of food, and its remains will rot in the intestine.

Also, the acidic environment of the digestive organs will change to alkaline, and this will promote the growth of pathogenic microbes that cause dysbiosis in newborns. In this case, to cure the crumb, he needs to give Creon. It helps restore the function of normal digestion of food. It is also necessary to prescribe such drugs that are able to displace the pathogenic flora. And without fail it is necessary to find out the root cause of the appearance of a newborn dysbacteriosis. This will help to choose the right treatment tactics aimed at its elimination.

If in children up to one year this pathology is revealed, parents should prepare for the fact that dysbacteriosis in infants is treated long and with the help of multistage therapy. To accelerate recovery, it is necessary to strictly follow all the pediatrician's recommendations, not allowing any errors in appointments. Many young parents are worried about the question of how to treat a baby? Whatever it may seem strange, but the very first drugs in the treatment of dysbiosis in a newborn, there will be antibiotics, simultaneously with which the reception of bacteriophages will be assigned. After all, before you colonize the digestive organs of your baby with useful bacteria, you should kill already existing microorganisms. That is, perform a kind of reboot.

After cleansing the intestinal microflora with the help of antibiotics is produced, its colonization with useful bacteria begins. First of all, the newborn, who undergoes complex treatment of dysbacteriosis, is prescribed prebiotics. These are such medicines that contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for the formation of a beneficial microflora. The course of therapy lasts just over a week.

Once a suitable environment for beneficial bacteria is prepared, a course of probiotics is prescribed. They contain live microorganisms that are useful for the digestive organs. Together with these drugs from dysbiosis the newborn is usually prescribed and enzymes, sorbents and drugs for the treatment of the identified underlying disease. All appointments by a specialist are made only against the background of the appropriate diet.

Than to treat a dysbacteriosis at newborns most effectively?

The question of what and how to treat this pathology, developing in infants, every year more often you can hear from young parents. And it's good, if it is addressed to a specialist, and not a friend on the playground. It must be remembered that without consulting a pediatrician, it is not possible to cure an infant. Dysbacteriosis therapy for every newborn child is strictly individual and, despite the fact that every year the pharmaceutical industry releases more and more new funds from dysbiosis for infants, it is impossible to independently manage their appointments.

The complex of therapeutic measures should start not with eliminating the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in newborns, but with determining the cause of its occurrence. Eliminating it can get rid of the problem itself. Quite often, babies detect fungal or staphylococcal disease. Then for the onset of recovery, it is necessary to take medications that are designed to eliminate these infections.

Only after the cause, which has served as an impetus to the development of the symptoms of bowel dysfunction, is eliminated, the specialist will be assigned the means that help restore the balance of his microflora. For this, drugs containing complex probiotics - bifido- and lactobacilli - are used. They are all in the form of powders, which makes it easier for them to receive newborns. Breasts need to mix the powder with a mixture for feeding or milk. The finished product should be stored only in the refrigerator. It is necessary to remember and about общеукрепляющей the therapy which is directed on improvement of immunity.

Recommendations for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in infants

During pregnancy, a woman needs to be under constant medical supervision and undergo all the necessary studies to promptly detect the appearance of any pathology and begin immediate treatment. After the birth of a crumb, you need to closely monitor any functional changes in his body. If there are signs such as colic after feeding, discoloration and consistency of stool, frequent regurgitation, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy for medication. To cure developing at a newborn dysbacteriosis it is possible only with the help of the competent expert.

After the district pediatrician is informed and the results of the tests have confirmed the development of the pathology, the specialist will select the appropriate course of treatment for the newborn from the dysbacteriosis, for each child, he must be individual. All medicines used for the therapy of pathology, as well as a diet for a nursing mother, are prescribed only by a doctor. He also determines the dosage and frequency of admission.

Self-treatment for dysbacteriosis in newborns is strictly contraindicated. Familiar to all the scheme "just in case" with therapy, concerning the digestive organs of infants, can cause irreparable harm. The course of therapeutic measures is strictly individual, and only if all the recommendations of a specialist are followed and the procedure of the treatment chosen by him is strictly adhered to, you can quickly cope with the manifestations of dysbiosis in newborns.

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