Classification of pancreatitis - Atlanta 2007, modern, international, Marseilles-Roman

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas, as a result of which the formed enzymes are not thrown into the 12-типерстную intestine. They remain in the gland and exert a destructive effect on it.

Classification of pancreatitis Atlanta 2007

According to the latest innovations, the classification of pancreatitis Atlanta 2007 considers the following forms:

  • disease of mild acute degree. This form of the disease is most known, there are people with congenital pathology or predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases. Puffiness and development of pancreatic insufficiency is absent, the risk of a lethal outcome is 0.5%;
  • a moderate disease is detected in 10% of patients. The risk of a lethal outcome is 10-15%.Manifestations and symptoms of moderate disease are the cyst, abscess of the gland and peripancreatic infiltrate. Sometimes there is an organ failure, which lasts up to 2 days;
  • severe form is associated with a rapidly escalating complication. Often in this case, there is a deficiency of the body and pancreatic necrosis, which can last more than 2 days. The risk of deaths can be up to 50-60%.According to the classification of Atlanta 2007, this form of the disease manifests itself in 5% of people.
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Modern classification of pancreatitis

Modern classification of pancreatitis is based on the International Marseilles classification, identified the following groups of diseases:

  • acute form;
  • obstructive form( there are stones, flowing expansions, occlusions);
  • acute recurrent form( with clinical and biological recovery);
  • non-obstructive chronic form of the disease( with damage to the functions and anatomy of the organ);
  • recurrent form of chronic nature( chronic inflammation with manifestations of acute form of the disease with insufficient rehabilitation of the gland tissues).

In non-obstructive chronic pancreatitis, there is a variety in the form of calcifying disease with accumulation of salts in the zones of previously formed small pancreatic necrosis.

International classification of pancreatitis

In 2007, German scientists created a modern international classification of the chronic form of the disease. The degree of manifestation distinguishes acute, chronic and acute relapsing form of the disease, as well as exacerbation of the chronic stage.

As a rule, the chronic form of the disease after the aggravation is manifested. Between the chronic exacerbation and acute recurrent pancreatitis, there is a conditional division.

Marseilles-Roman classification of pancreatitis

The Marseilles-Roman classification subdivides pancreatic disease into the following types:

  • calcification form is 45-90% of cases. The disease is determined by uneven lesion and is characterized by the intensity of stenosis and atrophy of the ducts. The cause of the pathology is the lack of secretion of lipostatin, which stops the appearance of calcified salts;
  • is an inflammatory, chronic form. There is atrophy of the parenchyma with fibrosis;
  • is an obstructive chronic form. The disease manifests itself in the obstruction of the main pancreatic duct. There is uniform damage, distal to the obstructive area. The main signs are fibrosis and atrophy of the exocrine area of ​​the organ, undisturbed duct epithelium, absence of calcifications and salts in the pancreas. Disease is treated promptly;
  • fibrosis. Perilobular fibrosis can be combined with perilobular form, there is no atrophy of the exocrine parenchyma. Diffuse fibrosis with loss of the main volume of the parenchyma with active intra- and exocrine insufficiency of the organ.

The classification of pancreatitis distinguishes pseudocysts and cysts, pancreatic abscesses by independent forms of the disease.

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