Ezofagit 2 degrees and its treatment

2 degree of inflammatory disease, like esophagitis, requires increased attention. With her, unlike the initial stage, the disease is significantly progressing and her unpleasant and severe symptoms begin to manifest themselves in full force. In addition, the more pronounced the inflammatory process, the more difficult it is to stop it.

In a visual examination conducted by a specialist during a diagnostic study, the 2 degree of esophagitis has such pronounced signs as:

  • The mucosa of the esophagus is affected by numerous erosions beginning to merge, turning the inner surface of the esophagus into a continuous wound;
  • The color of the epithelial tissue becomes pink instead of pink;
  • On the place of the formed defects, pronounced puffiness is noticeable;
  • In erosive foci, beginning hemorrhages are noticeable;
  • The surface of the mucosa contains a bloody and purulent escudata.

But, despite the fact that all manifestations of esophagitis during the transition to the 2nd degree of development were significantly complicated, the formation of ulcers and tissue death did not start yet. And this means that in the treatment it is possible to dispense with drug therapy without the use of surgical intervention.

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The clinical picture of the disease at this time also becomes more pronounced and manifests itself in such symptoms that cause a strong anxiety in the patient and cause him to immediately consult a specialist for the diagnosis. The main signs of esophagitis, which is in the 2nd degree of development will be the following:

  • There are chest pains that can occur both before and after eating;
  • In the esophagus almost all the time there is a burning sensation( heartburn);
  • After eating, vomiting occurs. When they are accompanied by vomiting, there are bloody inclusions in the expelled masses. Also their presence can be seen in feces.

In addition to such digestive manifestations with esophagitis of the 2nd degree, general clinical symptoms are also observed. Among them, most often there is a difficult swallowing reflex accompanied by painful sensations, the voice becomes hoarse, the patient almost always suffers cough, very often inflammatory processes such as tonsillitis and bronchitis, the tongue becomes covered with whitish coating.

All these concomitant signs suggest that a person, quite possibly, develops esophagitis, namely, 2 degrees of its manifestation.

Treatment of esophagitis 2 degrees

The first stage in the therapy associated with this disease is the normalization of diet, as well as the observance of a fairly strict diet, which is prescribed in order to facilitate the work of inflamed digestive organs, and to relieve the damaged esophagus from the irritating effect of certain products.

When the esophagitis is in the 2 nd degree of development, medicinal therapy should also be prescribed. But before making the appointment, the specialist needs to determine the cause that caused the inflammatory process in the esophagus. The main directions of this type of treatment are the following:

  • To improve motility in the digestive tract( activating the activity of peristalsis, enhancing the activity of the NPS, improving the digestive process and, accordingly, evacuating food from the stomach) prokinetics are prescribed;
  • To reduce the production of glandular cells of an acidic digestive enzyme, antisecretory drugs must be taken;
  • To reduce the acidity of the stomach, antacids are prescribed to the patient.

Such therapy with a mandatory diet and strict adherence to all the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician is able to bring the patient to a complete cure even when esophagitis has a 2 degree of development.

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