Allokin-Alfa: composition, instructions for use, price, doctor's reviews, analogs, side effects

The drug Allokin-Alpha refers to immunomodulatory and antiviral agents that are active against papillomaviruses, hepatitis C or B, and influenza viruses.

Composition, form of packaging, package

The main active ingredient of the drug is alloferon.

Photo of Allokin-Alpha ampoules

In one package there can be 1 or 3, 5 or 10 ampoules. Also in the package there is a special file for opening ampoules.

The manufacturer

Allokin-Alpha is produced in Russia:

  • State Research Institute of especially pure biopreparations of FMBA FSUE;
  • of the RKNPK of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development;
  • LLC Brand-Farm.

Indications for use

A similar antiviral drug is usually prescribed by specialists with:

  1. Herpetic infection;
  2. Viral hepatitis B or C of a chronic nature and viral origin;
  3. Erosions of the uterine neck;
  4. Human papillomavirus;
  5. Herpetic infection on the genitals;
  6. Labial herpes;
  7. Condylomata, warts or papillomas;
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  9. ARVI or flu;
  10. Mixed infections of urogenital localization;
  11. For prevention of cervical cancer.

Also, the drug is prescribed for severe immunodeficiency, which is often the case with viral infections. To stop the progression of the infectious process, the body needs help in the form of an effective immunomodulator, which is Allokin-alpha.


Means contraindicated:

  • Breastfeeding and pregnant patients;
  • For use in pediatrics;
  • With pronounced pathologies of autoimmune character;
  • In the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to alloferonu and other components of the drug.

Pharmacological action

Allopheiron, which is the main active substance of the drug, activates natural killers and the production of endogenous interferons. In addition, alloferon promotes rapid detection and dissolution of infected cells with cytotoxic lymphocytic structures.

In the treatment of Allokin-alpha, all the immune links, both humoral and cellular, are strengthened. But there is no toxic effect when taking the drug.

The main pharmacological effects of the drug include:

  • Reduction of the duration of exacerbation of the pathological process;
  • Complete disposal of virus-infectious symptoms;
  • Absolute guarantee that there will not be a relapse;
  • Significant reduction in the likelihood of complications.

After receiving the medication, the neuro-impulse transmission is stimulated, and the neuro-cellular excitability is regulated. Also, under the influence of the drug on smooth muscle tissue, the action of serotonin and histamine, oxytocin and acetylcholine is enhanced.

How to use Allokin-Alpha: dosage

In general, the standard course of treatment consists of 3 injections administered every other day, but if the pathology has a complicated shape and a neglected stage, the duration of the course and the number of injections increase.

It is important to use only the products specified in the instructions for diluting the solution.

How to dilute the injection solution?

Powder from a single ampoule is dissolved in isotonic sodium chloride solution( 1 ml).You can not mix several drugs in one syringe. Enter the drug immediately after the preparation, because the solution quickly loses the therapeutic effect.

How to properly prick?

Allokin-Alfat is injected subcutaneously, for which the skin is folded and the needle is injected at about a 45-degree angle. Introduction should be shallow, approximately 2/3 of the length of the needle. The drug should be driven slowly.

The place for injection is determined by the medic. Usually subcutaneous injections are placed in the shoulder, under the scapula, in the thigh or abdomen.

Diagram and dosage of

Dosages and specific regimens are selected by a specialist and depend on the patient's condition and pathology.

  • In pathologies provoked by oncogenic types of papillomavirus, 1 ml of the drug is given every 2 days, the entire course - 6 injections.
  • In viral hepatitis( C, B), 1 injection of 3 p / week is shown. The general course consists of 9 injections.
  • With recurrences of herpes, 1 ml of the drug is administered every 2 days, the course - 3 injections.

Side effects of

In general, the drug Allokin-Alpha is well tolerated by patients, although sometimes it can provoke negative side reactions like:

  • Muscle weakness;
  • Vertigo;
  • Appearance of new foci of herpes, etc.;
  • Headaches;
  • Allergic symptoms.

But the above-described adverse reactions are very rare in practice and are most often caused by a dosing disorder, improper administration, incompatible combination with other drugs, neglect of hygiene.


No reports of overdose have been reported.

Special instructions

When taking the drug, it is recommended to abandon the activity associated with excessive concentration, increased attention or quick reaction, because there is a possibility of dizziness.

If treatment is aimed at eliminating viral hepatitis, then complex therapy should begin no later than the sixth or seventh day after the appearance of pronounced "icteric" symptoms such as chills and fever, a dark shade of urine, yellowing of the skin and clerks, steatorrhea and soreness in the hypochondrium on the right.

In monotherapy, the drug is recommended for use in HPV therapy, triggered by oncogenic types of the virus.

Drug Interaction

Allokin-Alpha is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive therapy.

For example, in the treatment of herpesvirus chronic infection it is often combined with Acyclovir( or its derivatives), because both of these drugs are antiviral, and when combined they complement each other.

In the treatment of hepatitis, Allokin-Alfa is used in combination with basic therapy. Data on interactions with other drugs are not available.

Can I use it often?

The frequency of repetition of courses depends on the specific disease. The decision on the need for a second course of treatment should be made only by the treating specialist.

Reviews of doctors

Elena Makshova, gynecologist:

I take a very positive attitude to the Allokin-Alpha drug. I often assign it to my patients with erosions of CMM, papillomas. The drug does not cause adverse reactions, and the efficacy is high.

Alfia Sagadeeva, dermatovenereologist:

The Allokin-Alpha drug has proved to be a very effective remedy for herpes and HPV.Shortly after the application of such a drug, patients noticeably improve their condition. In the treatment of HPV, the effectiveness of the drug reaches 96%.And if you take it for the prevention of dysplasia or cervical cancer, the effect is justified in 98% of cases. The only negative is the high cost, so not all patients can afford such treatment.


Allokin-Alpha, unfortunately, is not cheap:

  • The package of 3 ampoules will cost approximately 3600-4500 rubles;
  • Allokin-Alpha №6 costs about 7400-8000 rubles.
  • One ampoule of preparation costs approximately 1200 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

Similar drugs have such drugs as Arpeflus and Isoprinosine, Amizon and Groprinosin, Cervarix or Gardasil, Amiksin and Oxolin, Kagocel or Panavir, etc.

Cheap substitutes for

  • Arpeflu ≈ 240-260 rubles;
  • Amizon ≈ 175-380 rubles;
  • Groproneasin ≈ 670-1800 rubles;
  • Amiksin ≈ 533-706 rubles;
  • Kagocel ≈ 209-286 rubles;
  • Oxolinum ≈ 48-312 rubles.

Which is better - Panavir or Allokin-Alpha?

Panavir costs about the same as Allokin-Alpha. Both drugs have a similar immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. It is difficult to say which one is better.

For some patients Panavir is more effective, for others - Allokin-Alpha. It all depends on the specific clinical case, the condition of the patient and the severity of the disease.


Synonymous with Alloferon.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is prescription-dispensed.

Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

Shelf life of the preparation is two years under temperature storage conditions within 2-8 ° C.

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