Verrukatsid from warts: composition, instructions for use, price in Moscow, doctors' reviews, analogues

Verruacid is a medical preparation intended for the effective removal of cutaneous neoplasms: plantar warts, all kinds of condylomas, dry calluses, spines and keratomas, which cause a lot of problems to their owners.

Verrukatsid, not causing the patient special pain, is very convenient to use. It can be used independently in the conditions of each house.

Composition, form and packaging

Verruacid is a combined preparation, available as a solution for external use. This oily mobile fluid can have a slightly pinkish, light yellow and even brown color.

The chemical formula of this drug contains phenol, m-cresol, 95% ethyl alcohol and a small amount of water.

The presence of phenol gives the drug its specific odor.

Photo of Verrukacid

The solution is dispensed into vials of dark glass, containing two or ten grams of the drug.

Most often in the lid of the bottle is mounted a special applicator, intended for point application of the medicine( sometimes the applicator may be absent).Each bottle is placed in an individual cardboard box.

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Verrukacid, a socially important medicinal product, is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical research and production enterprise of the closed type Retinoids.

Indications for the use of the drug

Verruacid helps to cope with:

  • Genital warts - benign growths on the skin and mucous membranes, extremely similar to the combs or cauliflower inflorescence.
  • Vulgar papillomas are benign neoplasms that have clear contours and a specific color gamut( dark-corpuscle or brownish).
  • Keratomas - skin growths that occur only in people of older age.
  • Dry calluses.
  • Plantar warts ( spines and horny papillomas) are hard dermal lesions that resemble corns.
  • Threadlike warts ( acrochords) - tumors that have a round or filiform shape and are provided with a thin pedicle. A favorite place of their location are the sites of the most delicate and thin skin or body parts, permeated with a huge number of glands( face, axillae, groin area).
  • Flat warts - subcutaneous neoplasms, the color of which is identical to the color of healthy skin, and the shape is round or angular. Most often they are located on the mucous membranes and face.


The drug is contraindicated:

  • Patients who are allergic to certain components of its composition.
  • For children under the age of seven. The effect of this aggressive drug on the delicate baby skin can lead to serious burns and scars.
  • Mothers breastfeeding their children. During the entire lactation period, it is forbidden to remove new growths localized on the skin of the mammary glands and on the fingers.

It is not allowed to use it:

  • On the surface of the skin, the total area of ​​which exceeds twenty square centimeters. Typically, this situation occurs in cases of papillomatosis, characterized by the multiple appearance of papillomas. Treatment of each individual neoplasm with papillomatosis is fraught with severe burns, so the use of verruacid here is completely unjustified. The way out of this situation is the tactic of treatment, aimed at strengthening the immune system and the whole organism as a whole.
  • To eliminate moles( the so-called nevi), because in this way it is possible to provoke the development of skin cancer - melanoma.
  • In relation to skin lesions that appear on the red border of the lips, mucous membranes and the surrounding tissues. The effect of a drug containing a high concentration of phenol can cause long-term non-transitory ulcers.

Pharmacological action

Verrukatsid has cauterizing and mummifying properties.

Aggressive action of phenol and metarecisol on the structure of skin proteins leads to necrotizing pathological neoplasms. Secondary infection is eliminated due to the bactericidal properties of these components.

Thanks to meta-cresol, which accelerates the process of epithelization of the wound, this place is completely healthy skin without any scars.

Instructions for use Verrukacida warts

Verrukatsid is a preparation intended for external use only. Its application requires extreme caution.

For spot treatment of unwanted tumors use a special plastic applicator or a thin wooden stick.

Since getting the drug on the surface of the mucous membranes and skin adjacent to the removed neoplasms, is fraught with chemical burns, they are lubricated with a thick layer of zinc paste.

After the procedure is completed, carefully remove it with a dry cotton wool disc. Instead of zinc paste, you can use fatty oils.

The number of treatments depends on the type and size of the tumors to be removed:

  • To remove threadlike warts and small papillomas, one application of the drug is sufficient. Warts localized on hands and feet should be treated at least ten times during one session, making small( about three minutes) breaks, sufficient for the product to be absorbed.
  • Eruptions large( at least four millimeters) in size enough to process three to four times, making pauses necessary to absorb the solution.

Before proceeding with the removal of keratinized warts, it is necessary to soften them, releasing most of the horny layers. For this purpose, a special compress handles perfectly.

Lubricating the wart with a layer of 10% salicylic ointment( any ointment of keratolytic action can be used), it is covered with a piece of polyethylene film or paper for compresses, and then a gauze bandage is applied.

A few hours later, the bandage is removed, and the skin is rinsed for 15 minutes in a bath with a soap-soda solution.

Tissues of softened cornified epithelium are neatly cut with sharp manicure tweezers or scissors. The tools used for any other purposes will never be used.

After drying the skin, begin to apply verrukatsida( in accordance with the above rules).In the same way, it is possible to remove horny keratomas and dry calluses.

Side effects of

The use of verruacid can provoke:

  • The onset of an allergic reaction, manifested by severe itching and the appearance of a rash. This indicates the intolerance of phenol. In this case, the use of the drug must be immediately discarded.
  • Puffiness and redness of the eyelids, from the surface of which the papillomas were removed. It is a natural reaction of the body that does not require any therapeutic measures. After a while they will pass by themselves.
  • The appearance of a burn. This may be due to a non-careful application of the product to the surface of the pathological rash. The site of the skin, which got the drug, should be wiped with vodka or alcohol, and then soap and rinse with plenty of running water. After that, the skin should be dried and lubricated with a wound healing cream.

Special instructions

  • Mucous membranes of the eyes should be protected from getting into the drug. If this happens, they should be thoroughly rinsed with a copious amount of water and immediately showed to the ophthalmologist.
  • Areas of skin, treated with verrukatsom, can not be bandaged, sealed with adhesive plaster, apply any creams and ointments. It is also unacceptable to remove crusts formed after the treatment of tumors.
  • Repeated application of the drug is possible only after maintaining a certain pause, necessary for its absorption into the tissue of the removed tumors.
  • Areas treated with verrukatsom should not come into contact with synthetic materials, so the clothing adjacent to them must be made only from natural fabrics.
  • Do not apply the drug to rashes located in the folds of the skin( between the fingers, in the inguinal folds, in the anus, under the mammary glands of women, etc.) and intensively sweating skin areas to prevent burns of the healthy skin adjacent to them. Sometimes burns occur due to the spreading of verrukacida on the surface of sweaty skin.
  • Verrukac, accidentally caught on the surface of healthy skin, should be removed immediately and very carefully( without rubbing), then wipe the affected area with a good portion of 40% ethyl alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid( you can use cologne or lotion), and then rinse thoroughly with a large amountwarm water( using soap).If the burn was not avoided, it is necessary to resort to the help of wound healing or anti-burn medicines.
  • Leather treated with verrukatsedom must dry naturally in the open air. After treatment, it is unacceptable to apply any ointments to it. It is also forbidden to contact water with it for the first 24 hours after application.
  • When using the drug to remove neoplasms in children, special care must be taken.

Drug Interaction

Given that the active substances of verrukacide dissolve perfectly in ointment bases and liquids, it is undesirable:

  • To apply it for the treatment of neoplasms on the surface of which a day before any ointment or agent with a similar consistency was applied.
  • During the day after application, it is unacceptable to lubricate the surface of this skin area with any cosmetic or medicinal creams, ointments and other products having a creamy or liquid consistency.



Some time ago my husband had plantar warts that caused him a lot of inconvenience. We tried a lot of means - both folk, and medicamentous - everything was in vain. The husband has already lost the hope to get rid of these unpleasant neoplasms. Hearing about verrukatside, we immediately went to the pharmacy and purchased this drug. Having read that when applying verrukatsida you need to be careful, before applying the solution to the warts, the areas of the adjacent skin were covered with adhesive plaster. After this, the neoplasm was gently lubricated. The medicine - contrary to the skeptical mood of her husband - saved him from warts. The only drawback of this remedy is a strong and rather unpleasant odor.


A wart appeared on the wrist of my right hand, which quickly went into growth and soon acquired an impressive size. At first( on the advice of my mother) I tried to get rid of it with the help of celandine juice, but such treatment did not bring results. Soon, another wart appeared next to her and also began to grow rapidly. After consulting a dermatologist, I bought a bottle of verrukacid and started using the drug, following the recommendations outlined in the instructions to it. Each wart I lubricated at least ten times, making three-minute intervals between treatments. At the same time, I felt that the medicine thoroughly burns the neoplasms, drying them. After a while, there was no trace of the warts. I really hope that this is forever.


Verrukacid helped me quickly remove multiple warts that appeared in the spring on the fingers of both hands. When applying the drug, I did not feel any pain. After the second application of the medicinal solution, the warts noticeably diminished in size and darkened. Two days later they simply fell away, leaving no traces on the skin.

Price Verrukatsida

The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 170-220 rubles.


The closest analogues of Verrukacid are:

  • "Collomac" is a product containing polydocanol, lactic and salicylic acid.
  • "Ferezol" is a preparation made on the basis of tricresol and phenol.
  • "Isoprinosine" is a drug whose active ingredient is inosine pranobex.
  • "Viferon" is a medicament that acts on the patient's body due to the presence of recombinant human interferon.

Similar preparations have the following preparations:

  • "Nanovag";
  • Wartner;
  • "Stephalin";
  • "Papillack";
  • "Duofilm";
  • "Kriofarma";
  • Solkoderm;
  • Maxiwart;
  • "Vartoks";
  • "Aldara".

Synonyms for the drug

The synonym for the drug Verrukacid is its international non-proprietary name( INN) - phenol.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Verrukacid can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk without a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life and shelf life

Shelf life is five years. Keep it away from children in a darkened place. Optimal storage temperature is from eighteen to twenty degrees. The expired shelf life( information on this is on the package) is the basis for the disposal of the drug.

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